Creation/Dev/Script/Clientside Functions

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 13:11, 10 May 2006 by Warcaptain (talk | contribs)
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Global: $camera::movementspeed - float $pref::audio::choosenvoicecodec - integer $pref::audio::microactivatebyvolume - boolean $pref::audio::microactivationlevel - integer $pref::audio::microinputdevice - integer $pref::audio::microon - boolean $pref::audio::microvolumefactor - integer $pref::audio::midivolume - integer $pref::audio::mp3volume - integer $pref::audio::radiovolume - integer $pref::audio::reversestereo - boolean $pref::audio::sfxvolume - integer $pref::audio::voicevolume - integer $pref::graal::allowglobalpms - boolean $pref::graal::automapping - boolean $pref::graal::defaultfontname - string $pref::graal::defaultfontsize - integer $pref::graal::dontconnectlevels - boolean $pref::graal::dontloadlistheads - boolean $pref::graal::dontsavepasswords - boolean $pref::graal::dontsavepms - boolean $pref::graal::fixedport - boolean $pref::graal::fixedudpport - integer $pref::graal::language - string $pref::graal::limitnicknames - boolean $pref::graal::loadbuddylistfromserver - boolean $pref::graal::nicknamelimit - integer $pref::graal::nomassmessages - boolean $pref::graal::notoalls - boolean $pref::graal::noudp - boolean $pref::graal::showyourselfonbuddylists - boolean $pref::input::mousesensitivity - float $pref::interior::lockarrays - boolean $pref::terrain::enabledetails - boolean $pref::video::detailfactor - float $pref::video::fogdistance - float $pref::video::fullscreenmode - string $pref::video::screenshotformat - string $pref::video::visibledistance - float $pref::video::windowmode - string $scenelighting::lightingprogress - float (read only) allfeatures - integer (read only) allplayerscount - integer (read only) allstats - integer (read only) canspin - boolean (read only) carriesblackstone - boolean (read only) carriesbush - boolean (read only) carriesnpc - boolean (read only) carriessign - boolean (read only) carriesstone - boolean (read only) carriesvase - boolean (read only) downloadfile - string (read only) downloadpos - integer (read only) downloadsize - integer (read only) editingmission - boolean emoticonchar - string (read only) focusx - float (read only) focusy - float (read only) graalversion - float (read only) gravity - float iscarrying - boolean (read only) isfocused - boolean (read only) isgraal3d - boolean (read only) isleader - boolean (read only) isonmap - boolean (read only) lastdownloadfile - string (read only) leftmousebutton - boolean (read only) levelorgx - float (read only) levelorgy - float (read only) lighteffectsenabled - boolean middlemousebutton - boolean (read only) mousebuttons - integer (read only) mousescreenx - integer mousescreeny - integer mousewheeldelta - integer (read only) mousex - float mousey - float musiclen - integer (read only) musicpos - integer (read only) particleeffectsenabled - boolean rightmousebutton - boolean (read only) screenheight - integer (read only) screenwidth - integer (read only) scriptedcontrols - boolean (read only) scriptedplayerlist - boolean (read only) scriptlogwritetoreadonly - boolean selectedlistplayers - object selectedsword - integer selectedweapon - integer servername - string (read only) serverstartconnect - string serverstartparams - string shotbybaddy - boolean (read only) shotbyplayer - boolean (read only) showterraingrid - boolean timevar - integer (read only) timevar2 - float (read only) wasshooted - boolean (read only) waterheight - float weapons - object (read only) weaponsenabled - boolean weathereffectsenabled - boolean worldclockstopped - boolean worldhour - integer worldminute - float worldminutesofday - float worldrealsecondsperday - float addcontrol(obj) addmaterialmapping(str, str) - returns boolean addtiledef(str, str, int) addtiledef2(str, str, int, int) adventure_installgraal(str, bool, bool) adventure_openexternaloptions() - returns boolean adventure_openexternalpm(obj) - returns boolean adventure_openserverlist() adventure_quit() adventure_savegraaloptions() adventure_selectfileselect(str) - lets the select-file-dialog select the specified filename in the current folder adventure_selectfilesetfolder(int) - switches the select-file-dialog to the specified folder index adventure_selectfilesetfolderbytext(str) - switches the select-file-dialog to the specified folder name adventure_selectfileshowhiddenfiles(bool) - enables or disables the display of hidden files in the select-file-dialog adventure_selectpath(str) - returns object adventure_setaccountname(str) adventure_setchat(str) adventure_setnickname(str) adventure_setpassword(str) adventure_startofflinemode() adventure_updateaccountfield() adventure_updatemicroactivationlevel() adventure_updatemidivolume() adventure_updatemp3volume() adventure_updateplayermuted() adventure_updateplayerprofile(bool, str, str, int, str, str, str, str, str, str) adventure_updateradiovolume() aindexof(float, obj) - returns integer attachplayertoobj(int, int) base64decode(str) - returns string base64encode(str) - returns string callnpc(int, params...) callweapon(int, params...) checksum(str) - returns float commandtoserver(str) contains(str, str) - returns boolean cursoroff() cursoron() degtorad(float) - returns float detachplayer() disabledefmovement() disablemap() disablepause() disableselectweapons() disableweapons() echo(str) enabledefmovement() enablefeatures(int) enablemap() enablepause() enableselectweapons() enableweapons() explodebomb(int) extractfilebase(str) - returns string extractfileext(str) - returns string extractfilename(str) - returns string extractfilepath(str) - returns string fileexists(str) - returns boolean filesize(str) - returns integer fileupdate(str) - returns boolean findani(str) - returns object findfiles(str, int) - returns object findfirstfile(str) - returns string findlevel(str) - returns object findnextfile(str) - returns string findnpcbyid(int) - returns object findplayer(str) - returns object findplayerbyid(int) - returns object findweapon(str) - returns object freezeplayer(float) getascii(str) - returns integer getbasepackage() - returns object getboxcenter(str) - returns string getdatablocktypes() - returns object getdisplaydevicelist() - returns string getdownloadedupdatepackagesize() - returns integer getdownloadingpackage() - returns object getdownloadingpackagescount() - returns integer getextension(str) - returns string gethttprequest(str, int, str) - returns object getimgheight(str) - returns integer getimgpixel(str, int, int) - returns object getimgwidth(str) - returns integer getkeycode(str) - returns integer getmapx(str) - returns integer getmapy(str) - returns integer getmusicstatus() - returns string getmusictags() - returns object getobjectat(float, float) - returns object getobjectatmouse() - returns object getobjectbyray(str, str) - returns object getpackagesdownloadcomplete() - returns boolean getpackagesdownloaded() - returns boolean getplatform() - returns string getresolutionlist(str) - returns string getservername() - returns string getstringkeys(str) - returns object getsurfacetype(float, float) - returns string gettextheight(float, str, str) - returns integer gettextwidth(float, str, str, str) - returns integer