Creation/Dev/Script/Clientside Functions: Difference between revisions

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==GUI Objects==
=GUI Objects=
GUI Objects are currently well documented starting here [[Creation/Dev/Script/Client/GuiControl]].
GUI Objects are currently well documented starting here [[Creation/Dev/Script/Client/GuiControl]].

Revision as of 18:33, 28 February 2011

[R] denotes it is read-only.
[3D] denotes it is a Graal3D function.
[opengl] denotes it is functional only in opengl mode.


Variable Type Notes
allfeatures integer [R]
allplayerscount integer [R] Returns the count of all players on your playerlist, including IRC bots.
allrenderobjecttypes integer [R]
allstats integer [R] Used with showstats() in order to show all stats.
canspin boolean [R] Returns true of false if the player has spin attack.
carriesblackstone boolean [R] Returns whether the player is carrying a black stone.
carriesbush boolean [R] Returns whether the player is carrying a bush.
carriesnpc boolean [R] Returns whether the player is carrying an NPC
carriessign boolean [R] Returns whether the player is carrying a sign.
carriesstone boolean [R] Returns whether the player is carrying a stone.
carriesvase boolean [R] Returns whether the player is carrying a vase.
downloadfile string [R] Returns the currently downloaded file.
downloadpos integer [R] Returns the position of the currently downloaded file.
downloadsize integer [R] Returns the size of the currently downloaded file.
editingmission boolean
emoticonchar string [R]
focusx float [R] Position of the camera in tile units.
focusy float [R] Position of the camera in tile units.
ghostsnear boolean [R] If a ghost(observer) is in the same level as the player.
graalplugincookie string [R]
graalversion float [R] Version of Graal the player is using.
gravity float The gravity value that effects how fast projectiles fall. It universally effects all projectiles.
installedlanguages string [R]
isapplicationactive boolean [R] Is Graal window active?
iscarrying boolean [R] Returns true of false if the player is carrying something.
isfocused boolean [R]
isgraal3d boolean [R]
isgraalplugin boolean [R]
isleader boolean [R] Player was the first to enter the level.
isonmap boolean [R] Player is on a map.
isopengl boolean [R] Graal is in opengl mode.
isrecordingvideo boolean [R] Player is currently recording(alt+6) Graal.
jpegquality integer
isgraalplugin boolean [R]
lastdownloadfile string [R] The last file downloaded.
leftmousebutton boolean [R] If the left mouse button is pressed.
leftmousebuttonglobal boolean [R] If the left mouse button is pressed. Returns whether mouse is in focus of GUIs or not.
levelorgx float [R]
levelorgy float [R]
lighteffectsenabled boolean Whether the player has their lights enabled via options.
middlemousebutton boolean [R] If the middle mouse button is pressed
middlemousebuttonglobal boolean [R] If the middle mouse button is pressed. Returns whether mouse is in focus of GUIs or not.
mousebuttons integer [R]
mousebuttonsglobal integer [R]
mousepitch float [R] [3D]
mousescreenx integer Position of the mouse in the Graal screen, in pixel units on the x-axis.
mousescreeny integer Position of the mouse in the Graal screen, in pixel units on the y-axis.
mousewheeldelta integer [R] How much the mouse wheel has been scrolled.
mousex float Position of the mouse in the level, in tile units, on the x-axis.
mousey float Position of the mouse in the level, in tile units, on the y-axis
mouseyaw float [R] [3D]
musiclen integer [R] Length of current playing MP3
musicpos integer [R] Position of current playing MP3
particleeffectsenabled boolean If player has particles enabled in their options.
rightmousebutton boolean [R] If the right mouse button is pressed
rightmousebuttonglobal boolean [R] If the right mouse button is pressed. Returns whether mouse is in focus of GUIs or not.
screenheight integer [R] Height of the Graal screen in pixel units.
screenwidth integer [R] Width of the Graal screen in pixel units.
scriptedcontrols boolean [R]
scriptedplayerlist boolean [R] Whether the player has the scripted playerlist enabled.
scriptlogwritetoreadonly boolean
selectedlistplayers object An object of all players selected on the playerlist.
selectedsword integer
selectedweapon integer Index of the currently selected weapon.
servername string [R] Name of the server.
serverstartconnect string
serverstartparams string
shotbybaddy boolean [R] If the player is shot by a baddy(default) arrow.
shotbyplayer boolean [R] If the player is shot by another players arrow.
showterraingrid boolean
spritesimage string Filename of the currently set sprite image.
statusimage string Filename of the currently set state image.
timevar integer [R].
timevar2 float [R]
timevar3 float [R] [3D] Synchronized time which works on both server and client-side, precision is milliseconds.
wasshooted boolean [R] If the player is shot by a default arrow.
waterheight float
weapons object [R] all the players weapons, this includes login inherited weapons.
weaponsenabled boolean If the players weapons are enabled via disableweapons()/enableweapons().
weathereffectsenabled boolean If weather is enabled in the players options.
worldclockstopped boolean
worldhour integer
worldminute float
worldminutesofday float
worldrealsecondsperday float


