(8 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown) |
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| <pre>
| | #REDIRECT [[Creation/Dev/Script/Client]] |
| Global:
| |
| $pref::graal::automapping - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::choosenvoicecodec - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::defaultfontsize - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::dontconnectlevels - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::dontloadlistheads - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::dontsavepasswords - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::fixedport - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::fixedudpport - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::language - string
| |
| $pref::graal::limitnicknames - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::microactivatebyvolume - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::microactivationlevel - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::microinputdevice - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::microon - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::midivolume - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::mp3volume - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::nicknamelimit - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::nomassmessages - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::notoalls - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::noudp - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::radiovolume - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::reversestereo - boolean
| |
| $pref::graal::sfxvolume - integer
| |
| $pref::graal::voicevolume - integer
| |
| allfeatures - integer (read only)
| |
| allplayerscount - integer (read only)
| |
| allstats - integer (read only)
| |
| canspin - boolean (read only)
| |
| carriesblackstone - boolean (read only)
| |
| carriesbush - boolean (read only)
| |
| carriesnpc - boolean (read only)
| |
| carriessign - boolean (read only)
| |
| carriesstone - boolean (read only)
| |
| carriesvase - boolean (read only)
| |
| downloadfile - string (read only)
| |
| downloadpos - integer (read only)
| |
| downloadsize - integer (read only)
| |
| emoticonchar - string (read only)
| |
| focusx - float (read only)
| |
| focusy - float (read only)
| |
| graalversion - float (read only)
| |
| gravity - float
| |
| iscarrying - boolean (read only)
| |
| isfocused - boolean (read only)
| |
| isgraal3d - boolean (read only)
| |
| isleader - boolean (read only)
| |
| isonmap - boolean (read only)
| |
| lastdownloadfile - string (read only)
| |
| leftmousebutton - boolean (read only)
| |
| levelorgx - float (read only)
| |
| levelorgy - float (read only)
| |
| lighteffectsenabled - boolean (read only)
| |
| middlemousebutton - boolean (read only)
| |
| mousebuttons - integer (read only)
| |
| mousescreenx - integer
| |
| mousescreeny - integer
| |
| mousewheeldelta - integer (read only)
| |
| mousex - float
| |
| mousey - float
| |
| musiclen - integer (read only)
| |
| musicpos - integer (read only)
| |
| rightmousebutton - boolean (read only)
| |
| screenheight - integer (read only)
| |
| screenwidth - integer (read only)
| |
| scriptedcontrols - boolean (read only)
| |
| scriptedplayerlist - boolean (read only)
| |
| selectedsword - integer
| |
| selectedweapon - integer
| |
| servername - string (read only)
| |
| serverstartconnect - string
| |
| serverstartparams - string
| |
| shotbybaddy - boolean (read only)
| |
| shotbyplayer - boolean (read only)
| |
| timevar - integer (read only)
| |
| timevar2 - float (read only)
| |
| wasshooted - boolean (read only)
| |
| waterheight - float
| |
| weapons - object (read only)
| |
| weaponsenabled - boolean
| |
| addcontrol(obj)
| |
| addtiledef(str, str, int)
| |
| addtiledef2(str, str, int, int)
| |
| adventure_openexternaloptions() - returns boolean
| |
| adventure_openexternalpm(obj) - returns boolean
| |
| adventure_openserverlist()
| |
| adventure_savegraaloptions()
| |
| adventure_setaccountname(str)
| |
| adventure_setchat(str)
| |
| adventure_setnickname(str)
| |
| adventure_setpassword(str)
| |
| adventure_startofflinemode()
| |
| adventure_updateaccountfield()
| |
| adventure_updatemicroactivationlevel()
| |
| adventure_updatemidivolume()
| |
| adventure_updatemp3volume()
| |
| adventure_updateplayermuted()
| |
| adventure_updateplayerprofile(bool, str, str, int, str, str, str, str, str, str)
| |
| adventure_updateradiovolume()
| |
| aindexof(float, obj) - returns integer
| |
| attachplayertoobj(int, int)
| |
| callnpc(int, params...)
| |
| callweapon(int, params...)
