Worlds/Graal Kingdoms/Crescent Pirates

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 20:59, 29 October 2007 by Cyan3 (talk | contribs)

Pirates is a kingdom that has a large navy and a rather small land army


Ghost Pirate (2002): Founder and leader of the Graal 2001 Pirate Crew. He was elected to be the first leader of the Graal Kingdoms Crescent Pirates, but became known as Governor Girum Rivclaw.

Jagen (2003): Chosen by DragonX, succeeded Governor Girum Rivclaw.

Nate (2003): Chosen by Jagen to lead the kingdom as Governor Nathaniel North.

Ghost Pirate (2003): Lead the kingdom a final time. Account was banned due to problems caused by someone upgrading his account for him.

Valder (2003): Was chosen by Ghost Pirate to lead the kingdom after an application process.

Ziro (2003-2004): Chosen by Valder. Known as Governor Raghnro Diomora.

Valder (2004): Was given the kingdom by means of bug abuse.

MarkB (2004): Rumored to have paid ~$200-400 for leadership of the kingdom.





Rum Town

Kingdom Items

Mud pirateskullshield.png Pirate's Skull Shield (Str+1) (AC+2) (Armour+12) Weight 18.500 kg.

Mud piratebelt1.png Large Pirate Belt (Dex+1) (WC+1) (AC+1) (Armour+4) (Resist Poison+12) Weight 0.100 kg.

Mud pirateboots.png Pirate Boots (Speed+1) (AC+2) (Armour+9) Weight 9.000 kg.

Mud piratebracers.png Pirate Bracers (Wis-1) (AC+1) (Armour+7) Weight 5.500 kg.

Mud pirategloves.png Pirate Gloves (WC+1) (Armour+5) Weight 4.600 kg.

Mud blackpiratehat.png Pirate Hat (AC+1) (Magic+1) Weight 1.000 kg.

Mud hook.png Hook (Dam+3) (Attacks: Physical) Weight 3.500kg

Mud skullwand.png Skull Wand

Mud wooden bottle piraterum.png Pirate's Rum