Variable Type Notes
addcontrol(object) adds 'object' to the parent control.
addmaterialmapping(string, string) [3D] returns boolean.
addtiledef(string image, string prefix, int format) Adds a tileset definition with the supplied tileset image, level prefix and tileset format (0=pics1, 1=new world, 5=terrain).
addtiledef2(string image, string prefix, int x, int y) Overlays an image on the tileset with the supplied tileset image and level prefix. Parameters 'x' and 'y' represent the x and y position on the tileset of where to place the new image.
aindexof(float, array) Returns integer - the position of 'float' in the array.
arccos(float) Returns float - the arc cosine of 'float'.
arcsin(float) Returns float - the arc sine of 'float'.
attachplayertoobj(integer1, integer2) Attaches the player to the object with the matching ID where integer1 is the object type (currently only NPCs - 0) and integer2 is the ID of the desired object.
base64decode(string) Returns string - Decodes a base64 string.
base64encode(string) Returns string - Encodes string in to several characters of a 64 printable character set (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, + and /, while "=" is a special suffix code)
boxcontains(string, string) returns boolean.
boxcontainsvector(string, string) returns boolean
boxintersect(string, string) returns string
boxoverlaps(string, string) returns boolean
boxscale(string, string) returns string
callnpc(int index, string function) Calls a function from an NPC where 'index' is the NPC's index and 'function' is the function name.
callweapon(int index, string function) Calls a function from a weapon where 'index' is the weapon's index and 'function' is the function name.
castray({x,y,x}, {x,y,z}, string type) [3D] returns object - specify the start and end of the ray, and the object types (e.g. "staticts,terrain,interior")
checksum(string) returns float
contains(string2, string1) returns boolean - True if string1 is contained within string2.
copystrings(string, string)
cursoroff() [opengl] Disables the visible mouse cursor.
cursoron() [opengl] Enables the visible mouse cursor.
degtorad(float) returns float - Converts angle measurements of degrees to radians
detachplayer() Detaches a player from an attached object.
disabledefmovement() Disables the default movement system and controls(including weapons, sword, grab. Does not include Q-menu, pause, map...).
disablemap() Disables the default map (M).
disablepause() Disables the default pause (P).
disableselectweapons() Disables the default Q-menu (Q).
disableweapons() Disables the default sword (S) and weapons (D).
echo(string) echos 'string' to the debug window(F2).
enabledefmovement() Enables the default movement system.
enablemap() Enables the default map system(M).
enablepause() Enables the default pause system(P).
enableselectweapons() Enables the default Q-menu(Q).
enableweapons() Enables the default sword(S) and weapons(D).
escapestring(string) returns string - adds \\ in front of ", ' and \\, and removes non-printable characters
explodebomb(integer) explodes the bomb with the id of 'integer'.
extractfilebase(string) returns string
extractfileext(string) Takes in a file name, and returns its extension.
extractfilepath(string) returns string
fileexists(string) returns boolean of whether the file 'str' exists in the players Graal/ directory(does not search subfolders).
filesize(string) Returns the size(int) of the file 'string' in the players Graal/ directory(does not search subfolders).
fileupdate(string) returns boolean
findani(string) returns object
findfiles(string, integer) returns object
findlevel(string) returns object
findnearestplayer(float1, float2) Returns the closest player's object relevant to float1 and float2.
findnearestplayers(float, float) Returns the closest players' object relevant to float1 and float2.
findnpcbyid(integer) Returns the NPC object with the ID of 'int'.
findpathinarray(obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4, obj5, int, int, int) Returns object - Simple path-finding: Obj1 being tiles that allow walking, Obj2 being tiles that don't allow walking, Obj3; tiles that shouldn't be allowed to walked on, Obj4; tiles that are able to be walked on, Obj5; tiles where we may stop. Integers are relevant to the startx, starty and maximum path length. - Arrays for allowed/non-allowed tiles are only checked if they aren't null.
findplayer(string) Returns the player object with the account equal to string.
findplayerbycommunityname(string) Returns the player object with the community name equal to string.
findplayerbyid(integer) Returns the player object with the ID equal to integer.
findweapon(string) Returns the weapon object with the name equal to string.
format(string, string, ...) See format().
format2(string, array) Like format(), except that this expects the format string and an array of variables instead of passing the variables as separate parameters.
freezeplayer(float) Freezes the player for the number of seconds specified by float.
get3dobjectat(float, float, boolean) [3D] Gets the 3d object at the specified screen position, third parameter true if it should do box collision.
get3dobjectatmouse(boolean) [3D] Gets the 3d object at the mouse. Parameter true if it should do box collision.
get3dobjectbyray(string, string) [3D] returns object
get3dobjectsbybox(string, string) [3D] 1st parameter defines the box {minx,miny,minz, maxx,maxy,maxz}. Second parameter specifies the type of object to find (e.g. "staticts,terrain,interior")
get3dscreenposition(string, boolean) [3D] returns string
getanglesfromvector({x, y, z}) Returns an array that contains the angles the 3D vector {x, y, z} makes with the X-Y and X-Z axes.
getascii(string) Returns the ascii code for string.
getbasepackage() returns object
getboxcenter(string) Returns an array containing the center of a 3D box specified by string ({x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,...}).
getdesktopresolution() returns string
getdisplaydevicelist() returns string
getdownloadedupdatepackagesize() Returns the size of the downloaded update package.
getdownloadingpackage() Returns a reference to current update package being downloaded.
getdownloadingpackagescount() Returns a count of the number of update packages to download.
getdropz(string) returns float
getExtension(string) This function is the same as extractFileExt(). Takes in a file name, and returns its extension.
getfilemodtime(string) Returns a timestamp of when the file was last modified (in unix time compatible to timevar2). This function accepts both exact file path and plain file name.
gethttprequest(string, integer, string) returns object (This function is the same as requestHttp())
getimgheight(string) Returns the height (in pixels) of the filename indicated by string.
getimgpixel(string, integer, integer) returns object
getimgwidth(string) Returns the width(in pixels) of the filename indicated by string.