gettotalupdatepackagesize() - returns integer getupdatepackage(str) - returns object getz(float, float) - returns float hideplayer(float) hidesword(float) hitnpc(int, float, float, float) hitobjects(float, float, float) hitplayer(int, float, float, float) isadminguild(str) - returns boolean iscursoron() - returns boolean isdevicefullscreenonly(str) - returns boolean isimgpixeltransparent(str, int, int) - returns boolean isimgrectangletransparent(str, int, int, int, int) - returns boolean isobject(str) - returns boolean keydown(int) - returns boolean keydown2(int, bool) - returns boolean keyname(int) - returns string lay2(str, float, float) lightscene() - returns boolean loadmap(str) lowercase(str) - returns string mapshapeanimation(str, str, str, float) - returns boolean matrixcreate(str, str) - returns string matrixcreatefromeuler(str) - returns string matrixmulpoint(str, str) - returns string matrixmultiply(str, str) - returns string matrixmulvector(str, str) - returns string md5(str) - returns string noplayerkilling() onwall(float, float) - returns boolean onwall2(float, float, float, float) - returns boolean onwater(float, float) - returns boolean onwater2(float, float, float, float) - returns boolean opengraalurl(str) openurl(str) openurl2(str, int, int) play(str) play2(str, float, float, float) playlooped(str) playlooped2(str, float, float, float) popdialog() pushdialog(obj) putleaps(int, float, float) radtodeg(float) - returns float randomstring(str) - returns string reloadfile(str) removetiledefs(str) replaceani(str, str) requestfiledeletion(str) requestfilerename(str, str) requestfilesmove(str, str) requesthttp(str, int, str) - returns object requestmysql(str, str, str, str, str) - returns object requesttext(str, str) requesturl(str) - returns object resetfocus() savelog(str) say(int) say2(str) screenx(float, float) - returns integer screeny(float, float) - returns integer selectfilefordownload(str) - opens the select-file-dialog for the download location of files (from scripted RC) selectfileforupload() - opens the select-file-dialog for uploading of files (into scripted RC) sendrpgmessage(str) sendtext(str, str, params...) sendtorc(str) serverwarp(str) setani(str, str) setbeltcolor(str) setcoatcolor(str) setcontentcontrol(obj) setcursor2(str) seteffect(float, float, float, float) setfocus(float, float) setfogcolors(obj) setgender(str) sethead(str) setinteriorrendermode(int) setletters(str) setmap(str, str, float, float) setminimap(str, str, float, float) setmusicvolume(float, float) setplayerdir(str) setshadowdetaillevel(float) setshield(str, int) setshoecolor(str) setshootparams(str) setskincolor(str) setskybandcolors(obj) setskybandsizes(obj) setsleevecolor(str) setsuncolors(obj) setsword(str, int) setterrainrendermode(int) showstats(int) spyfire(int, int) stopmidi() stopsound(str) strcmp(str, str) - returns integer strequals(str, str) - returns boolean synctimeofday(float, float) takeplayercarry() takeplayerhorse() testplayer(float, float) - returns integer triggeraction(float, float, str, params...) triggerserver(str, str) updateboard(int, int, int, int) updateratings(obj) - returns object - updates an array of {rating1,ratingdeviation1, rating2,ratingdeviation2, ...}, init them at 1500 and 350 updateterrain() updatevisibledistance() uppercase(str) - returns string vectoradd(str, str) - returns string vectorcross(str, str) - returns string vectordist(str, str) - returns float vectordot(str, str) - returns float vectorlen(str) - returns float vectornormalize(str) - returns string vectororthobasis(str) - returns string vectorscale(str, float) - returns string vectorsub(str, str) - returns string worldx(float, float) - returns float worldy(float, float) - returns float wraptext(int, str, str) - returns object wraptext2(int, float, str, str) - returns object TGraalVar: initialized - boolean (read only) joinedclasses - object (read only) name - string (read only) scriptlogmissingfunctions - boolean timeout - float addarray(obj) - adds another array to this variable cancelevents(str) - removes all previously scheduled events (scheduleevent) of the specified event name catchevent(str, str, str) - adds an event handler for the specified object and event, third parameter is the function which receives the event (first parameter of the event will be the object for which the event occured) copyfrom(obj) - copies all variables and array values from another object, doesn't work for protected variables like players though getdatablockvars() - returns object - gets the names of all variables which are pointing to datablocks (for Graal3D, will be removed soon) getdynamicvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all static (built-in) subvariables of this object geteditvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all dynamic variables which can be modified getfunctions() - returns object - gets the names of all functions of the object as array, also each entry has subvariables which give more information about the function ("parameters", "description", "scope") getstaticvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all dynamic (not built-in) subvariables of this object getvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all subvariables of this object ignoreevent(str, str) - lets the object ignore an event (second parameter) of the specified object name ignoreevents(str) - lets the object ignore all previously catched events of the specified object name insertarray(int, obj) - inserts an array at the specified index isinclass(str) - returns float - checks if the object has joined the specified class join(str) - lets the object join a class and inherit all functions and event handlers of that class leave(str) - leaves a previously joined class loadfolder(str, int) - loads the content of a folder into the variable, you must specify the folder name and pattern (e.g. "levels/bodies/*.png") and if it should be recursive loadlines(str) - loads a file and adds it line by line to the variable (as array) loadstring(str) - loads the content of a file into the variable loadvars(str) - loads the variables from a file where each line has the format varname=value loadvarsfromarray(obj) - loads the variables from a string list of the format varname=value objecttype() - returns string - returns the object type, which can be TGraalVar, TProjectile etc. savelines(str, int) - saves the array line by line into a file, the second parameter is the save mode (0 - overwrite, 1 - append) savestring(str, int) - saves the value as string into a file, the second parameter is the save mode (0 - overwrite, 1 - append) savevars(str, int) - saves the subvars in the format varname=value into a file, the second parameter is the save mode (0 - overwrite, 1 - append) savevarstoarray(bool) - returns object - saves the subvars in the format varname=value into an array, you must specify if it should be sorted scheduleevent(float, str, params...) - returns object - invokes an event (onEventname) after the specified delay (in seconds), second parameter is the event name, followed by the parameters settimer(float) - invokes a timeout event after the specified time, similar to 'timeout=value' sortascending() - sorts the array in ascending order (smallest value first) sortbyvalue(str, str, bool) - sorts the