| |
| contains(str, str) - returns boolean
| |
| cursoroff()
| |
| cursoron()
| |
| degtorad(float) - returns float
| |
| detachplayer()
| |
| disabledefmovement()
| |
| disablemap()
| |
| disablepause()
| |
| disableselectweapons()
| |
| disableweapons()
| |
| echo(str)
| |
| enabledefmovement()
| |
| enablefeatures(int)
| |
| enablemap()
| |
| enablepause()
| |
| enableselectweapons()
| |
| enableweapons()
| |
| explodebomb(int)
| |
| extractfilebase(str) - returns string
| |
| extractfileext(str) - returns string
| |
| extractfilename(str) - returns string
| |
| extractfilepath(str) - returns string
| |
| fileexists(str) - returns boolean
| |
| filesize(str) - returns integer
| |
| fileupdate(str) - returns boolean
| |
| findani(str) - returns object
| |
| findfiles(str, int) - returns object
| |
| findlevel(str) - returns object
| |
| findplayer(str) - returns object
| |
| findplayerbyid(int) - returns object
| |
| findweapon(str) - returns object
| |
| freezeplayer(float)
| |
| getascii(str) - returns integer
| |
| getbasepackage() - returns object
| |
| getboxcenter(str) - returns string
| |
| getdownloadedupdatepackagesize() - returns integer
| |
| getdownloadingpackage() - returns object
| |
| getdownloadingpackagescount() - returns integer
| |
| getextension(str) - returns string
| |
| getimgheight(str) - returns integer
| |
| getimgwidth(str) - returns integer
| |
| getkeycode(str) - returns integer
| |
| getmapx(str) - returns integer
| |
| getmapy(str) - returns integer
| |
| getobjectat(float, float) - returns object
| |
| getobjectatmouse() - returns object
| |
| getobjectbyray(str, str) - returns object
| |
| getpackagesdownloadcomplete() - returns boolean
| |
| getpackagesdownloaded() - returns boolean
| |
| getplatform() - returns string
| |
| getservername() - returns string
| |
| getstringkeys(str) - returns object
| |
| gettextheight(float, str, str) - returns integer
| |
| gettextwidth(float, str, str, str) - returns integer
| |
| gettotalupdatepackagesize() - returns integer
| |
| getupdatepackage(str) - returns object
| |
| getz(float, float) - returns float
| |
| hideplayer(float)
| |
| hidesword(float)
| |
| hitnpc(int, float, float, float)
| |
| hitobjects(float, float, float)
| |
| hitplayer(int, float, float, float)
| |
| isadminguild(str) - returns boolean
| |
| iscursoron() - returns boolean
| |
| isobject(str) - returns boolean
| |
| keydown(int) - returns boolean
| |
| keydown2(int, bool) - returns boolean
| |
| keyname(int) - returns string
| |
| lay2(str, float, float)
| |
| loadmap(str)
| |
| lowercase(str) - returns string
| |
| matrixcreate(str, str) - returns string
| |
| matrixcreatefromeuler(str) - returns string
| |
| matrixmulpoint(str, str) - returns string
| |
| matrixmultiply(str, str) - returns string
| |
| matrixmulvector(str, str) - returns string
| |
| noplayerkilling()
| |
| onwall(float, float) - returns boolean
| |
| onwall2(float, float, float, float) - returns boolean
| |
| onwater(float, float) - returns boolean
| |
| onwater2(float, float, float, float) - returns boolean
| |
| openurl(str)
| |
| openurl2(str, int, int)
| |
| play(str)
| |
| play2(str, float, float, float)
| |
| playlooped(str)
| |
| popdialog()
| |
| pushdialog(obj)
| |
| putleaps(int, float, float)
| |
| radtodeg(float) - returns float
| |
| randomstring(str) - returns string
| |
| reloadfile(str)
| |
| removetiledefs(str)
| |
| replaceani(str, str)
| |
| requestfiledeletion(str)
| |
| requestfilerename(str, str)
| |
| requestfilesmove(str, str)
| |
| requesttext(str, str)
| |
| resetfocus()
| |
| savelog(str)
| |
| say(int)
| |
| say2(str)
| |
| screenx(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| screeny(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| selectfilefordownload(str)
| |
| selectfileforupload()
| |
| sendrpgmessage(str)
| |
| sendtext(str, str, params...)
| |
| sendtorc(str)
| |
| serverwarp(str)
| |
| setani(str, str)
| |
| setbeltcolor(str)
| |
| setcoatcolor(str)
| |
| setcontentcontrol(obj)
| |
| setcursor2(str)
| |
| seteffect(float, float, float, float)
| |
| setfocus(float, float)
| |
| setgender(str)
| |
| sethead(str)
| |
| setletters(str)
| |
| setmap(str, str, float, float)
| |
| setminimap(str, str, float, float)
| |
| setmusicvolume(float, float)
| |
| setplayerdir(str)
| |
| setshield(str, int)
| |
| setshoecolor(str)
| |
| setshootparams(str)
| |
| setskincolor(str)
| |
| setsleevecolor(str)
| |
| setsword(str, int)
| |
| showstats(int)
| |
| spyfire(int, int)
| |
| stopmidi()
| |
| stopsound(str)
| |
| strcmp(str, str) - returns integer
| |
| strequals(str, str) - returns boolean
| |
| takeplayercarry()
| |
| takeplayerhorse()
| |
| testplayer(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| triggeraction(float, float, str, params...)
| |
| triggerserver(str, str)
| |
| updateboard(int, int, int, int)
| |
| updateterrain()
| |
| uppercase(str) - returns string
| |
| vectoradd(str, str) - returns string
| |
| vectorcross(str, str) - returns string
| |
| vectordist(str, str) - returns float
| |
| vectordot(str, str) - returns float
| |
| vectorlen(str) - returns float
| |
| vectornormalize(str) - returns string
| |
| vectororthobasis(str) - returns string
| |
| vectorscale(str, float) - returns string
| |
| vectorsub(str, str) - returns string
| |
| worldx(float, float) - returns float
| |
| worldy(float, float) - returns float
| |
| wraptext(int, str, str) - returns object
| |
| wraptext2(int, float, str, str) - returns object
| |
| | |
| TGraalVar:
| |
| initialized - boolean (read only)
| |
| joinedclasses - object (read only)
| |
| name - string (read only)
| |
| scriptlogmissingfunctions - boolean
| |
| timeout - float
| |
| addarray(obj)
| |
| cancelevents(str)
| |
| catchevent(str, str, str)
| |
| copyfrom(obj)
| |
| getdatablockvars() - returns object
| |
| getdynamicvarnames() - returns object
| |
| geteditvarnames() - returns object
| |
| getfunctions() - returns object
| |
| getstaticvarnames() - returns object
| |
| getvarnames() - returns object
| |
| ignoreevent(str, str)
| |
| ignoreevents(str)
| |
| insertarray(int, obj)
| |
| isinclass(str) - returns float
| |
| loadfolder(str, int)
| |
| loadlines(str)
| |
| loadstring(str)
| |
| loadvars(str)
| |
| objecttype() - returns string
| |
| savelines(str, int)
| |
| savestring(str, int)
| |
| savevars(str, int)
| |
| scheduleevent(float, str, params...) - returns object
| |
| settimer(float)
| |
| sortascending()
| |
| sortdescending()
| |
| timershow()
| |
| trigger(str, params...)