getkeycode(string) Returns the keycode of the key indicated by string. The keycode returned can be used in keydown2().
getloginaccountname() Presumably used for the login server. Use player.account instead.
getmapx(string) Gets the x coordinate location in the gmap of the level indicated by string. The top-left level starts at (0, 0).
getmapy(string) Gets the y coordinate location in the gmap of the level indicated by string. The top-left level starts at (0, 0).
getmusicfilename() Returns the filename of the music currently playing.
getmusicstatus() Returns the status of the music currently playing.
getmusictags() Returns the tags of the music currently playing. This function can be used to retrieve the title and artist info of the music.
getnearestplayer(float, float) Deprecated. Use findnearestplayer() instead.
getnearestplayers(float, float) Deprecated. Use findnearestplayers() instead.
getpackagesdownloadcomplete() Returns 'true' if the package downloads are complete.
getpackagesdownloaded() Returns 'true' if the most recent packages are already downloaded.
getplatform() Returns the platform that the player is using. (i.e. windows, mac, or linux)
getresolutionlist(string) returns string
getservername() Returns the name of the server the player is currently connected to.
getstringkeys(string) Returns an array of the variables that begins with the supplied string.
getterraintexture(float, float) returns string
getterraintextureindex(float, float) returns integer
gettextheight(float zoom, string style, string font) returns integer - The height in pixels of the text with the given zoom, style and font.
gettextwidth(float zoom, string style, string font, string text) returns integer - The width of the text with the given zoom, style, font and text.
gettileset() returns string - the current main tileset (pics1.png, picso.png etc.)
gettilesettype() returns integer - the current tileset type (pics1.png:0, picso.png:5 etc.)
gettotalupdatepackagesize() returns integer - The total size of the update packages.
getupdatepackage(string name) returns object - A reference to the update package with the given name.
getvectorfromangles(float, float) returns string
getz(float, float) returns float
graalcontrolhasfocus(bool) returns boolean - Whether or not the graal control has focus. Parameter says if it should also check if the chat bar has the focus
hideplayer(float time) Hides player for the specified amount of time.
hidesword(float time) Hides the player's sword for the specified amount of time.
  hitnpc(int, float, float, float)
  hitobjects(float, float, float)
  hitplayer(int, float, float, float)
  isadminguild(str) - returns boolean
  isclassloaded(str) - returns boolean
  iscursoron() - returns boolean
  isdevicefullscreenonly(str) - returns boolean
  isdownloading(str) - returns boolean - checks if a file is currently downloaded or requested from the server
  isdownloadingfiles() - returns boolean - checks if Graal is currently downloading or requesting files from the server
  isfullscreenmode() - returns boolean
  isimgpixeltransparent(str, int, int) - returns boolean
  isimgrectangletransparent(str, int, int, int, int) - returns boolean
  ismusicplaying() - returns boolean
  isobject(str) - returns boolean
  issoundplaying(str) - returns boolean
  keydown(int) - returns boolean
  keydown2(int, bool) - returns boolean
  keydown2global(int, bool) - returns boolean
  keydownglobal(int) - returns boolean
  keyname(int) - returns string
  lay2(str, float, float)
  lightscene() - returns boolean
  lowercase(str) - returns string
  ltmmax(float, float)
  ltmmin(float, float)
  makescreenshot2(str, int, float, float, float, int, int)
  matrixcreate(str, str) - returns string
  matrixcreatefromeuler(str) - returns string
  matrixmulpoint(str, str) - returns string
  matrixmultiply(str, str) - returns string
  matrixmulvector(str, str) - returns string
  md5(str) - returns string
  onwall(float, float) - returns boolean
  onwall2(float, float, float, float) - returns boolean
  onwater(float, float) - returns boolean
  onwater2(float, float, float, float) - returns boolean
  openurl2(str, int, int)
  play2(str, float, float, float)
  play3d(str, bool, str, str)
  playlooped2(str, float, float, float)
  putleaps(int, float, float)
  radtodeg(float) - returns float
  randomstring(str) - returns string
  replaceani(str, str)
  requestfilerename(str, str)
  requestfilesmove(str, str)
  requesthttp(str, int, str) - returns object
  requesttext(str, str)
  requesturl(str) - returns object
  rotationadd(str, str) - returns string
  rotationaddeuler(str, str) - returns string
  rotationfromeuler(str) - returns string
  rotationsub(str, str) - returns string
  rotationtoeuler(str) - returns string
  screenx(float, float) - returns integer
  screeny(float, float) - returns integer
  selectfilefordownload(str) - opens the select-file-dialog for the download location of files (from scripted RC)
  selectfileforupload() - opens the select-file-dialog for uploading of files (into scripted RC)
  sendtext(str, str, params...)
  setani(str, str)
  seteffect(float, float, float, float)
  setfocus(float, float)
  setmap(str, str, float, float) - sets a text map (you can see the tiles of other levels but not the npcs), parameters are text file with level names, the map image (not used anymore), default x and y for the head icons; use gmaps if possible instead of this
  setminimap(str, str, float, float) - parameters are a text file with level names, the image, default x and y; use gmaps if possible instead of this
  setmusicvolume(float, float)
  setshield(str, int)
  setsword(str, int)
  spyfire(int, int)
  startrecordvideo() - returns boolean
  stopmidi() - same as stopmusic(), kept for compatibility
  stoprecordvideo() - returns boolean
  strcmp(str, str) - returns integer
  strequals(str, str) - returns boolean
  synctimeofday(float, float)
  testplayer(float, float) - returns integer
  trace(str) - same as echo()
  triggeraction(float, float, str, params...)
  triggerserver(str, str)
  update3dterrain(float, float, float, float)
  updateboard(int, int, int, int)
  uploadfile(str) - uploads a file, you must provide the full path provided by a onDropFiles() event, also this will only work if the scripted RC has currently a file browser window open; once the file is uploaded an onFilesUploaded event will be invoked
  uppercase(str) - returns string
  vectoradd(str, str) - returns string
  vectorcross(str, str) - returns string
  vectordist(str, str) - returns float
  vectordot(str, str) - returns float
  vectorlen(str) - returns float
  vectornormalize(str) - returns string
  vectororthobasis(str) - returns string
  vectorscale(str, float) - returns string
  vectorsub(str, str) - returns string
  worldx(float, float) - returns float
  worldy(float, float) - returns float
  wraptext(int, str, str) - returns object
  wraptext2(int, float, str, str) - returns object