array by the specified variable name, you must also say what variable type it is (e.g. string) and if it should be sorted ascending sortdescending() - sorts the array in descending order (highest value first) timershow() - lets the npc show the timeout variable, deprecated trigger(str, params...) - invokes an event on the object (onEventname) with the specified event name and parameters, doesn't interrupt the current script ActionMap (TGraalVar): bind(str, str, str) getbinding(str) - returns string getcommand(str, str) - returns string load() - returns boolean pop() push() save() unbind(str, str) GuiControl (TGraalVar): active - boolean awake - boolean (read only) canmove - boolean canresize - boolean editing - boolean extent - string height - integer hint - string horizsizing - string layer - integer (read only) minextent - string minsize - string - the same like "minExtent" parent - object (read only) position - string profile - object resizeheight - boolean resizewidth - boolean scrolllinex - integer scrollliney - integer showhint - boolean useownprofile - boolean vertsizing - string visible - boolean width - integer x - integer y - integer addcontrol(obj) bringtofront() destroy() getparent() - returns object globaltolocalcoord(str) - returns string - converts global screen coordinates to a position relative to the controls origin (0,0), can be used to know where exactly the user has clicked inside a control hide() isfirstresponder() - returns boolean localtoglobalcoord(str) - returns string - converts a position relative to the controls origin (0,0) to global screen coordinates, can be used to know where on the screen a control is displayed in case it is a child of another control (e.g. GuiWindowCtrl or GuiScrollCtrl) makefirstresponder(bool) pushtoback() resize(int, int, int, int) show() showtop() - calls show(), tabfirst() and bringtofront() tabfirst() - returns object EditManager (GuiControl): GuiArrayCtrl (GuiControl): allowmultipleselections - boolean GuiTextListCtrl (GuiArrayCtrl): clipcolumntext - boolean columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators enumerate - boolean fitparentwidth - boolean groupsortorder - string iconheight - integer (read only) iconwidth - integer (read only) resizecell - boolean selected - object (read only) sortcolumn - integer sortmode - string sortorder - string addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row clearrows() clearselection() findtext(str) - returns integer - row index findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer getselectedid() - returns integer - row id getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices getselectedtext() - returns string insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row isidselected(int) - returns boolean isrowselected(int) - returns boolean makevisible(int) makevisiblebyid(int) removerow(int) removerowbyid(int) rowcount() - returns integer seticonsize(int, int) setrowactivebyid(int, bool) setrowbyid(int, str) setselectedbyid(int) setselectedbytext(str) setselectedrow(int) sort() GuiTreeViewCtrl (GuiArrayCtrl): clipcolumntext - boolean columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators expanded - boolean expandedimage - integer expandedselectedimage - integer expandondoubleclick - boolean fitparentwidth - boolean groupsortorder - string image - integer level - integer (read only) name - string nodes - object (read only) parent - object (read only) selectedimage - integer sortgroup - integer sortmode - string sortorder - string sortvalue - integer visible - boolean x - integer (read only) y - integer (read only) addlines(obj, bool) addnode(str) - returns object addnodebypath(str, str) - returns object addvars(obj, bool) clearnodes() destroy() getfullname(str) - returns string getnode(str) - returns object getnodeat(int, int) - returns object getnodebypath(str, str) - returns object getselectednode() - returns object select() seticonsize(int, int) sort() GuiBackgroundCtrl (GuiControl): GuiBitmapBorderCtrl (GuiControl): tile - boolean GuiBitmapButtonCtrl (GuiControl): mouseoverbitmap - string normalbitmap - string pressedbitmap - string text - string setbitmap(str, int) GuiBitmapCtrl (GuiControl): bitmap - string wrap - boolean setbitmap(str) setvalue(int, int) GuiCrossHairHud (GuiBitmapCtrl): GuiMapOverviewCtrl (GuiBitmapCtrl): mapalpha - float pointsize - float GuiButtonBaseCtrl (GuiControl): buttontype - string checked - boolean groupnum - integer text - string gettext() - returns string performclick() settext(str) GuiBorderButtonCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl): GuiButtonCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl): seticonsize(int, int) GuiCheckBoxCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl): GuiRadioCtrl (GuiCheckBoxCtrl): GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl (GuiControl): bitmap - string tile - boolean GuiContextMenuCtrl (GuiControl): clipcolumntext - boolean columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators enumerate - boolean fitparentwidth - boolean groupsortorder - string iconheight - integer (read only) iconwidth - integer (read only) profile - object resizecell - boolean rows - object (read only) scrollprofile - object selected - object (read only) sortcolumn - integer sortmode - string sortorder - string textprofile - object width - integer addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row clearrows() clearselection() close() findtext(str) - returns integer - row index findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer getselectedid() - returns integer - row id getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices getselectedtext() - returns string insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row isidselected(int) - returns boolean isrowselected(int) - returns boolean makevisible(int) makevisiblebyid(int) open(int, int) removerow(int) removerowbyid(int) rowcount() - returns integer seticonsize(int, int) setrowactivebyid(int, bool) setrowbyid(int, str) setselectedbyid(int) setselectedbytext(str) setselectedrow(int) sort() GuiDrawingPanel (GuiControl): parth - integer (read only) partw - integer (read only) partx - integer (read only) party - integer (read only) clearall() clearrectangle(int, int, int, int) drawimage(int, int, str) drawimagerectangle(int, int, str, int, int, int, int) drawimagestretched(int, int, int, int, str, int, int, int, int) GuiFlash (GuiControl): backgroundalpha - float loopmovie - boolean moviename - string getflashvariable(str) - returns string loadmovie(str, bool, float) playmovie() restartmovie() setbackgroundalpha(float) setflashvariable(str, str) setlooping(bool) stopmovie() GuiFrameSetCtrl (GuiControl): autobalance - boolean bordercolor - string borderenable - string bordermovable - string borderwidth - integer columncount - integer fudgefactor - integer minextent - string rowcount - integer getcolumncount() - returns integer getcolumnoffset(int) - returns integer getrowcount() - returns integer getrowoffset(int) - returns integer setcolumncount(int) setcolumnoffset(int, int) setrowcount(int) setrowoffset(int, int) GuiGraal3DCtrl (GuiControl): GuiGraalCtrl (GuiControl): GuiMenuCtrl (GuiControl): iconheight - integer (read only) iconwidth - integer (read only) addmenu(str) - returns object