| |
| | |
| GuiControl (TGraalVar):
| |
| active - boolean
| |
| awake - boolean (read only)
| |
| canmove - boolean
| |
| canresize - boolean
| |
| editing - boolean
| |
| extent - string
| |
| height - integer
| |
| hint - string
| |
| horizsizing - string
| |
| layer - integer (read only)
| |
| minextent - string
| |
| minsize - string - the same like "minExtent"
| |
| parent - object (read only)
| |
| position - string
| |
| profile - object
| |
| resizeheight - boolean
| |
| resizewidth - boolean
| |
| scrolllinex - integer
| |
| scrollliney - integer
| |
| showhint - boolean
| |
| useownprofile - boolean
| |
| vertsizing - string
| |
| visible - boolean
| |
| width - integer
| |
| x - integer
| |
| y - integer
| |
| addcontrol(obj)
| |
| bringtofront()
| |
| destroy()
| |
| getparent() - returns object
| |
| globaltolocalcoord(str) - returns string - converts global screen coordinates to a position relative to the controls origin (0,0), can be used to know where exactly the user has clicked inside a control
| |
| hide()
| |
| isfirstresponder() - returns boolean
| |
| localtoglobalcoord(str) - returns string - converts a position relative to the controls origin (0,0) to global screen coordinates, can be used to know where on the screen a control is displayed in case it is a child of another control (e.g. GuiWindowCtrl or GuiScrollCtrl)
| |
| makefirstresponder(bool)
| |
| pushtoback()
| |
| resize(int, int, int, int)
| |
| show()
| |
| showtop() - calls show(), tabfirst() and bringtofront()
| |
| tabfirst() - returns object
| |
| | |
| GuiArrayCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| allowmultipleselections - boolean
| |
| | |
| GuiTextListCtrl (GuiArrayCtrl):
| |
| clipcolumntext - boolean
| |
| columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
| |
| enumerate - boolean
| |
| fitparentwidth - boolean
| |
| groupsortorder - string
| |
| iconheight - integer (read only)
| |
| iconwidth - integer (read only)
| |
| resizecell - boolean
| |
| selected - object (read only)
| |
| sortcolumn - integer
| |
| sortmode - string
| |
| sortorder - string
| |
| addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
| |
| clearrows()
| |
| clearselection()
| |
| findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
| |
| findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
| |
| getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
| |
| getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
| |
| getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
| |
| getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
| |
| getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
| |
| getselectedtext() - returns string
| |
| insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
| |
| isidselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| makevisible(int)
| |
| makevisiblebyid(int)
| |
| removerow(int)
| |
| removerowbyid(int)
| |
| rowcount() - returns integer
| |
| seticonsize(int, int)
| |
| setselectedbyid(int)
| |
| setselectedrow(int)
| |
| sort()
| |
| | |
| GuiTreeViewCtrl (GuiArrayCtrl):
| |
| clipcolumntext - boolean
| |
| columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
| |
| expanded - boolean
| |
| expandedimage - integer
| |
| expandedselectedimage - integer
| |
| expandondoubleclick - boolean
| |
| fitparentwidth - boolean
| |
| groupsortorder - string
| |
| image - integer
| |
| level - integer (read only)
| |
| name - string
| |
| nodes - object (read only)
| |
| parent - object (read only)
| |
| selectedimage - integer
| |
| sortgroup - integer
| |
| sortmode - string
| |
| sortorder - string
| |
| sortvalue - integer
| |
| visible - boolean
| |
| x - integer (read only)
| |
| y - integer (read only)
| |
| addlines(obj, bool)
| |
| addnode(str) - returns object
| |
| addnodebypath(str, str) - returns object
| |
| addvars(obj, bool)
| |
| clearnodes()
| |
| destroy()
| |
| getfullname(str) - returns string
| |
| getnode(str) - returns object
| |
| getnodeat(int, int) - returns object
| |
| getnodebypath(str, str) - returns object
| |
| getselectednode() - returns object
| |
| select()
| |
| seticonsize(int, int)
| |
| sort()
| |
| | |
| GuiBackgroundCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| | |
| GuiBitmapBorderCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| tile - boolean
| |
| | |
| GuiBitmapButtonCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| mouseoverbitmap - string
| |
| normalbitmap - string
| |
| pressedbitmap - string
| |
| text - string
| |
| setbitmap(str, int)
| |
| | |
| GuiBitmapCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| bitmap - string
| |
| wrap - boolean
| |
| setbitmap(str)
| |
| setvalue(int, int)
| |
| | |
| GuiButtonBaseCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| buttontype - string
| |
| checked - boolean
| |
| groupnum - integer
| |
| text - string
| |
| gettext() - returns string
| |
| performclick()
| |
| settext(str)
| |
| | |
| GuiBorderButtonCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl):
| |
| | |
| GuiButtonCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl):
| |
| | |
| GuiCheckBoxCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl):
| |
| | |
| GuiRadioCtrl (GuiCheckBoxCtrl):
| |
| | |
| GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| bitmap - string
| |