  initialized - boolean [R]
  ispaused - boolean - suspends the script if set to paused
  joinedclasses - object
  maxlooplimit - integer - sets the maxmimum number of loop iterations, default 10000; the allowed range for this can vary from server to server
  name - string
  scripterrors - object [R] - gives the list of script errors which were reported for this object
  scriptlogmissingfunctions - boolean
  timeout - float
  addarray(obj) - adds another array to this variable
  addarraymember(str) - returns object - adds an array member with a name and returns the new array member
  addnamedstring(str, str) - returns object
  cancelevents(str) - removes all previously scheduled events (scheduleevent) of the specified event name
  catchevent(str, str, str) - adds an event handler for the specified object and event, third parameter is the function which receives the event (first parameter of the event will be the object for which the event occured)
  clearemptyvars() - removes empty subvariables from memory
  clearvars() - clears all dynamic variables
  copyfrom(obj) - copies all variables and array values from another object, doesn't work for protected variables like players though
  getarraymember(str) - returns object - searches for an array member by name
  getdynamicvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all dynamic (not built-in) subvariables of this object
  geteditvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all dynamic variables which can be modified
  getfunctions() - returns object - gets the names of all functions of the object as array, also each entry has subvariables which give more information about the function ("parameters", "description", "scope")
  getstaticvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all static (built-in) subvariables of this object
  getvarnames() - returns object - gets the names of all subvariables of this object
  hasfunction(str) - returns boolean - checks if the object has a function of the specified name (also checks if it can be called by the current script object)
  ignoreevent(str, str) - lets the object ignore an event (second parameter) of the specified object name
  ignoreevents(str) - lets the object ignore all previously catched events of the specified object name
  insertarray(int, obj) - inserts an array at the specified index
  isinclass(str) - returns boolean - checks if the object has joined the specified class
  join(str) - lets the object join a class and inherit all functions and event handlers of that class
  leave(str) - leaves a previously joined class
  loadfolder(str, int) - loads the content of a folder into the variable, you must specify the folder name and pattern (e.g. "levels/bodies/*.png") and if it should be recursive
  loadini(str) - loads an .ini file into the variable, you can access variables by obj.inisection.varname
  loadlines(str) - loads a file and adds it line by line to the variable (as array)
  loadstring(str) - loads the content of a file into the variable
  loadvars(str) - loads the variables from a file where each line has the format varname=value
  loadvarsfromarray(obj) - loads the variables from a string list of the format varname=value
  objecttype() - returns string - returns the object type, which can be TGraalVar, TProjectile etc.
  savelines(str, int) - saves the array line by line into a file, the second parameter is the save mode (0 - overwrite, 1 - append)
  savestring(str, int) - saves the value as string into a file, the second parameter is the save mode (0 - overwrite, 1 - append)
  savevars(str, int) - saves the subvars in the format varname=value into a file, the second parameter is the save mode (0 - overwrite, 1 - append)
  savevarstoarray(bool) - returns object - saves the subvars in the format varname=value into an array, you must specify if it should be sorted
  savexml(str, int)
  savexmltostring() - returns string
  scheduleevent(float, str, params...) - returns object - invokes an event (onEventname) after the specified delay (in seconds), second parameter is the event name, followed by the parameters
  settimer(float) - invokes an onTimeout event after the specified time, similar to 'timeout=value'
  sortascending() - sorts the array in ascending order (smallest value first)
  sortbyvalue(str, str, bool) - sorts an array, specify the variable of the array members which is compared, also the variable type and if it should be sorted ascending; variable type can be "string", otherwise it is sorted by floating point value
  sortdescending() - sorts the array in descending order (highest value first)
  subarray2(int, int, int, int) - returns object - extracts a two-dimensional array, specify startpos1, length1, startpos2, length2
  timershow() - lets an npc show the current timeout variable, deprecated
  trigger(str, params...) - invokes an event on the object (onEventname) with the specified event name and parameters, doesn't interrupt the current script

