Worlds/Elemental Kingdoms

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 00:53, 29 June 2005 by (talk)

Elemental Kingdoms, A playerworld by Falco that had potential, but was shut down due to lack of staff and bugs with gs2.


Started as four nearly empty gmaps and a playerhearts system, now using several custom systems with a near complete main map and four sidemaps in development. Elemental Kingdoms is playable, but is currently limited due to problems with the GS2 error detector which tends to disable scripts if they aren't perfect.

Ek has been recently shut down.


Custom hp and damage system. Creative Experience and Power Systems. Many weapons. Ability to specialize with Class and Element, and there were plans to have subclasses as well. There was a custom battle system in heavy development and, including falco10291029, about 3 or 4 staff that actually did any work. There were mines, mineral mines, an upgrade shop, a weaponsmith, and more. The server was recently shutdown, however, and thus these things won't be completed.


Shut down, after being on life support for months.