N-Pulse is one of Graal's older playerworlds, originally founded by Geovanie. Since that time it has endured various makeovers and spinoffs (including Geovanie's 'Tierdal').
Currently, it is under the combined leadership of Twineinz and Andy.
N-Pulse is currently working on converting to become a GS2-enabled server. Although the classic server style will remain, things will change in the future.
Currently, N-Pulse is mostly an events playerworld with a few interesting jobs. Almost anyone can get into the gameplay easily and enjoy the large number of events available.
N-Pulse has one of the better designed and organized Events Systems where events are constantly being held within a reasonable waiting time. Players can earn coins by winning events, send coins to anyone, trade coins for gralats, or spend on toys found in the shops.
The N-Pulse website with some information about the server: N-Pulse