  ActionMap (TGraalVar):
    bind(str, str, str)
    getbinding(str) - returns string
    getcommand(str, str) - returns string
    load() - returns boolean
    unbind(str, str)

  DTSAniThread (TGraalVar):
    aniindex - integer [R]
    atend - boolean [R]
    attack - boolean
    endpos - float
    hold - boolean
    position - float
    sequence - string
    startpos - float
    state - string
    timescale - float
    transtitiontime - float
    isintransition() - returns boolean

  GameMovementInterpolate (TGraalVar):
    rigid - object [R]
    applyimpulse(str, str)

    GameMovementRigid (GameMovementInterpolate):
      addrigidmove(str, str) - adds torque and force vector

  GameMovementList (TGraalVar):
    move3d(str, float, int)

  GameShape (TGraalVar):
    pixelshader - string
    vertexshader - string

    GameShapeDIF (GameShape):

    GameShapeDTS (GameShape):
      materiallist - object [R]
      materials - object [R]
      forceanimations() - starts to animate the object to make sure the animations are the wished start position
      getanimation(int) - returns object
      listnodes() - returns object
      playanimation(int, str, int) - returns object - specify animation slot, animation name and flags (1 - hold, 2 - atend, 4 - attackanimation)
      playanimation2(int, str, int, float, float, float, float) - returns object - specify animation slot, animation name, flags, startpos, endpos, timescale, transitiontime

