
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 10:19, 5 June 2013 by Julien (talk | contribs)

GScript3 is the latest version of the Graal's scripting language.
It introduces new syntax and semantic elements, and enable new features in Web browsers.

Language Elements


addition (+) operator


numeric_expression1 + numeric_expression2

Adds together numeric_expression1 and numeric_expression2.
Both expressions must be numeric (int or number types).

To concatenate strings, the append (@) operator must be used instead.


echo(1 + 2); // 3
echo(1.5 + 2.25); // 3.75

addition assignment (+=) operator


numeric_expression1 += numeric_expression2

Puts the result of numeric_expression1 + numeric_expression2 into numeric_expression1.
Both expressions must be numeric (int or number types).

This is a direct equivalent of the following expression:

numeric_expression1 = numeric_expression1 + numeric_expression2

To concatenate strings, the append assignment (@=) operator must be used instead.


var result : int = 10;
result += 20;
echo(result); // 30

append (@) operator


string_expression1 @ string_expression2

Concats together string_expression1 and string_expression2.
Both expressions must be string (string type).

To add numbers, the addition (+) operator must be used instead.


echo("hello " @ "world"); // "hello world"

as operator


expression as target_type

Converts the source type of expression to target_type.
The target type must be an object type, not a basic type like int, number, string.
Each type must either extend of be equal to the other type.


class Animal {};
class Cat extends Animal {};
class Dog extends Animal {};
var cat : Cat = new Cat();
var dog : Dog = new Dog();
var cat_as_animal : Animal =  cat as Animal; // OK as the Cat type extends the Animal type.
var cat_as_cat : Cat = cat_as_animal as Cat; // OK as the Cat type extends the Animal type.
var cat_as_dog : Dog = cat as Dog; // KO as the Cat type does not extend the Dog type.