| tile - boolean
| |
| | |
| GuiContextMenuCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| clipcolumntext - boolean
| |
| columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
| |
| enumerate - boolean
| |
| fitparentwidth - boolean
| |
| groupsortorder - string
| |
| iconheight - integer (read only)
| |
| iconwidth - integer (read only)
| |
| profile - object
| |
| resizecell - boolean
| |
| rows - object (read only)
| |
| scrollprofile - object
| |
| selected - object (read only)
| |
| sortcolumn - integer
| |
| sortmode - string
| |
| sortorder - string
| |
| textprofile - object
| |
| width - integer
| |
| addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
| |
| clearrows()
| |
| clearselection()
| |
| close()
| |
| findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
| |
| findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
| |
| getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
| |
| getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
| |
| getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
| |
| getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
| |
| getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
| |
| getselectedtext() - returns string
| |
| insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
| |
| isidselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| makevisible(int)
| |
| makevisiblebyid(int)
| |
| open(int, int)
| |
| removerow(int)
| |
| removerowbyid(int)
| |
| rowcount() - returns integer
| |
| seticonsize(int, int)
| |
| setselectedbyid(int)
| |
| setselectedrow(int)
| |
| sort()
| |
| | |
| GuiDrawingPanel (GuiControl):
| |
| parth - integer (read only)
| |
| partw - integer (read only)
| |
| partx - integer (read only)
| |
| party - integer (read only)
| |
| clearall()
| |
| clearrectangle(int, int, int, int)
| |
| drawimage(int, int, str)
| |
| drawimagerectangle(int, int, str, int, int, int, int)
| |
| drawimagestretched(int, int, int, int, str, int, int, int, int)
| |
| | |
| GuiFlash (GuiControl):
| |
| backgroundalpha - float
| |
| loopmovie - boolean
| |
| moviename - string
| |
| getflashvariable(str) - returns string
| |
| loadmovie(str, bool, float)
| |
| playmovie()
| |
| restartmovie()
| |
| setbackgroundalpha(float)
| |
| setflashvariable(str, str)
| |
| setlooping(bool)
| |
| stopmovie()
| |
| | |
| GuiFrameSetCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| | |
| GuiGraalCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| | |
| GuiGraal3DCtrl (GuiGraalCtrl):
| |
| | |
| GuiInputCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| | |
| GuiMenuBar (GuiControl):
| |
| addmenu(str, int)
| |
| addmenuitem(str, str, int, str, int)
| |
| clearmenuitems(str)
| |
| clearmenus()
| |
| removemenu(str)
| |
| removemenuitem(str, str)
| |
| setmenuitembitmap(str, str, int)
| |
| setmenuitemchecked(str, str, bool)
| |
| setmenuitemenable(str, str, bool)
| |
| setmenuitemtext(str, str, str)
| |
| setmenuitemvisible(str, str, bool)
| |
| setmenutext(str, str)
| |
| setmenuvisible(str, bool)
| |
| | |
| GuiMLTextCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| allowcolorchars - boolean
| |
| allowedtags - string
| |
| alpha - float
| |
| deniedsound - string
| |
| disallowedtags - string
| |
| maxchars - integer
| |
| parsetags - boolean
| |
| syntaxhighlighting - boolean
| |
| text - string
| |
| wordwrap - boolean
| |
| addtext(str, bool)
| |
| getcursorline() - returns integer
| |
| getline(int) - returns string
| |
| getlinecount() - returns integer
| |
| getlines() - returns object - array of lines
| |
| gettext() - returns string
| |
| reflow()
| |
| scrolltobottom()
| |
| scrolltotag(int)
| |
| scrolltotop()
| |
| setlines(obj)
| |
| settext(str)
| |
| | |
| GuiMLTextEditCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl):
| |
| | |
| GuiPMEditCtrl (GuiMLTextEditCtrl):
| |
| sendmasspm(obj)
| |
| sendpm(obj)
| |
| | |
| GuiPMCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl):
| |
| showpm(obj)
| |
| | |
| GuiPMHistoryCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl):
| |
| showhistory(obj)
| |
| | |
| GuiMouseEventCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| lockmouse - boolean
| |
| | |
| GuiProgressCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| progress - float
| |
| | |
| GuiScrollCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| childmargin - string
| |
| constantthumbheight - boolean
| |
| hscrollbar - string
| |
| scrollpos - string
| |
| tile - boolean
| |
| vscrollbar - string
| |
| wheelscrolllines - integer
| |
| willfirstrespond - boolean
| |
| scrolldelta(int, int)
| |
| scrollto(int, int)
| |
| | |
| GuiShowImgCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| alpha - float
| |
| ani - string
| |
| ani - string
| |
| blue - float
| |
| code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text'
| |
| dimension - integer
| |
| dir - integer
| |
| dir - integer
| |
| emitter - object (read only)
| |
| eulerrotation - string
| |
| font - string
| |
| green - float
| |
| image - string
| |
| imageindex - integer (read only)
| |
| layer - integer
| |
| layer - integer
| |
| mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract)
| |
| offsetx - integer
| |
| offsety - integer
| |
| playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing showimg.actor.head etc.
