
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 02:45, 27 January 2006 by Rick (talk | contribs)
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Inherits from TGraalVar

  GuiControl (TGraalVar):
    active - boolean
    awake - boolean (read only)
    canmove - boolean
    canresize - boolean
    editing - boolean
    extent - string
    height - integer
    hint - string
    horizsizing - string
    layer - integer (read only)
    minextent - string
    minsize - string - the same like "minExtent"
    parent - object (read only)
    position - string
    profile - object
    resizeheight - boolean
    resizewidth - boolean
    scrolllinex - integer
    scrollliney - integer
    showhint - boolean
    useownprofile - boolean
    vertsizing - string
    visible - boolean
    width - integer
    x - integer
    y - integer
    getparent() - returns object
    globaltolocalcoord(str) - returns string - converts global screen coordinates to a position relative to the controls origin (0,0), can be used to know where exactly the user has clicked inside a control
    isfirstresponder() - returns boolean
    localtoglobalcoord(str) - returns string - converts a position relative to the controls origin (0,0) to global screen coordinates, can be used to know where on the screen a control is displayed in case it is a child of another control (e.g. GuiWindowCtrl or GuiScrollCtrl)
    resize(int, int, int, int)
    showtop() - calls show(), tabfirst() and bringtofront()
    tabfirst() - returns object