clearmenus() findmenu(str) - returns object removemenu(str) seticonsize(int, int) GuiMLTextCtrl (GuiControl): allowcolorchars - boolean allowedtags - string alpha - float deniedsound - string disallowedtags - string maxchars - integer parsetags - boolean syntaxhighlighting - boolean text - string wordwrap - boolean addtext(str, bool) getcursorline() - returns integer getline(int) - returns string getlinecount() - returns integer getlines() - returns object - array of lines gettext() - returns string reflow() scrolltobottom() scrolltotag(int) scrolltotop() setlines(obj) settext(str) GuiMLTextEditCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl): GuiPMEditCtrl (GuiMLTextEditCtrl): sendmasspm(obj) sendpm(obj) GuiPMCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl): showpm(obj) GuiPMHistoryCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl): showhistory(obj) GuiMouseEventCtrl (GuiControl): lockmouse - boolean GuiPlayerView (GuiControl): ambientcolor - string cameraz - float lightcolor - string lightdirection - string modelrotx - float modelrotz - float mountshape(int, int, str, str) - returns boolean setmodel(str, str, str) unmountshape(int) GuiProgressCtrl (GuiControl): progress - float GuiScrollCtrl (GuiControl): childmargin - string constantthumbheight - boolean hscrollbar - string scrollpos - string tile - boolean vscrollbar - string wheelscrolllines - integer willfirstrespond - boolean scrolldelta(int, int) scrollto(int, int) GuiShapeNameHud (GuiControl): alignbottom - boolean chatprofile - string damagealignbottom - boolean damageoffset - string damagetimeout - float distancefade - float fillcolor - string framecolor - string showfill - boolean showframe - boolean useshapesize - boolean verticaldamageoffset - float verticaloffset - float GuiShowImgCtrl (GuiControl): alpha - float ani - string ani - string attachoffset - string attachtoowner - boolean blue - float code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text' dimension - integer dir - integer dir - integer emitter - object (read only) eulerrotation - string font - string green - float image - string imageindex - integer (read only) layer - integer layer - integer mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract) offsetx - integer offsety - integer playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing etc. polygon - object red - float rotation - float shape - string stretchx - float stretchy - float style - string text - string x - float y - float zoom - float GuiSliderCtrl (GuiControl): range - string ticks - integer value - float GuiTabCtrl (GuiControl): iconheight - integer (read only) iconwidth - integer (read only) leveling - integer maxvisibletabs - integer (read only) selected - object (read only) tabwidth - integer addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row clearrows() clearselection() findtext(str) - returns integer - row index findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer getselectedid() - returns integer - row id getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index getselectedtext() - returns string insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row isidselected(int) - returns boolean isrowselected(int) - returns boolean makevisible(int) makevisiblebyid(int) removerow(int) removerowbyid(int) rowcount() - returns integer seticonsize(int, int) setselectedbyid(int) setselectedrow(int) GuiTextCtrl (GuiControl): text - string gettext() - returns string settext(str) GuiBubbleTextCtrl (GuiTextCtrl): GuiPopUpEditCtrl (GuiTextCtrl): clipcolumntext - boolean columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators enumerate - boolean fitparentwidth - boolean groupsortorder - string iconheight - integer (read only) iconwidth - integer (read only) maxpopupheight - integer profile - object resizecell - boolean rows - object (read only) scrollprofile - object selected - object (read only) sortcolumn - integer sortmode - string sortorder - string textprofile - object width - integer addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row addtext(str, int) - deprecated, use addRow() instead clearrows() clearselection() close() findtext(str) - returns integer findtext(str) - returns integer - row index findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id forceclose() forceonaction() getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer getselected() - returns integer getselectedid() - returns integer - row id getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices getselectedtext() - returns string insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row isidselected(int) - returns boolean isrowselected(int) - returns boolean makevisible(int) makevisiblebyid(int) open(int, int) removerow(int) removerowbyid(int) rowcount() - returns integer rowcount() - returns integer seticonsize(int, int) setrowactivebyid(int, bool) setrowbyid(int, str) setselected(int) setselectedbyid(int) setselectedbytext(str) setselectedbytext(str) setselectedrow(int) sort() GuiPopUpMenuCtrl (GuiTextCtrl): clipcolumntext - boolean columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators enumerate - boolean fitparentwidth - boolean groupsortorder - string iconheight - integer (read only) iconwidth - integer (read only) maxpopupheight - integer profile - object resizecell - boolean rows - object (read only) rows - object (read only) scrollprofile - object selected - object (read only) sortcolumn - integer sortmode - string sortorder - string textprofile - object width - integer addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row addtext(str, int) - deprecated, use addRow() instead clearrows() clearselection() close() findtext(str) - returns integer findtext(str) - returns integer - row index findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id forceclose() forceonaction() getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer getselected() - returns integer getselectedid() - returns integer - row id getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices getselectedtext() - returns string insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row isidselected(int) - returns boolean isrowselected(int) - returns boolean makevisible(int) makevisiblebyid(int) open(int, int) removerow(int) removerowbyid(int) rowcount() - returns integer rowcount() - returns integer seticonsize(int, int) setrowactivebyid(int, bool) setrowbyid(int, str) setselected(int) setselectedbyid(int) setselectedbytext(str) setselectedbytext(str) setselectedrow(int) sort() GuiTextEditCtrl (GuiTextCtrl): deniedsound - string historysize - integer password - boolean tabcomplete - boolean setselection(int, int) undo() GuiTextEditSliderCtrl (GuiTextEditCtrl): allowedit - string format - string increment - float range - string value - float GuiWindowCtrl (GuiTextCtrl): canclose - boolean canmaximize - boolean canminimize - boolean closequery - boolean destroyonhide - boolean extent - string maximized - boolean minimized - boolean tile - boolean TerrainEditor (GuiControl): adjustheightmousescale - float adjustheightval - float borderfillcolor - string borderframecolor - string borderheight - float borderlinemode - boolean brushpos - string enablesoftbrushes - boolean isdirty - boolean ismissiondirty - boolean materialgroup - integer paintmaterial - string processusesbrush - boolean renderborder - boolean rendervertexselection - boolean scaleval - float selectionhidden - boolean setheightval - float smoothfactor - float softselectdefaultfilter - string softselectfilter - string softselectradius - float attachterrain(str) buildmaterialmap() clearmodifiedflags() clearselection() getactionname(int) - returns string getbrushpos() - returns string getcurrentaction() - returns string getnumactions() - returns integer getnumtextures() - returns integer getterrainmaterials() - returns object gettexturename(int) - returns string markemptysquares() mirrorterrain(int) popbasematerialinfo() processaction(str) pushbasematerialinfo() redo() resetselweights(bool) setaction(str) setbrushpos(str) setbrushsize(int, int) setbrushtype(str) setlonebasematerial(str) setterrainmaterials(str) undo() WorldEditor (GuiControl): automaticsync - boolean axisgizmoactive - boolean axisgizmomaxscreenlen - integer boundingboxcollision - boolean defaulthandle - string dragrectcolor - string droptype - string faceselectcolor - string gridcolor - string gridsize - string isdirty - boolean lockedhandle - string maxscalefactor - float minscalefactor - float mousemovescale - float mouserotatescale - float mousescalescale - float objectsuseboxcenter - boolean objecttextcolor - string objmouseovercolor - string objmouseoverselectcolor - string objselectcolor - string objtextformat - string planarmovement - boolean planedim - float popupbackgroundcolor - string popuptextcolor - string projectdistance - float rendernav - boolean renderobjhandle - boolean renderobjtext - boolean renderplane - boolean renderplanehashes - boolean renderpopupbackground - boolean renderselectionbox - boolean rotationsnap - float selecthandle - string selectionboxcolor - string selectionlocked - boolean showmousepopupinfo - boolean snaprotations - boolean snaptogrid - boolean toggleignorelist - boolean undolimit - integer addundostate() clearignorelist() clearselection() deleteselection() dropselection() getmode() - returns string getselectedobject(int) - returns object getselectioncentroid() - returns string getselectionsize() - returns integer hideselection(bool) ignoreobjclass(str) lightselection() lockselection(bool) redo() reloadselection() selectobject(obj) setmode(str) syncselection() undo() unselectobject(obj) GuiControlProfile (TGraalVar): align - string autosizeheight - boolean autosizewidth - boolean bitmap - string border - integer bordercolor - string bordercolorhl - string bordercolorna - string borderthickness - integer cankeyfocus - boolean cursorcolor - string fillcolor - string fillcolorhl - string fillcolorna - string fontcolor - string fontcolorhl - string fontcolorlink - string fontcolorlinkhl - string fontcolorna - string fontcolorsel - string fontsize - integer fontstyle - string fonttype - string justify - string - the same like "align" linespacing - integer modal - boolean mouseoverselected - boolean numbersonly - boolean opaque - boolean returntab - boolean soundbuttondown - string soundbuttonover - string tab - boolean textoffset - string transparency - float GuiCursor (TGraalVar): GuiTabCtrlEntry (TGraalVar): hint - string id - integer text - string gettext() - returns string settext(str) GuiTextListEntry (TGraalVar): active - boolean flickering - boolean id - integer image - integer selectedimage - integer sortgroup - integer sortvalue - integer text - string gettext() - returns string settext(str) GuiTreeViewNode (TGraalVar): expanded - boolean expandedimage - integer expandedselectedimage - integer image - integer level - integer (read only) name - string parent - object (read only) selectedimage - integer sortgroup - integer sortvalue - integer visible - boolean x - integer (read only) y - integer (read only) addlines(obj, bool) addnode(str) - returns object addnodebypath(str, str) - returns object addvars(obj, bool) clearnodes() destroy() getfullname(str) - returns string getnode(str) - returns object getnodebypath(str, str) - returns object select() MissionArea (TGraalVar): ShapeBaseHitBox (TGraalVar): hitmax - string hitmin - string nodename - string ShapeImageState (TGraalVar): allowimagechange - boolean direction - boolean ejectshell - boolean emitter - object emitternode - string emittertime - float emittertype - string energydrain - float fire - boolean freezelook - boolean ignoreloadedforready - boolean loadedflag - string name - string recoil - string script - string sequence - string sequencerandomflash - boolean sound - object spinthread - string timeoutvalue - float transitiononammo - string transitiononloaded - string transitiononnoammo - string transitiononnotarget - string transitiononnotloaded - string transitiononnotwet - string transitionontarget - string transitionontimeout - string transitionontriggerdown - string transitionontriggerup - string transitiononwet - string waitfortimeout - boolean SimObject (TGraalVar): SceneObject (SimObject): forwardvector - string objectbox - string (read only) position - string rightvector - string rotation - string scale - string transform - string upvector - string worldbox - string (read only) worldboxcenter - string (read only) x - float y - float z - float getforwardvector() - returns string getobjectbox() - returns string getposition() - returns string getrightvector() - returns string getscale() - returns string gettransform() - returns string getupvector() - returns string getworldbox() - returns string getworldboxcenter() - returns string light() setforwardvector(str) setposition(str) setrightvector(str) setscale(str) settransform(str) setupvector(str) AudioEmitter (SceneObject): description - object filename - string profile - object FractalTree (SceneObject): deffile - string levels - integer seed - integer fxFoliageReplicator (SceneObject): fxGrassReplicator (SceneObject): fxShapeReplicator (SceneObject): fxSunLight (SceneObject): GameBase (SceneObject): datablock - object DynamicShapeReplicator (GameBase): boxmax - string boxmin - string maxgridobjects - integer mingridobjects - integer radius - integer shapefiles - string surfacetype - string DynamicGrass (DynamicShapeReplicator): DynamicGrassReplicator (DynamicShapeReplicator): Explosion (GameBase): datablock - object fxLight (GameBase): datablock - object Lightning (GameBase): strikesperminute - integer ParticleEmitter (GameBase): ParticleEmitterNode (GameBase): datablock - object emitter - object PathedInterior (GameBase): Precipitation (GameBase): maxmass - float maxspeed - float minmass - float minspeed - float percentage - float modifystorm(float, float) Projectile (GameBase): datablock - object initialposition - string initialvelocity - string sourceobject - object ShapeBase (GameBase): chat - string datablock - object shapenamecolor - string applydamage(float) applyimpulse(str, str) - returns boolean applyrepair(float) cancloak() - returns string detachallprojectiles() detachprojectiles(int) getairepairpoint() - returns string getcamerafov() - returns float getcontrollingclient() - returns object getcontrollingobject() - returns object getdamageflash() - returns float getdamagelevel() - returns float getdamagepercent() - returns float getdamagestate() - returns string getenergylevel() - returns float getenergypercent() - returns float geteyepoint() - returns string