Server options

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 19:23, 21 December 2004 by (talk)


The server options are a collection of key=value configuration options that allow you to customize the non-scriptable behaviour of an individual Playerworld.

When you omit an option, its value will not be changed if the option has been used before. Therefore, it is more secure to change only the value and not whole option, should you need to change something.

Lines beginning with # are not parsed, and can be used for comments.

Here are the known configuration options.

- Start location

startlevel=level name startx=number starty=number

This sets the originating location for all players which do not have location statistics of their own saved on the server.

- Unstick me location

unstickmelevel=level name unstickmex=number unstickmey=number

These define the position that a player is warped to after using the `unstick me' command.

- Protected Weapons

protectedweapons=list of comma seperated weapon names

Weapons that cannot be deleted by the player. This differs from weapons prefixed with * by that these weapons cannot be deleted with the Del key, but still can be deleted on the clientside using the destroy command. `Protected' weapons can (unless *ified) be deleted with Del, but the server will not remove them from the player's weapon list and thus the serverside will remain and the player obtains them again on the next connect.

- Jail Levels

jaillevels=level names comma separated

Non-staff players in these levels will not be able to leave them. A serverside setlevel2 or warping with RC is neccessary. Also, they can send PMs only to RC clients and not regular clients.

- Explosion Restriction


Disables the result of putexplosion, and `explosive' weapons.

- Statistic Restriction

setbodyallowed=true/false setheadallowed=true/false setbomyallowed=true/false setswordallowed=true/false setshieldallowed=true/false

Whether the chat commands to change the player's appearance are enabled. Defaults to true.

- Gralat Loss Options

mindeathgralats=number maxdeathgralats=number

Defines the amount of gralats that the player drops on death.

- Staff Gralat Restriction


Whether normal RCs can change the gralat count of a player.

- Local 'Staff Guilds'

staffguilds=comma seperated list of guild names

Matches to these guild names appear in the `Staff' section of the playerlist (Graal 2.xx client only)

- `Bush' Items


Selects whether bushes contain items. May not work on a GMAP.

- `Baddy' Items


Selects whether baddies drop items once killed.

- `Healing' Swords


Selects whether is possible to have a negative sword power and thus add hearts to those hit with it.

- Non-script timeouts

respawntime=number horselifetime=number baddyrespawntime=number

Timeout in seconds for respawn times.

- Server Scripting Flags


Selects whether scripts can add new server flags or only modify existing ones.

- Server Maps

bigmap=maptext,mapimage,defaultx,defaulty minimap=maptext,mapimage,defaultx,defaulty

Default serverwide maps. Syntax resembles setmap and setminimap Gscript commands.

- Warping (All Players)


Whether all players can use the warpto command.

- Warping (Low Admins)


Selects whether global admin level 1 allows staff to warp.

- Player filtering/Ghost Mode

ghostmodeenabled=true/false ghostmodefornotstaff=true/false

Selects whether all players appear as ghost, or only non-staff players, or nobody.

- Playerlist Icons

playerlisticons=comma seperated list of statusses

Possible status list, players can select one of them in the playerlist. There must be a downloadable file plisticonNAME.png available in a folder specified as `file' in folder configuration.

- Profile Variables

profilevars=comma seperated list of profile variables

Selects what is to be displayed in a player's profile. The default variables are: playerkills, playerdeaths, playerfullhearts, playerrating, playerap, playerrupees, playerswordpower, canspin. Your own string variables can be added in the format `name=stringname'. If name is not specified, stringname is used.

- Starting AP


How much AP players start with.

- Trial Account Limits


Selects whether to disable adding of bombs, arrows, and explosions for trial accounts.

- AP System Activation


Whether the AP system is enabled. If yes, there are some restrictions for players with low AP regarding hearts.

- Global Guilds Activation


Allows or disallows guilds from the global database. This is normally enabled.

- AP Timeouts

aptime0=number aptime1=number aptime2=number aptime3=number aptime4=number

Time (in seconds) it takes to recharge one point of AP when the AP is currently below 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 respectively. The defaults are 30, 90, 300, 600 and 1200.

- Heart/Sword Limits

heartlimit=number swordlimit=number

The maximum amount of fullhearts and swordpower that is allowed.

- 'putnpc' Scripting Command


Whether the putnpc command is enabled. (Mostly deprecated)

- Translation


Selects whether the translation system is enabled. If yes, signs and text in scripts in #U(text goes here) form will be saved in a text file where they can be translated into different languages. The files are to be found in the translations/ folder on RC.

- Language Selection

translatedlanguages=comma seperated list of languages, like Deutsch,...

The languages of which a translation file shall be loaded by the server. If a file exists, signs and #U() text will be replaced with values from this file.

- Server Language

serverlanguage=language name

The default language of the server. Defaults to English.

- NPC-Server 'Sleep'


Whether the NPC server must execute scripts even when no player is around.


Whether all levels will use the new tileset layout.

newtilesetlevels=comma seperated list of level names

All levels of which the name starts with one of those strings will use the new tileset layout.

staff=comma seperated list of account names

The accounts in this list will count as staff as if their admin level was > 0. Their mass messages override the option to ignore mass messages, their admin rights will be applied, and if the IP address range matches their actual IP, they may log in to RC. Although it is common practice, it is not suggested to put `comments', such as staff positions in this line. Use seperate lines for that.

gmaps=comma seperated list of gmap files, without .gmap extension

The server will consider and load these as gmaps. This is neccessary for any gmap to work, obviously. As this line might get rather crowded, it is possible to have multiple gmaps= lines, which do not overwrite each other but accumulate names.

weaponorder=comma seperated list of weapon names

Specifies the order in which the weapon scripts will be sent to the client upon connection. This can be used to assure that the inventory script that disables the Q menu will be sent first for example. First, all weapons in this list will be sent in order, then all unlisted weapons.


If set to false, anybody with NC may edit any NPC. If set to true, one needs folder rights to a level to retrieve the local NPC attributes, and folder rights to CLASSES/classname, WEAPONS/weaponname, NPCS/npcname to access each type of script respectively. Wildcards may be used. Note that if you use a slash in a weapon name to make it appear inside the bag when used with the default Q menu, you will need seperate rights for it: rw WEAPONS/* will not let you edit a weapon called Minigames/Ballbounce for example.


I dunno. Probably wether PKing people will affect the playerkills variable, but perhaps also whether serverside scripts can do playerkills = 42;.

nickname=freeform string

The NPC Server will use this as its nick name, with (Server) appended.


This gives the percentage of data packages that clients may send above the expected over without being logged as trainer users. On Kingdoms, the rather conservative setting of 90 is used. If you set this too low, your server will die.


I have no idea what this is, really.


Setting this to true allows changes to the tiles of levels to be saved to the actual level files, so it is possible to persistently affect the world with scripts. Currently, it does not work with gmaps.

If you find any information that is outdated, inaccurate, or just plain wrong, or know of things I have not mentioned, please let me know. Also, if someone would bother to type up information on how to use the server option for /style customisation, I would appreciate. Although no one really uses /style.