| |
| polygon - object
| |
| red - float
| |
| rotation - float
| |
| shape - string
| |
| stretchx - float
| |
| stretchy - float
| |
| style - string
| |
| text - string
| |
| x - float
| |
| y - float
| |
| zoom - float
| |
| | |
| GuiSliderCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| range - string
| |
| ticks - integer
| |
| value - float
| |
| | |
| GuiTabCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| iconheight - integer (read only)
| |
| iconwidth - integer (read only)
| |
| leveling - integer
| |
| maxvisibletabs - integer (read only)
| |
| selected - object (read only)
| |
| tabwidth - integer
| |
| addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
| |
| clearrows()
| |
| clearselection()
| |
| findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
| |
| findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
| |
| getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
| |
| getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
| |
| getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
| |
| getselectedtext() - returns string
| |
| insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
| |
| isidselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| makevisible(int)
| |
| makevisiblebyid(int)
| |
| removerow(int)
| |
| removerowbyid(int)
| |
| rowcount() - returns integer
| |
| seticonsize(int, int)
| |
| setselectedbyid(int)
| |
| setselectedrow(int)
| |
| | |
| GuiTextCtrl (GuiControl):
| |
| text - string
| |
| gettext() - returns string
| |
| settext(str)
| |
| | |
| GuiBubbleTextCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
| |
| | |
| GuiPopUpEditCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
| |
| clipcolumntext - boolean
| |
| columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
| |
| enumerate - boolean
| |
| fitparentwidth - boolean
| |
| groupsortorder - string
| |
| iconheight - integer (read only)
| |
| iconwidth - integer (read only)
| |
| maxpopupheight - integer
| |
| profile - object
| |
| resizecell - boolean
| |
| rows - object (read only)
| |
| scrollprofile - object
| |
| selected - object (read only)
| |
| sortcolumn - integer
| |
| sortmode - string
| |
| sortorder - string
| |
| textprofile - object
| |
| width - integer
| |
| addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
| |
| addtext(str, int) - deprecated, use addRow() instead
| |
| clearrows()
| |
| clearselection()
| |
| close()
| |
| findtext(str) - returns integer
| |
| findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
| |
| findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
| |
| forceclose()
| |
| forceonaction()
| |
| getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
| |
| getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
| |
| getselected() - returns integer
| |
| getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
| |
| getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
| |
| getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
| |
| getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
| |
| getselectedtext() - returns string
| |
| insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
| |
| isidselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| makevisible(int)
| |
| makevisiblebyid(int)
| |
| open(int, int)
| |
| removerow(int)
| |
| removerowbyid(int)
| |
| rowcount() - returns integer
| |
| rowcount() - returns integer
| |
| seticonsize(int, int)
| |
| setselected(int)
| |
| setselectedbyid(int)
| |
| setselectedrow(int)
| |
| sort()
| |
| | |
| GuiPopUpMenuCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
| |
| clipcolumntext - boolean
| |
| columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
| |
| enumerate - boolean
| |
| fitparentwidth - boolean
| |
| groupsortorder - string
| |
| iconheight - integer (read only)
| |
| iconwidth - integer (read only)
| |
| maxpopupheight - integer
| |
| profile - object
| |
| resizecell - boolean
| |
| rows - object (read only)
| |
| scrollprofile - object
| |
| selected - object (read only)
| |
| sortcolumn - integer
| |
| sortmode - string
| |
| sortorder - string
| |
| textprofile - object
| |
| width - integer
| |
| addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
| |
| addtext(str, int) - deprecated, use addRow() instead
| |
| clearrows()
| |
| clearselection()
| |
| close()
| |
| findtext(str) - returns integer
| |
| findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
| |
| findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
| |
| forceclose()
| |
| forceonaction()
| |
| getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
| |
| getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
| |
| getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
| |
| getselected() - returns integer
| |
| getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
| |
| getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
| |
| getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
| |
| getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
| |
| getselectedtext() - returns string
| |
| insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
| |
| isidselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
| |
| makevisible(int)
| |
| makevisiblebyid(int)
| |
| open(int, int)
