
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 02:58, 27 January 2006 by Rick (talk | contribs)
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    GuiShowImgCtrl (GuiControl):
      alpha - float
      ani - string
      ani - string
      attachoffset - string
      attachtoowner - boolean
      blue - float
      code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text'
      dimension - integer
      dir - integer
      dir - integer
      emitter - object (read only)
      eulerrotation - string
      font - string
      green - float
      image - string
      imageindex - integer (read only)
      layer - integer
      layer - integer
      mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract)
      offsetx - integer
      offsety - integer
      playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing etc.
      polygon - object
      red - float
      rotation - float
      shape - string
      stretchx - float
      stretchy - float
      style - string
      text - string
      x - float
      y - float
      zoom - float