    GameShapeFT (GameShape):
      levels - integer
      seed - integer

  MovieClip (TGraalVar):
    _level0 - object [R]
    _parent - object [R]
    _root - object [R]
    _visible - boolean
    _x - float
    _xmouse - float [R]
    _y - float
    _ymouse - float [R]
    alpha - float
    blue - float
    frame - integer
    framecount - integer [R]
    green - float
    height - float [R]
    layernames - object [R]
    looping - boolean
    math - object [R]
    objectname - string
    objectnames - object [R]
    playing - boolean
    red - float
    width - float [R]
    attachmovie(params...) - returns object - parameters are the movie clip to copy, the name of the new clip, and the layer
    createemptymovieclip(str, int) - returns object - parameters are the the name of the new clip and the layer
    duplicatemovieclip(params...) - returns object
    getbytesloaded() - returns integer
    getbytestotal() - returns integer
    getcolor() - returns string
    getdepth() - returns integer
    getlayer(str) - returns object
    getproperty(int) - returns string
    gotoandplay(params...) - specify the frame name or frame number
    gotoandstop(params...) - specify the frame name or frame number
    hittest(params...) - returns boolean
    setproperty(int, str)
    unloadmovie() - same as removeMovieClip()

  MRandomGenerator (TGraalVar):
    seed - integer
    randfloat() - returns float - a random floating point number between 0 and 1
    randint() - returns integer - a random integer number between 0 and 2147483647, use the modulus operator to generate a value in a smaller range (e.g. obj.randInt()%10 to get a value between 0 and 9)

    MRandomLCG (MRandomGenerator):

    MRandomR250 (MRandomGenerator):

  SimObject (TGraalVar):

    SceneObject (SimObject):
      eulerrotation - string
      forwardvector - string
      objectbox - string [R]
      position - string
      renderposition - string
      rightvector - string
      rotation - string
      scale - string
      scaledobjectbox - string [R]
      transform - string
      upvector - string
      worldbox - string [R]
      worldboxcenter - string [R]
      x - float
      y - float
      z - float
      getforwardvector() - returns string
      getobjectbox() - returns string
      getposition() - returns string
      getrightvector() - returns string
      getscale() - returns string
      gettransform() - returns string
      getupvector() - returns string
      getworldbox() - returns string
      getworldboxcenter() - returns string

      fxSunLight (SceneObject):
        animazimuth - boolean
        animbrightness - boolean
        animcolour - boolean
        animelevation - boolean
        animrotation - boolean
        animsize - boolean
        azimuthkeys - string
        azimuthtime - float
        blendmode - integer
        bluekeys - string
        brightness - float
        brightnesskeys - string
        brightnesstime - float
        colour - string
        colourtime - float
        elevationkeys - string
        elevationtime - float
        enable - boolean
        fadetime - float
        flaresize - float
        flaretp - boolean
        greenkeys - string
        lerpazimuth - boolean
        lerpbrightness - boolean
        lerpcolour - boolean
        lerpelevation - boolean
        lerprotation - boolean
        lerpsize - boolean
        linkflaresize - boolean
        localflarebitmap - string
        maxazimuth - float
        maxbrightness - float
        maxcolour - string
        maxelevation - float
        maxrotation - float
        maxsize - float
        minazimuth - float
        minbrightness - float
        mincolour - string
        minelevation - float
        minrotation - float
        minsize - float
        redkeys - string
        remoteflarebitmap - string
        rotationkeys - string
        rotationtime - float
        singlecolourkeys - boolean
        sizekeys - string
        sizetime - float
        sunazimuth - float
        sunelevation - float

      GameObject (SceneObject):
        alpha - float
        attachedtoobject - object
        attrobjects - object [R]
        chat - string
        collision - boolean
        iseditorobject - boolean
        liquidheight - float [R]
        liquidtype - string [R]
        movetype - string
        nick - string - same as nickname
        nickcolor - string
        nickname - string
        position - string
        scaledshapebox - string [R]
        shadow - boolean
        shape - string
        shapebox - string [R]
        showterrain - boolean
        skin - string
        solid - boolean
        transform - string
        velocity - string
        watercoverage - float [R]
        checkcollision(str, str) - returns object
        checkcollisionbybox(str, str, str) - returns object
        clippolygons(str) - returns object
        findimg(int) - returns object
        getcontrollingclient() - returns object
        getcontrollingobject() - returns object
        getdropz(str) - returns float
        getinteriorobject() - returns object
        getmountedobject(int) - returns object
        getmountedobjectcount() - returns integer
        getmountedobjectnode(int) - returns integer
        getmountnodeobject(int) - returns object
        getmountposition(int) - returns string
        getmounttransform(int) - returns string
        getnodeposition(str) - returns string
        getnodetransform(str) - returns string
        getobjectmount() - returns object
        hideimgs(int, int)
        isdrawn() - returns boolean
        isininterior() - returns boolean
        ismounted() - returns boolean
        mountobject(obj, int) - returns boolean
        unmountobject(obj) - returns boolean