| |
| removerow(int)
| |
| removerowbyid(int)
| |
| rowcount() - returns integer
| |
| rowcount() - returns integer
| |
| seticonsize(int, int)
| |
| setselected(int)
| |
| setselectedbyid(int)
| |
| setselectedrow(int)
| |
| sort()
| |
| | |
| GuiTextEditCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
| |
| deniedsound - string
| |
| historysize - integer
| |
| password - boolean
| |
| tabcomplete - boolean
| |
| setselection(int, int)
| |
| undo()
| |
| | |
| GuiTextEditSliderCtrl (GuiTextEditCtrl):
| |
| allowedit - string
| |
| format - string
| |
| increment - float
| |
| range - string
| |
| value - float
| |
| | |
| GuiWindowCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
| |
| canclose - boolean
| |
| canmaximize - boolean
| |
| canminimize - boolean
| |
| closequery - boolean
| |
| destroyonhide - boolean
| |
| maximized - boolean
| |
| minimized - boolean
| |
| tile - boolean
| |
| | |
| GuiControlProfile (TGraalVar):
| |
| align - string
| |
| autosizeheight - boolean
| |
| autosizewidth - boolean
| |
| bitmap - string
| |
| border - integer
| |
| bordercolor - string
| |
| bordercolorhl - string
| |
| bordercolorna - string
| |
| borderthickness - integer
| |
| cankeyfocus - boolean
| |
| cursorcolor - string
| |
| fillcolor - string
| |
| fillcolorhl - string
| |
| fillcolorna - string
| |
| fontcolor - string
| |
| fontcolorhl - string
| |
| fontcolorlink - string
| |
| fontcolorlinkhl - string
| |
| fontcolorna - string
| |
| fontcolorsel - string
| |
| fontsize - integer
| |
| fonttype - string
| |
| justify - string - the same like "align"
| |
| linespacing - integer
| |
| modal - boolean
| |
| mouseoverselected - boolean
| |
| numbersonly - boolean
| |
| opaque - boolean
| |
| returntab - boolean
| |
| soundbuttondown - string
| |
| soundbuttonover - string
| |
| tab - boolean
| |
| textoffset - string
| |
| transparency - float
| |
| | |
| GuiCursor (TGraalVar):
| |
| | |
| GuiTabCtrlEntry (TGraalVar):
| |
| hint - string
| |
| id - integer
| |
| text - string
| |
| gettext() - returns string
| |
| settext(str)
| |
| | |
| GuiTextListEntry (TGraalVar):
| |
| active - boolean
| |
| flickering - boolean
| |
| id - integer
| |
| image - integer
| |
| selectedimage - integer
| |
| sortgroup - integer
| |
| sortvalue - integer
| |
| text - string
| |
| gettext() - returns string
| |
| settext(str)
| |
| | |
| GuiTreeViewNode (TGraalVar):
| |
| expanded - boolean
| |
| expandedimage - integer
| |
| expandedselectedimage - integer
| |
| image - integer
| |
| level - integer (read only)
| |
| name - string
| |
| parent - object (read only)
| |
| selectedimage - integer
| |
| sortgroup - integer
| |
| sortvalue - integer
| |
| visible - boolean
| |
| x - integer (read only)
| |
| y - integer (read only)
| |
| addlines(obj, bool)
| |
| addnode(str) - returns object
| |
| addnodebypath(str, str) - returns object
| |
| addvars(obj, bool)
| |
| clearnodes()
| |
| destroy()
| |
| getfullname(str) - returns string
| |
| getnode(str) - returns object
| |
| getnodebypath(str, str) - returns object
| |
| select()
| |
| | |
| TDrawableObject (TGraalVar):
| |
| layer - integer (read only)
| |
| | |
| TBaddy (TDrawableObject):
| |
| dir - integer
| |
| headdir - integer
| |
| mode - integer
| |
| power - integer
| |
| type - integer
| |
| x - float
| |
| y - float
| |
| | |
| TLevelObject (TDrawableObject):
| |
| level - object (read only)
| |
| x - float
| |
| y - float
| |
| z - float
| |
| | |
| TExplosion (TLevelObject):
| |
| dir - integer (read only)
| |
| power - integer (read only)
| |
| time - float (read only)
| |
| | |
| TGaniObject (TLevelObject):
| |
| ani - object (read only)
| |
| anistep - integer (read only)
| |
| attachid - integer (read only)
| |
| attachtype - integer (read only)
| |
| attr - object (read only)
| |
| body - string
| |
| bodyimg - string
| |
| colors - object (read only)
| |
| dir - integer
| |
| head - string
| |
| headimg - string
| |
| shield - string
| |
| sprite - integer
| |
| sword - string
| |
| getimageforsprite(obj) - returns string
| |
| getsprite(str) - returns object
| |
| getspriteforspritepos(obj) - returns object
| |
| | |
| TProjectile (TGaniObject):
| |
| angle - float (read only)
| |
| fromplayer - object (read only)
| |
| horiz - boolean (read only)
| |
| params - object (read only)
| |
| speed - float (read only)
| |
| x - float (read only)
| |
| y - float (read only)
| |
| z - float (read only)
| |
| zspeed - float (read only)
| |
| | |
| TServerHorse (TGaniObject):
| |
| bombpower - integer
| |
| bombs - integer
| |
| bushes - integer
| |
| dir - integer
| |
| type - integer
| |
| | |
| TServerPlayer (TGaniObject):
| |
| account - string (read only)
| |
| ap - integer
| |
| attached - boolean (read only)
| |
| bombs - integer
| |
| chat - string
| |
| darts - integer
| |
| fullhearts - integer (read only)
| |
| glovepower - integer
| |
| gralats - integer
| |
| guild - string (read only)
| |
| headimg - string
| |
| headset - integer
| |
| hearts - float (read only)
| |
| horseimg - string (read only)
| |
| hp - float (read only)
| |
| id - integer (read only)
| |
| isadmin - boolean (read only)
| |
| ischannel - boolean (read only)
| |
| ischannelopen - boolean (read only)
| |
| ischanneluser - boolean (read only)
