
From Graal Bible

This article describes one of Graal's many playerworlds. If you have some information about this world's quests, staff, events or content, feel free to contribute to it by clicking the Edit link on the left side. Try to keep your edits as fair and unbiased as possible, though - the GraalBible is primarily for information, not for argument.

File:Login server elysium.png

See Progress

All of our progress, screenshots, videos, and updates can be seen on our Facebook page.
Elysium Facebook Page: Elysium FB

Background Information

Elysium is an under construction server for Graal Online PC and Facebook. An announcement to being development on mobile devices has not been done at this time.

Elysium has been in development since January 2012 under the name of Elysium and Roak. Roak was the working name for the server for almost 2 years, until Elysium was finally chosen as the actual name of the server. Many of the system ideas also stem from it's parent server Armageddon, which is no longer in development.

The server is a player world focused on player quests, player guild activity, and events as well as RPG elements similar to any ORPG or MMORPG. The goal of Elysium is to make a true Action/RPG genre server to Graal Online.

Since August 2013, Elysium has been under a complete redesign in terms of visuals and the structure of systems. The playerworld is currently staff only.

Current Staff


Current Owner and Manager: Decus
Account name: Decus_Arillias

Current Admin: Cyril Rain
Account name: sssssssssss

Current Manager: SneakySolidSnake
Account name: sneakysolidsnake

Scripting Team

Active Scripter: Emera
Account name: Graal808129


Name: Cyril Rain
Account: sssssssssss

Name: Deas
Account: Deas_Voice

LAT / Levels Team

Level Designer: Decus
Account name: Decus_Arillias


Name: none
Account: none

GAT / Graphics Team

Graphic Designer: Decus
Account name: Decus_Arillias


Name: none
Account: none

This article is a stub - an incomplete placeholder article that gives some idea of what is being talked about, but fails to adequately elaborate on the given subject. Feel free to help GraalBible by expanding upon it.