        Camera (GameObject):
          cameramode - string
          eulerrotation - string
          followattachedobject - object
          lookatposition - string
          lookvector - string

        DynamicShapeReplicator (GameObject):
          aligntoterrain - boolean
          allowedterrainslope - integer
          allowoninteriors - boolean
          allowonstatics - boolean
          allowonterrain - boolean
          allowonwater - boolean
          allowwatersurface - boolean
          boxmax - string
          boxmin - string
          hidereplications - boolean
          maxgridobjects - integer
          mingridobjects - integer
          offsetz - float
          radius - integer
          seed - integer
          shapefiles - string
          shaperotatemax - string
          shaperotatemin - string
          shapescalemax - string
          shapescalemin - string
          surfaceexclusionmode - boolean
          surfacetype - integer
          terrainalignment - string

          DynamicGrass (DynamicShapeReplicator):

          DynamicGrassReplicator (DynamicShapeReplicator):

      Sky (SceneObject):
        cloudheight1 - float
        cloudheight2 - float
        cloudheight3 - float
        cloudspeed1 - float
        cloudspeed2 - float
        cloudspeed3 - float
        fogcolor - string
        fogstorm1 - boolean
        fogstorm2 - boolean
        fogstorm3 - boolean
        fogvolume1 - string
        fogvolume2 - string
        fogvolume3 - string
        fogvolumecolor1 - string
        fogvolumecolor2 - string
        fogvolumecolor3 - string
        materiallist - string
        norenderbans - boolean
        renderbottomtexture - boolean
        skyfadetime - float
        skysolidcolor - string
        useskytextures - boolean
        windeffectprecipitation - boolean
        windvelocity - string
        getwindowvelocity() - returns string
        realfog(bool, float, float, float) - specify if it should show, and max, min and speed values
        stormclouds(bool, float) - specify if it should show, and the duration
        stormfog(float, float) - percent and duration of the fog

      TerrainBlock (SceneObject):
        repeatterrain - boolean
        squaresize - integer
        terrainfile - string

      WaterBlock (SceneObject):
        density - float
        depthgradient - float
        distortgridscale - float
        distortmag - float
        distorttime - float
        envmapintensity - float
        envmapovertexture - string
        envmapundertexture - string
        flowangle - float
        flowrate - float
        ignoreterrain - boolean
        liquidtype - string
        maxalpha - float
        minalpha - float
        removewetedges - boolean
        shoredepth - float
        shoretexture - string
        specularcolor - string
        specularmasktex - string
        specularpower - float
        submergetexture0 - string
        submergetexture1 - string
        surfaceopacity - float
        surfaceparallax - float
        surfacetexture - string
        tessshore - float
        tesssurface - float
        usedepthmask - boolean
        viscosity - float
        wavemagnitude - float

    SimGroup (SimObject):

      GameConnection (SimGroup):
        account - string [R]
        camera - object [R]
        communityname - string [R]
        isobserver - boolean [R]
        nick - string [R]
        objecttype() - returns string

    Sun (SimObject):
      ambient - string
      color - string
      direction - string

  TDrawableObject (TGraalVar):
    layer - integer [R]

    TBaddy (TDrawableObject):
      dir - integer
      headdir - integer
      mode - integer
      power - integer
      type - integer
      x - float
      y - float

    TLevelObject (TDrawableObject):
      level - object [R]
      x - float
      y - float
      z - float

      TExplosion (TLevelObject):
        dir - integer [R]
        power - integer [R]
        time - float [R]

      TGaniObject (TLevelObject):
        alpha - float
        ani - object [R]
        aniparams - string [R]
        anistep - integer [R]
        attachedtoobject - object [R]
        attachid - integer [R]
        attachtype - integer [R]
        attr - object [R]
        blue - float
        body - string
        bodyimg - string
        colors - object [R]
        dir - integer
        gmap - object [R]
        green - float
        head - string
        headimg - string
        mode - integer - the object drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract, 3 - daynight)
        red - float
        rotation - float
        shield - string
        sprite - integer
        stretchx - float
        stretchy - float
        sword - string
        zoom - float
        getimageforsprite(obj) - returns string
        getsprite(str) - returns object
        getspriteforspritepos(obj) - returns object
        setcoloreffect(float, float, float, float)

        TProjectile (TGaniObject):
          angle - float [R]
          fromplayer - object [R]
          horiz - boolean [R]
          params - object [R]
          speed - float [R]
          x - float [R]
          y - float [R]
          z - float [R]
          zspeed - float [R]

        TServerHorse (TGaniObject):
          bombpower - integer
          bombs - integer
          bushes - integer
          dir - integer
          type - integer