geteyetransform() - returns string geteyevector() - returns string getimageammo(int) - returns boolean getimageloaded(int) - returns boolean getimageskintag(int) - returns integer getimagestate(int) - returns string getimagetrigger(int) - returns boolean getmountedimage(int) - returns object getmountedobject(int) - returns object getmountedobjectcount() - returns integer getmountedobjectnode(int) - returns integer getmountnodeobject(int) - returns object getmountslot(str) - returns integer getmounttransform(int) - returns string getmuzzlepoint(int) - returns string getmuzzlevector(int) - returns string getobjectmount() - returns object getpendingimage(int) - returns object getrechargerate() - returns float getrepairrate() - returns float getshapename() - returns string getskinname() - returns string getslottransform(int) - returns string getthread(int) - returns string getthreadposition(int) - returns float getvelocity() - returns string getwhiteout() - returns float hide() iscloaked() - returns boolean isdestroyed() - returns boolean isdisabled() - returns boolean isenabled() - returns boolean ishidden() - returns boolean isimagefiring(int) - returns boolean isimagemounted(str) - returns boolean islookfrozen() - returns boolean ismounted() - returns boolean mountimage(str, int) - returns boolean mountobject(obj, int) - returns boolean pausethread(int) - returns boolean playaudio(int, obj) - returns boolean playthread(int, str) - returns boolean playthreadext(int, str, float, float, float, bool) - returns boolean registermelee(str, str, obj, int, str, str) - returns boolean setcamerafov(float) setcloaked(bool) setdamageflash(float) setdamagelevel(float) setdamagestate(str) - returns boolean setdamagevector(str) setenergylevel(float) sethidden(bool) setimageammo(int, bool) - returns boolean setimageloaded(int, bool) - returns boolean setimagetrigger(int, bool) - returns boolean setinvinciblemode(float, float) setrechargerate(float) setrepairrate(float) setshapename(str) setskinname(str) setthreaddir(int, bool) - returns boolean setvelocity(str) - returns boolean setwhiteout(float) show() startfade(float, float, bool) stopaudio(int) - returns boolean stopthread(int) - returns boolean unmount() unmountimage(int) - returns boolean unmountobject(obj) - returns boolean unregistermelee(int) - returns boolean AdvancedCamera (ShapeBase): cameramode - integer zoomdistance - float clearplayerobject() cleartargetobject() getcameraposition() - returns string getgodviewoffset() - returns string getlookatoffset() - returns string getthirdpersonoffset() - returns string setcameraposition(str) setflymode() setfollowterrainmode(bool) setgodviewmode() setgodviewoffset(str) setlookatoffset(str) setorbitchangeangle(float) setorbitchangezoom(float) setorbitminmaxdeclination(str) setorbitminmaxzoom(str) setorbitmode() setplayerobject(obj) settargetobject(obj) setthirdpersonmode() setthirdpersonoffset(str) setthirdpersonpanmode() setthirdpersontargetmode() settrackmode() Camera (ShapeBase): setflymode() setorbitmode(obj, str, float, float, float, bool) MissionMarker (ShapeBase): datablock - object PathCamera (ShapeBase): datablock - object Player (ShapeBase): datablock - object speed - float swimming - boolean (read only) checkdismountpoint(str, str) - returns boolean clearcontrolobject() getcontrolobject() - returns object getdamagelocation(str) - returns string getstate() - returns string setactionthread(str, bool, bool) - returns boolean setcontrolobject(obj) - returns boolean AIPlayer (Player): maxturnpitch - float maxturnyaw - float simplemovement - boolean wallcheck - boolean clearaim() getaimlocation() - returns string getaimobject() - returns object getmovedestination() - returns string ismoving() - returns boolean setaimlocation(str) setaimobject(obj) setmovedestination(str, bool) setmovespeed(float) stop() StaticShape (ShapeBase): datablock - object Vehicle (ShapeBase): datablock - object FlyingVehicle (Vehicle): datablock - object usecreateheight(bool) HoverVehicle (Vehicle): datablock - object WheeledVehicle (Vehicle): datablock - object getwheelcount() - returns integer setwheelpowered(int, bool) - returns boolean setwheelspring(int, obj) - returns boolean setwheelsteering(int, float) - returns boolean setwheeltire(int, obj) - returns boolean SpawnSphere (GameBase): indoorweight - float outdoorweight - float radius - float sphereweight - float Splash (GameBase): Trigger (GameBase): datablock - object TSStatic (GameBase): noshadowlevel - float onlyambientlight - boolean Item (TSStatic): datablock - object hide() show() startfade(float, float, bool) InteriorInstance (SceneObject): audioenvironment - object audioprofile - object interiorfile - string showterraininside - boolean Marker (SceneObject): Shape3ds (SceneObject): Sky (SceneObject): materiallist - string skyfadetime - float windvelocity - string getwindowvelocity() - returns string realfog(bool, float, float, float) - specify if it should show, and max, min and speed values stormclouds(bool, float) - specify if it should show, and the duration stormcloudsshow(bool) stormfog(float, float) - percent and duration of the fog stormfogshow(bool) TerrainBlock (SceneObject): bumpoffset - float bumpscale - float bumptexture - string detailtexture - string squaresize - integer terrainfile - string zerobumpscale - integer twSurfaceReference (SceneObject): volumeLight (SceneObject): WaterBlock (SceneObject): audioenvironment - object density - float depthgradient - float distortgridscale - float distortmag - float distorttime - float envmapintensity - float envmapovertexture - string envmapundertexture - string flowangle - float flowrate - float liquidtype - string maxalpha - float minalpha - float removewetedges - boolean shoredepth - float shoretexture - string specularcolor - string specularmasktex - string specularpower - float submergetexture0 - string submergetexture1 - string surfaceopacity - float surfaceparallax - float surfacetexture - string tessshore - float tesssurface - float usedepthmask - boolean viscosity - float wavemagnitude - float SimDataBlock (SimObject): isdatablock - boolean (read only) AudioDescription (SimDataBlock): AudioProfile (SimDataBlock): description - object environment - object DecalData (SimDataBlock): lifetime - float GameBaseData (SimDataBlock): DebrisData (GameBaseData): explosion - object ExplosionData (GameBaseData): debris - object particleemitter - object soundprofile - object fxLightData (GameBaseData): ItemData (GameBaseData): LightningData (GameBaseData): strikesound - object ParticleEmitterData (GameBaseData): particles - string ParticleEmitterNodeData (GameBaseData): PathedInteriorData (GameBaseData): startsound - object stopsound - object sustainsound - object PrecipitationData (GameBaseData): soundprofile - object ProjectileData (GameBaseData): armingdelay - integer bounceelasticity - float bouncefriction - float explosion - object fadedelay - integer gravitymod - float lifetime - integer lightradius - float muzzlevelocity - float particleemitter - object velinheritfactor - float ShapeBaseData (GameBaseData): debris - object explosion - object noshadowlevel - float onlyambientlight - boolean showhitboxes - boolean underwaterexplosion - object AdvancedCameraData (ShapeBaseData): CameraData (ShapeBaseData): MissionMarkerData (ShapeBaseData): PlayerData (ShapeBaseData): decaldata - object dustemitter - object exitingwater - object footbubblessound - object foothardsound - object footmetalsound - object footpuffemitter - object footshallowsound - object footsnowsound - object footsoftsound - object footunderwatersound - object footwadingsound - object impacthardsound - object impactmetalsound - object impactsnowsound - object impactsoftsound - object impactwatereasy - object impactwaterhard - object impactwatermedium - object jumpingsound - object movingbubblessound - object splash - object waterbreathsound - object StaticShapeData (ShapeBaseData): VehicleData (ShapeBaseData): dustemitter - object exitingwater - object hardimpactsound - object impactwatereasy - object impactwaterhard - object impactwatermedium - object softimpactsound - object waterwakesound - object FlyingVehicleData (VehicleData): backwardjetemitter - object downjetemitter - object enginesound - object forwardjetemitter - object jetsound - object trailemitter - object HoverVehicleData (VehicleData): dusttrailemitter - object enginesound - object floatsound - object forwardjetemitter - object jetsound - object WheeledVehicleData (VehicleData): enginesound - object jetsound - object squealsound - object tireemitter - object wheelimpactsound - object ShapeBaseImageData (GameBaseData): casing - object projectile - object SplashData (GameBaseData): explosion - object soundprofile - object TriggerData (GameBaseData): ParticleData (SimDataBlock): TSShapeConstructor (SimDataBlock): WheeledVehicleSpring (SimDataBlock): WheeledVehicleTire (SimDataBlock): SimGroup (SimObject): addcontrol(obj) GameConnection (SimGroup): account - string (read only) nick - string (read only) objecttype() - returns string - returns the object type, which can be TGraalVar, TProjectile etc. Sun (SimObject): TDrawableObject (TGraalVar): layer - integer (read only) TBaddy (TDrawableObject): dir - integer headdir - integer mode - integer power - integer type - integer x - float y - float TLevelObject (TDrawableObject): level - object (read only) x - float y - float z - float TExplosion (TLevelObject): dir - integer (read only) power - integer (read only) time - float (read only) TGaniObject (TLevelObject): ani - object (read only) aniparams - string (read only) anistep - integer (read only) attachid - integer (read only) attachtype - integer (read only) attr - object (read only) body - string bodyimg - string colors - object (read only) dir - integer head - string headimg - string shield - string sprite - integer sword - string getimageforsprite(obj) - returns string getsprite(str) - returns object getspriteforspritepos(obj) - returns object TProjectile (TGaniObject): angle - float (read only) fromplayer - object (read only) horiz - boolean (read only) params - object (read only) speed - float (read only) x - float (read only) y - float (read only) z - float (read only) zspeed - float (read only) TServerHorse (TGaniObject): bombpower - integer bombs - integer bushes - integer dir - integer type - integer TServerPlayer (TGaniObject): account - string (read only) ap - integer attached - boolean (read only) bombs - integer chat - string darts - integer fullhearts - integer (read only) glovepower - integer gralats - integer guild - string (read only) headimg - string headset - integer hearts - float (read only) horseimg - string (read only) hp - float (read only) id - integer (read only) isadmin - boolean (read only) ischannel - boolean (read only) ischannelopen - boolean (read only) ischanneluser - boolean (read only) isexternal - boolean (read only) isfemale - boolean (read only) isignoring - boolean (read only) isloggedin - boolean (read only) ismale - boolean (read only) ismuted - boolean (read only) ismuting - boolean (read only) language - string (read only) languagedomain - string (read only) maxhp - integer (read only) messagebubble - integer (read only) mp - integer nick - string platform - string (read only) playersindex - integer (read only) rupees - integer - better use 'gralats' shieldimg - string shieldpower - integer (read only) swordimg - string swordpower - integer (read only) x - float y - float isguildpm() - returns boolean ismasspm() - returns boolean pmswaiting() - returns boolean showprofile() TPlayer (TServerPlayer): ap - integer chat - string freezetime - float hearts - float horseimg - string hp - float hurt - boolean (read only) hurtdx - float (read only) hurtdy - float (read only) hurted - boolean (read only) hurtpower - float (read only) isfemale - boolean (read only) ismale - boolean (read only) letters - string map - boolean (read only) nick - string (read only) onhorse - boolean (read only) online - boolean (read only) paused - boolean (read only) reading - boolean (read only) shieldimg - string sprite - integer swimming - boolean (read only) swordimg - string transform - string weapon - object (read only) weapons - object (read only) TServerNPC (TServerPlayer): actionplayer - integer (read only) hearts - float height - float (read only) horseimg - string hp - float hurtdx - float hurtdy - float image - string isblocking - boolean isblockingprojectiles - boolean layer - integer npcsindex - integer (read only) peltwithblackstone - boolean (read only) peltwithbush - boolean (read only) peltwithnpc - boolean (read only) peltwithsign - boolean (read only) peltwithstone - boolean (read only) peltwithvase - boolean (read only) save - object (read only) shieldpower - integer sprite - integer swordpower - integer visible - boolean width - float (read only) x - float y - float blockagain() blockagainlocal() canbecarried() canbepulled() canbepushed() cannotbecarried() cannotbepulled() cannotbepushed() carryobject(str) changeimgcolors(int, float, float, float, float) changeimgmode(int, int) changeimgpart(int, int, int, int, int) changeimgvis(int, int) changeimgzoom(int, float) destroy() dontblock() dontblocklocal() drawaslight() drawoverplayer() drawunderplayer() findimg(int) - returns object hide() hideimg(int) hideimgs(int, int) hidelocal() hurt(int) lay(str) message(str) move(float, float, float, int) setbow(str) setcharani(str, str) setchargender(str) setcoloreffect(float, float, float, float) seteffectmode(int) setimg(str) setimgpart(str, int, int, int, int) setshape(int, int, int) setshape2(int, int, obj) setzoomeffect(float) shootarrow(int) shootball() shootfireball(int) shootfireblast(int) shootnuke(int) show() showani(int, float, float, int, str) - returns object showani2(int, float, float, float, int, str) - returns object showcharacter() showimg(int, str, float, float) - returns object showimg2(int, str, float, float, float) - returns object showlocal() showpoly(int, obj) - returns object showpoly2(int, obj) - returns object showtext(int, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object showtext2(int, float, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object take(str) take2(int) takehorse(int) throwcarry() timereverywhere() toweapons(str) TServerWeapon (TServerNPC): isweapon - boolean (read only) TServerBomb (TLevelObject): power - integer time - float TServerCarry (TLevelObject): TServerChest (TLevelObject): isopen - boolean (read only) item - string (read only) TServerExtra (TLevelObject): time - float (read only) type - integer (read