| |
| isexternal - boolean (read only)
| |
| isfemale - boolean (read only)
| |
| isignoring - boolean (read only)
| |
| isloggedin - boolean (read only)
| |
| ismale - boolean (read only)
| |
| ismuted - boolean (read only)
| |
| ismuting - boolean (read only)
| |
| maxhp - integer (read only)
| |
| messagebubble - integer (read only)
| |
| mp - integer
| |
| nick - string
| |
| rupees - integer - better use 'gralats'
| |
| shieldimg - string
| |
| shieldpower - integer (read only)
| |
| swordimg - string
| |
| swordpower - integer (read only)
| |
| x - float
| |
| y - float
| |
| isguildpm() - returns boolean
| |
| ismasspm() - returns boolean
| |
| pmswaiting() - returns boolean
| |
| showprofile()
| |
| | |
| TPlayer (TServerPlayer):
| |
| ap - integer
| |
| chat - string
| |
| freezetime - float
| |
| hearts - float
| |
| horseimg - string
| |
| hp - float
| |
| hurt - boolean (read only)
| |
| hurtdx - float (read only)
| |
| hurtdy - float (read only)
| |
| hurted - boolean (read only)
| |
| hurtpower - float (read only)
| |
| isfemale - boolean (read only)
| |
| ismale - boolean (read only)
| |
| letters - string
| |
| map - boolean (read only)
| |
| nick - string (read only)
| |
| onhorse - boolean (read only)
| |
| online - boolean (read only)
| |
| paused - boolean (read only)
| |
| reading - boolean (read only)
| |
| shieldimg - string
| |
| sprite - integer
| |
| swimming - boolean (read only)
| |
| swordimg - string
| |
| transform - string
| |
| weapon - object (read only)
| |
| weapons - object (read only)
| |
| | |
| TServerNPC (TServerPlayer):
| |
| actionplayer - integer (read only)
| |
| hearts - float
| |
| height - float (read only)
| |
| horseimg - string
| |
| hp - float
| |
| hurtdx - float
| |
| hurtdy - float
| |
| image - string
| |
| layer - integer
| |
| peltwithblackstone - boolean (read only)
| |
| peltwithbush - boolean (read only)
| |
| peltwithnpc - boolean (read only)
| |
| peltwithsign - boolean (read only)
| |
| peltwithstone - boolean (read only)
| |
| peltwithvase - boolean (read only)
| |
| save - object (read only)
| |
| shieldpower - integer
| |
| sprite - integer
| |
| swordpower - integer
| |
| visible - boolean
| |
| width - float (read only)
| |
| x - float
| |
| y - float
| |
| blockagain()
| |
| blockagainlocal()
| |
| canbecarried()
| |
| canbepulled()
| |
| canbepushed()
| |
| cannotbecarried()
| |
| cannotbepulled()
| |
| cannotbepushed()
| |
| carryobject(str)
| |
| changeimgcolors(int, float, float, float, float)
| |
| changeimgmode(int, int)
| |
| changeimgpart(int, int, int, int, int)
| |
| changeimgvis(int, int)
| |
| changeimgzoom(int, float)
| |
| destroy()
| |
| dontblock()
| |
| dontblocklocal()
| |
| drawaslight()
| |
| drawoverplayer()
| |
| drawunderplayer()
| |
| findimg(int) - returns object
| |
| hide()
| |
| hideimg(int)
| |
| hideimgs(int, int)
| |
| hidelocal()
| |
| hurt(int)
| |
| lay(str)
| |
| message(str)
| |
| move(float, float, float, int)
| |
| setbow(str)
| |
| setcharani(str, str)
| |
| setchargender(str)
| |
| setcoloreffect(float, float, float, float)
| |
| seteffectmode(int)
| |
| setimg(str)
| |
| setimgpart(str, int, int, int, int)
| |
| setshape(int, int, int)
| |
| setshape2(int, int, obj)
| |
| setzoomeffect(float)
| |
| shootarrow(int)
| |
| shootball()
| |
| shootfireball(int)
| |
| shootfireblast(int)
| |
| shootnuke(int)
| |
| show()
| |
| showani(int, float, float, int, str) - returns object
| |
| showani2(int, float, float, float, int, str) - returns object
| |
| showcharacter()
| |
| showimg(int, str, float, float) - returns object
| |
| showimg2(int, str, float, float, float) - returns object
| |
| showlocal()
| |
| showpoly(int, obj) - returns object
| |
| showpoly2(int, obj) - returns object
| |
| showtext(int, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object
| |
| showtext2(int, float, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object
| |
| take(str)
| |
| take2(int)
| |
| takehorse(int)
| |
| throwcarry()
| |
| timereverywhere()
| |
| toweapons(str)
| |
| | |
| TServerWeapon (TServerNPC):
| |
| isweapon - boolean (read only)
| |
| | |
| TServerBomb (TLevelObject):
| |
| power - integer
| |
| time - float
| |
| | |
| TServerCarry (TLevelObject):
| |
| | |
| TServerChest (TLevelObject):
| |
| isopen - boolean (read only)
| |
| item - string (read only)
| |
| | |
| TServerExtra (TLevelObject):
| |
| time - float (read only)
| |
| type - integer (read only)
| |
| | |
| TServerFlying (TLevelObject):
| |
| dir - integer (read only)
| |
| dx - float
| |
| dy - float
| |
| from - integer (read only)
| |
| type - integer (read only)
| |
| | |
| TServerLeap (TLevelObject):
| |
| | |
| TServerSign (TLevelObject):
| |
| text - string
| |
| | |
| TShowImg (TLevelObject):
| |
| alpha - float
| |
| ani - string
| |
| blue - float
| |
| code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text'
| |
| dimension - integer
| |
| dir - integer
| |
| emitter - object (read only)
| |
| eulerrotation - string
| |
| font - string
| |
| green - float
| |
| image - string
| |
| imageindex - integer (read only)
| |
| layer - integer
| |
| mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract)
| |
| playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing showimg.actor.head etc.
