
From Graal Bible


  • September 30th - New tool: GUI Editor

Screenshot guieditor small.png

We have added a new tool to the scripted RC: the GUI Editor! Open the scripted RC (F6) and click on the new GUI editor icon to open it. In the GUI Editor window you can select a GUI type (e.g. "Window") and click on the "+" button for adding the GUI control. Once you are finished with your GUI click on the "Compile" button to upload the script to your server. The Gui Editor supports the new GUI styles, so you can easily make windows which use the users choosen GUI style.

  • September 29th - Aeon is back... and hiring!


Some of you may be familiar with Aeon from a few years ago. We've been making significant progress on the server over the last week, and we would like to invite all talented level, graphics and animation artists to join our team. If you are interested, please feel free to log onto the server and read the server PM for more information.

  • September 25th - Graal Legacy is Now Hosted!

Graal Legacy

Yes way! After some years of work, many server inspections, and some "staff problems", Graal Legacy has FINALLY made hosted! This doesn't mean we're done with production. We have much more to make. Mostly scripts. We have changed some staff positions for people and are now good to go with what they are for the most part. But come on and take a look. If you like the server maybe you can apply. But please do NOT ask for a non develoment position UNLESS WE ANNOUNCE WE ARE HIRING THEM. Those that we ARE hiring are

  • NAT
  • GAT
  • LAT
  • Gani
  • Development (must be good in atleast 3 areas)

We hope to see you on Graal Legacy!

  • September 17th - Graal v5.1

A new Graal version has been released!

  • Video capture with picture and sounds
  • Works much better on Vista
  • Many bug fixes

This version also prepares the Graal3D release, more about that in a few days... For more information about the new version check out the change log.

  • September 15th - Footstep particle effects on Kingdoms and Zone

Zone and Kingdoms have been graphically improved - we have added footstep effects when walking on snow, grass and sand. You can see the footsteps of other peoples and even see bubbles when swimming!

  • September 10th - Zenkou - Closing down on Release


Hey, we all know that Zenkou has been around for ages... "When are they finally going to release?" Well, we have a lot of content as it is but we are in need of more. Zenkou is in need of some new development staff who are willing to help us in our final push for classic. The positions that we are looking for are:

2 Graphics Makers

2 Level Makers

1 Scripter

Log on and contact the staff if you wish to join our dish.

  • September 10th - Years have passed, but Faded Nation is still going forward!!!

Thats right! Faded Nation is still alive!

Many things have been finished this year, for example: The beautiful outside levels are finished (272 levels).

  • Faded Nation is now 90% complete for the hosted tab.

You may think that: "Does this server really need staff?" Yes we do! Right now, we only have 3 active staff (including me) and none of them are scripters!

Faded Nation is hiring:

  • (2) GATs
  • (2) NATs

Contact us, if you are ready for working on a server thats made for everyone! Faded Nation, made by players for players!

Fn hunting1.PNG

  • September 9th - Esteria - Bringing It Back With Some Hiring

As many are aware, Esteria is coming back on Graal. Well, we were never gone, but we are heavily working on our project again.

We are currently working on many things such as:

  • Scripts
  • Custom Body Ganis
  • GUIs
  • Items

We hope to get these done as soon as possible, but we will need some GFXers, Scripters, and the whole lot. Ask either Crow or Switch to be hired, and you must have knowledge in the specific area you're asking for.


  • September 9th - Rudora Development Progress

Some of you are probably quite familiar with the world Rudora, back from the older days of Graal. It's currently a development server, and recently has been under redevelopment in hope to bring a new Classic world. Quite a lot of progress has been made so far.

  • Quite a lot of the systems have been rescripted and updated, including the Q menu and weapons
  • The events have been redone, and some new ones created
  • New quests are on the way

Rudora news.png

  • September 9th - Zone Heavy Laser

A new weapon is available in the shop: the Heavy Laser which is similar to the Laser Force, is slightly slower but also more powerful.

Zone heavylaser.png

  • September 8th - Zone Comets

We have added flying comets on Koth and Alpha, they are not killing yet though:

Zone comets.png

  • September 7th - Skill Games Improvements

We have improved several skill games:

  • BomberMad can be be played with joystick and gamepad now
  • We have fixed a bug in the chess computer logic (not moving when being in check)
  • When training a game then you have a new "Demo" button next to the "Restart" button which lets you watch a match computer vs computer
  • In Invaders X the fire slots are not decreasing anymore

  • September 6th - Developer Gold

We have switched all playerworlds to the new Developer Gold system:

  • Renting a server is as easy as upgrading an account - just go on the website and buy a Developer Gold subscription:
  • Instead of just using PayPal, you can now also use PayByCash which offers more payment methods.
  • Same price as before
  • The servers are bound to the owners account. You don't have a separate admin-account, but the owner account gets full access.
  • You see the remaining subscription time on the serverlist.
  • You see your server on the serverlist

We also want to remind you that there is now the Developer Pack available on the website - it lets you share the costs of a server between several developers. The price is basicly 1/3 of Developer Gold, and you need 3 people to create the server.

  • September 3rd - Era Releases New Quest

Era has just released a new quest! Located west of Tachi and north of the Hospital is an old military storage compound that is rumored to still have weapons inside. Find a way in, avoid the guards, and buy the guns to beat the quest.
