
From Graal Bible
This article describes one of Graal's many playerworlds. If you have some information about this world's quests, staff, events or content, feel free to contribute to it by clicking the Edit link on the left side. Try to keep your edits as fair and unbiased as possible, though - the GraalBible is primarily for information, not for argument.

Niromia is a new PlayerWorld. We have many good thoughts and idea's just need you too help us create them. More to come.

Lost in a Unknown World

Niromia Is a Quick developing playerworld with much player envolement. Come and see ;o.

Our Event House

The Game Style: Like the Original NES Zelda

The Idea: You start on a simple island in the middle of Niromia. You decide what nation you want to become. A peacful, relaxing nation or strong, hard-working nation. You can then become a part of 2 to 4 people and quest around the HUGE world of Nirmoia. Niromia will have 4 gmaps. Sky domain, Niromia, Underground, and Underworld. You can also decide to become a Angel or a Devil. Depending which you become, you can learn different spells. We hope you will come and play when we get all the systems are up and running good. Just for you to come and play..We need you to kno we hare hiring very good staff members to get us up in the air like every other server..We are good server and we hire anybody who know how to stay on task and do their job..Thank You

Evolution and Talon Piggly_Wiggly_Folk and TalonShriner