
From Graal Bible
This article describes one of Graal's many playerworlds. If you have some information about this world's quests, staff, events or content, feel free to contribute to it by clicking the Edit link on the left side. Try to keep your edits as fair and unbiased as possible, though - the GraalBible is primarily for information, not for argument.

Zone is a futuristic battle server. It is currently a Graal Gold Server.


Zone was previously managed by Angel and Dell. In December 2004 it became a Gold server.


Currently, there are 5 different maps on Zone. Each with their unique style of battle.

Spar Arena

This is a newer map that was added to replace Alpha. The Spar Arena is composed of two sparring areas and a practice area. The sparring areas are set up so you and another player can enter and spar with each other. The practice area is an area where you and others can go in and battle the practice bot.

Wild Cross

Login server zone.png

A deathmatch map - the last survivor wins. There is a time limit, the game ends drawn when the time runs out and there is still more than one player alive.

Members of the Events Team can change the rules, like specifying which weapons are allowed. On this map most events for event items are held.

Zone Wars

Inspired by the release of Star Wars, the Zone Wars map was added to Zone. The Dark Side and Light Side battle it out, trying to bring each others HQ hp down to 0. The Darkside use large mechs which can trample their foes and are able to shoot a wide spread lazer. Yet these mechs can be disabled using the tazer. Another main weapon for the Darkside is the Beam attack, where the players can sacrifice a small amount of hp to make a large straight electrical field to damage players or disable speeders. The Darkside also possess a weapon called the Darkpulsar, which shoots quick straight shots of dark energy. The Lightside use speeders which are like the bikes you encounter on Iricia, yet they are able to rise upwards and shoot accurate direct lazers at their foes. These can also be disabled using the tazer or the Darkside's beam. The Lightside also can use plasmasabres which can deflect shots from the other teams attacks and hurt foes in close combat fighting.


A classic king-of-the-hill map, up to 4 teams can take part in the battle for the center of the map. If one team has more players standing in the middle than the currently leading team, then it will take over the map. The first team that is protecting the hill for four minutes wins the round. The losing teams will get some time bonus in the next round, for balancing team strength. The Events Team can restrict the teams to special guild names, so that it is possible for guilds to compete against each other.


Conquer all bases - take over the five bases and your team will win. The main base (Base1) is located at the northen region of the map, it is the base people mainly seek for domination as team members of whoever own the base are able to teleport there using their HQ. This is the most famous map since it allows quite long and challenging battles.

External Links

Zone Guide - Written by Garel

Weapon Guide - Slightly out of date, will be updated soon.

Tileset Guide - Used to make levels.

Zone KnowledgeBase - FAQs, How-To, Troubleshooting

Event Rules - Rules that must be obeyed during special events. Written by Huwajux.