only) TServerFlying (TLevelObject): dir - integer (read only) dx - float dy - float from - integer (read only) type - integer (read only) TServerLeap (TLevelObject): TServerSign (TLevelObject): text - string TShowImg (TLevelObject): alpha - float ani - string attachoffset - string attachtoowner - boolean blue - float code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text' dimension - integer dir - integer emitter - object (read only) eulerrotation - string font - string green - float image - string imageindex - integer (read only) layer - integer mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract) playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing etc. polygon - object red - float rotation - float shape - string stretchx - float stretchy - float style - string text - string x - float y - float zoom - float TDrawingPanel (TGraalVar): height - integer (read only) parth - integer (read only) partw - integer (read only) partx - integer (read only) party - integer (read only) width - integer (read only) clearall() clearrectangle(int, int, int, int) - x, y, width and height drawimage(int, int, str) - x, y, source image drawimagerectangle(int, int, str, int, int, int, int) - destination x and y, source image, source x,y,width and height drawimagestretched(int, int, int, int, str, int, int, int, int) - destination x,y,width and height, source image, source x,y,width and height Terraformer (TGraalVar): loadgrayscale(int, str) - returns boolean loadgreyscale(int, str) - returns boolean savegreyscale(int, str) - returns boolean setterrain(int) - returns boolean TFrameDetail (TGraalVar): bordercolor - string borderenable - string bordermovable - string borderwidth - integer minextent - string TGaniParam (TGraalVar): TGraalAni (TGraalVar): continuous - boolean ganitype - string (read only) loop - boolean movie - boolean setbackto - string singledirection - boolean addsprite(int) - returns object addstep() - returns object deletesprite(int) deletestep(int) getsprite(int) - returns object insertstep(int) - returns object TGraalAniPart (TGraalVar): attr - integer dx - integer dy - integer param - integer sprite - object TGraalAniSound (TGraalVar): delay - float dx - float dy - float sound - string TGraalAniSprite (TGraalVar): alpha - float blue - float description - string green - float height - integer image - string imagetype - string (read only) mode - integer red - float rotation - float spriteindex - integer stretchx - float stretchy - float width - integer x - integer y - integer zoom - float addattachment() - returns object deleteattachment(int) insertattachment(int) - returns object TGraalAniStep (TGraalVar): delay - float addpos(int) - returns object deletepos(int, int) insertpos(int, int) - returns object TGraalSpriteAttachment (TGraalVar): behind - boolean dx - integer dy - integer sprite - object THTTPRequest (TGraalVar): address - string (read only) contentlanguage - string (read only) contenttype - string (read only) downloadcomplete - boolean (read only) file - string (read only) fulldata - string (read only) lastmodified - string (read only) port - integer (read only) returncode - integer (read only) returnmessage - string (read only) server - string (read only) TParticle (TGraalVar): angle - float lifetime - float movementvector - string sound - string speed - float spin - float zangle - float TParticleEmitter (TGraalVar): attachposition - boolean autorotation - boolean checkbelowterrain - boolean clippingbox - string cliptoscreen - boolean continueafterdestroy - boolean currentparticlecount - integer (read only) delaymax - float delaymin - float dropemitter - object (read only) dropwateremitter - object (read only) emissionoffset - string emitatterrainheight - boolean emitautomatically - boolean emittedparticles - integer (read only) firstinfront - boolean isfrozen - boolean maxparticles - integer nrofparticles - integer particle - object (read only) particletypes - integer wraptoclippingbox - boolean addemitmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object addglobalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object addlocalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object advancetime(float) emit() emitat(str) removemodifiers() removeparticles() TParticleModifier (TGraalVar): addmod(str, str, float, float) TServerLevel (TGraalVar): compsdead - boolean (read only) height - integer (read only) isnopkzone - boolean (read only) issparringzone - boolean (read only) nopkzone - boolean (read only) - same like 'isnopkzone' tilelayercount - integer width - integer (read only) findareanpcs(float, float, float, float) - returns object - returns an array of all npcs at the specified rectangle (x,y,width,height) hitcompu(int, int, float, float) putbomb(int, float, float) putcomp(str, float, float) putexplosion(int, float, float) putexplosion2(int, int, float, float) puthorse(str, float, float) putnewcomp(str, float, float, str, int) reflectarrow(int) removearrow(int) removebomb(int) removecompus() removeexplo(int) removehorse(int) removeitem(int) setz(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float) shoot(float, float, float, float, float, float, str, str) - shoots a projectile with x,y,z,angle,zangle,strength,ani,aniparams testbomb(float, float) - returns integer testexplo(float, float) - returns integer testhorse(float, float) - returns integer testitem(float, float) - returns integer testnpc(float, float) - returns integer testsign(float, float) - returns integer tiletype(float, float) - returns integer TServerLevelLink (TGraalVar): destx - float (read only) desty - float (read only) height - float (read only) width - float (read only) x - float (read only) y - float (read only) TShowImg_Values (TGraalVar): alpha - float blue - float green - float mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract) red - float rotation - float stretchx - float stretchy - float zoom - float TShowImg_Gani (TShowImg_Values): actor - object (read only) TShowImg_Image (TShowImg_Values): height - float parth - integer partw - integer partx - integer party - integer width - float TShowImg_Shape (TShowImg_Values): mounts - object (read only) setshapeanimation(str, float, bool) - returns boolean TShowImg_Text (TShowImg_Values): parth - integer partw - integer partx - integer party - integer TShowImgMount (TGraalVar): node - integer shape - string TStaticVar (TGraalVar): destroy() TTilesLayer (TGraalVar): alpha - float blue - float green - float layerindex - integer (read only) offset - string red - float x - float y - float z - float updateboard(int, int, int, int) TUpdatePackage (TGraalVar): description - string (read only) downloadcomplete - boolean (read only) downloadedsize - integer (read only) filecount - integer (read only) filedownloadedsize - integer (read only) filename - string (read only) filetotalsize - integer (read only) isuninstalled - boolean (read only) lastdownloadfile - string (read only) localversion - float (read only) mode - string (read only) name - string (read only) parent - object (read only) platform - string (read only) protectoverwrite - boolean (read only) totalsize - integer (read only) usechecksum - boolean (read only) version - float (read only) reinstall() - returns boolean uninstall() - returns boolean update() - returns boolean