| |
| polygon - object
| |
| red - float
| |
| rotation - float
| |
| shape - string
| |
| stretchx - float
| |
| stretchy - float
| |
| style - string
| |
| text - string
| |
| x - float
| |
| y - float
| |
| zoom - float
| |
| | |
| TDrawingPanel (TGraalVar):
| |
| height - integer (read only)
| |
| parth - integer (read only)
| |
| partw - integer (read only)
| |
| partx - integer (read only)
| |
| party - integer (read only)
| |
| width - integer (read only)
| |
| clearall()
| |
| clearrectangle(int, int, int, int)
| |
| drawimage(int, int, str)
| |
| drawimagerectangle(int, int, str, int, int, int, int)
| |
| drawimagestretched(int, int, int, int, str, int, int, int, int)
| |
| | |
| TGaniParam (TGraalVar):
| |
| | |
| TGraalAni (TGraalVar):
| |
| continuous - boolean
| |
| ganitype - string (read only)
| |
| loop - boolean
| |
| movie - boolean
| |
| setbackto - string
| |
| singledirection - boolean
| |
| addsprite(int) - returns object
| |
| addstep() - returns object
| |
| deletesprite(int)
| |
| deletestep(int)
| |
| getsprite(int) - returns object
| |
| insertstep(int) - returns object
| |
| | |
| TGraalAniPart (TGraalVar):
| |
| attr - integer
| |
| dx - integer
| |
| dy - integer
| |
| param - integer
| |
| sprite - object
| |
| | |
| TGraalAniSound (TGraalVar):
| |
| delay - float
| |
| dx - float
| |
| dy - float
| |
| sound - string
| |
| | |
| TGraalAniSprite (TGraalVar):
| |
| alpha - float
| |
| blue - float
| |
| description - string
| |
| green - float
| |
| height - integer
| |
| image - string
| |
| imagetype - string (read only)
| |
| mode - integer
| |
| red - float
| |
| spriteindex - integer
| |
| width - integer
| |
| x - integer
| |
| y - integer
| |
| zoom - float
| |
| addattachment() - returns object
| |
| deleteattachment(int)
| |
| insertattachment(int) - returns object
| |
| | |
| TGraalAniStep (TGraalVar):
| |
| delay - float
| |
| addpos(int) - returns object
| |
| deletepos(int, int)
| |
| insertpos(int, int) - returns object
| |
| | |
| TGraalSpriteAttachment (TGraalVar):
| |
| behind - boolean
| |
| dx - integer
| |
| dy - integer
| |
| sprite - object
| |
| | |
| TParticle (TGraalVar):
| |
| angle - float
| |
| lifetime - float
| |
| movementvector - string
| |
| speed - float
| |
| spin - float
| |
| zangle - float
| |
| | |
| TParticleEmitter (TGraalVar):
| |
| attachposition - boolean
| |
| autorotation - boolean
| |
| checkbelowterrain - boolean
| |
| clippingbox - string
| |
| currentparticlecount - integer (read only)
| |
| delaymax - float
| |
| delaymin - float
| |
| emissionoffset - string
| |
| emittedparticles - integer (read only)
| |
| firstinfront - boolean
| |
| maxparticles - integer
| |
| nrofparticles - integer
| |
| particle - object (read only)
| |
| addemitmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object
| |
| addglobalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object
| |
| addlocalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object
| |
| emit()
| |
| | |
| TParticleModifier (TGraalVar):
| |
| addmod(str, str, float, float)
| |
| | |
| TServerLevel (TGraalVar):
| |
| compsdead - boolean (read only)
| |
| isnopkzone - boolean (read only)
| |
| issparringzone - boolean (read only)
| |
| hitcompu(int, int, float, float)
| |
| putbomb(int, float, float)
| |
| putcomp(str, float, float)
| |
| putexplosion(int, float, float)
| |
| putexplosion2(int, int, float, float)
| |
| puthorse(str, float, float)
| |
| putnewcomp(str, float, float, str, int)
| |
| reflectarrow(int)
| |
| removearrow(int)
| |
| removebomb(int)
| |
| removecompus()
| |
| removeexplo(int)
| |
| removehorse(int)
| |
| removeitem(int)
| |
| setz(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float)
| |
| shoot(float, float, float, float, float, float, str, str)
| |
| testbomb(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| testexplo(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| testhorse(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| testitem(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| testnpc(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| testsign(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| tiletype(float, float) - returns integer
| |
| | |
| TServerLevelLink (TGraalVar):
| |
| destx - float (read only)
| |
| desty - float (read only)
| |
| height - float (read only)
| |
| width - float (read only)
| |
| x - float (read only)
| |
| y - float (read only)
| |
| | |
| TShowImg_Values (TGraalVar):
| |
| alpha - float
| |
| blue - float
| |
| green - float
| |
| mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract)
| |
| red - float
| |
| rotation - float
| |
| stretchx - float
| |
| stretchy - float
| |
| zoom - float
| |
| | |
| TShowImg_Gani (TShowImg_Values):
| |
| actor - object (read only)
| |
| | |
| TShowImg_Image (TShowImg_Values):
| |
| height - float
| |
| parth - integer
| |
| partw - integer
| |
| partx - integer
| |
| party - integer
| |
| width - float
| |
| | |
| TShowImg_Shape (TShowImg_Values):
| |
| mounts - object (read only)
| |
| setshapeanimation(str, float, bool) - returns boolean
| |
| | |
| TShowImgMount (TGraalVar):
| |
| node - integer
| |
| shape - string
| |
| | |
| TStaticVar (TGraalVar):
| |
| destroy()
| |
| | |
| TUpdatePackage (TGraalVar):
| |
| description - string (read only)
| |
| downloadcomplete - boolean (read only)
| |
| downloadedsize - integer (read only)
| |
| filecount - integer (read only)
| |
| filedownloadedsize - integer (read only)
| |
| filename - string (read only)
| |
| filetotalsize - integer (read only)
| |
| isuninstalled - boolean (read only)
| |
| lastdownloadfile - string (read only)
| |
| localversion - float (read only)
| |
| mode - string (read only)
| |
| name - string (read only)
| |
| parent - object (read only)
| |
| platform - string (read only)
| |
| protectoverwrite - boolean (read only)
| |
| totalsize - integer (read only)
| |
| usechecksum - boolean (read only)
| |
| version - float (read only)
| |
| reinstall() - returns boolean
| |
| uninstall() - returns boolean
| |
| update() - returns boolean
| |
| </pre>
| |