        TServerPlayer (TGaniObject):
          account - string [R]
          ap - integer
          attached - boolean [R]
          attachedtoobject - object
          bombs - integer
          chat - string
          communityname - string [R]
          darts - integer
          fullhearts - integer [R]
          glovepower - integer
          gralats - integer
          guild - string [R]
          headimg - string
          headset - integer
          hearts - float [R]
          horseimg - string [R]
          hp - float [R]
          id - integer [R]
          isadmin - boolean [R]
          isbuddy - boolean
          ischannel - boolean [R]
          ischannelopen - boolean [R]
          ischanneluser - boolean [R]
          isexternal - boolean [R]
          isfemale - boolean [R]
          isignored - boolean
          isignoring - boolean [R]
          isloggedin - boolean [R]
          ismale - boolean [R]
          ismuted - boolean [R]
          ismuting - boolean [R]
          language - string [R]
          languagedomain - string [R]
          mapicon - object [R] - of type TDrawingPanel, this is the icon that appears on the mini-map, usually updated by the playerlist script
          maxhp - integer [R]
          messagebubble - integer [R]
          mp - integer
          nick - string
          platform - string [R]
          playersindex - integer [R]
          rating - float [R]
          ratingd - float [R]
          rupees - integer - better use 'gralats'
          shieldimg - string - only there for compatibility with GS1, use just 'shield' instead
          shieldpower - integer [R]
          swordimg - string - only there for compatibility with GS1, use just 'sword' instead
          swordpower - integer [R]
          x - float
          y - float
          isguildpm() - returns boolean
          ismasspm() - returns boolean
          openexternalhistory() - returns boolean
          openexternalpm(bool) - returns boolean - as parameter specify 'true' if it should display the pm sent by the player, otherwise always open a blank PM window
          pmswaiting() - returns boolean

          TPlayer (TServerPlayer):
            ap - integer
            chat - string
            freezetime - float
            hearts - float
            horseimg - string
            hp - float
            hurt - boolean [R]
            hurtdx - float [R]
            hurtdy - float [R]
            hurted - boolean [R]
            hurtpower - float [R]
            isfemale - boolean [R]
            ismale - boolean [R]
            isobserver - boolean [R]
            letters - string
            map - boolean [R]
            nick - string [R]
            onhorse - boolean [R]
            online - boolean [R]
            paused - boolean [R]
            reading - boolean [R]
            shieldimg - string - same as 'shield', except that changing this also updates the shieldpower
            sprite - integer
            swimming - boolean [R]
            swordimg - string - same as 'sword', except that changing this also updates the swordpower
            weapon - object [R]
            weapons - object [R]

          TServerNPC (TServerPlayer):
            actionplayer - integer [R]
            hearts - float
            height - float [R]
            horseimg - string
            hp - float
            hurtdx - float
            hurtdy - float
            image - string
            isblocking - boolean
            isblockingprojectiles - boolean
            layer - integer
            npcsindex - integer [R]
            peltwithblackstone - boolean [R]
            peltwithbush - boolean [R]
            peltwithnpc - boolean [R]
            peltwithsign - boolean [R]
            peltwithstone - boolean [R]
            peltwithvase - boolean [R]
            save - object [R]
            shieldpower - integer
            sprite - integer
            swordpower - integer
            visible - boolean
            width - float [R]
            x - float
            y - float
            changeimgcolors(int, float, float, float, float)
            changeimgmode(int, int)
            changeimgpart(int, int, int, int, int)
            changeimgvis(int, int)
            changeimgzoom(int, float)
            findimg(int) - returns object
            hideimgs(int, int)
            move(float, float, float, int)
            setcharani(str, str)
            setimgpart(str, int, int, int, int)
            setshape(int, int, int)
            setshape2(int, int, obj)
            showani(int, float, float, int, str) - returns object
            showani2(int, float, float, float, int, str) - returns object
            showimg(int, str, float, float) - returns object
            showimg2(int, str, float, float, float) - returns object
            showpoly(int, obj) - returns object
            showpoly2(int, obj) - returns object
            showtext(int, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object
            showtext2(int, float, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object

            TServerWeapon (TServerNPC):
              isweapon - boolean [R]

      TServerBomb (TLevelObject):
        power - integer
        time - float

      TServerCarry (TLevelObject):

      TServerChest (TLevelObject):
        isopen - boolean [R]
        item - string [R]

      TServerExtra (TLevelObject):
        time - float [R]
        type - integer [R]

      TServerFlying (TLevelObject):
        dir - integer [R]
        dx - float
        dy - float
        from - integer [R]
        type - integer [R]

      TServerLeap (TLevelObject):

      TServerSign (TLevelObject):
        text - string

      TShowImg (TLevelObject):
        alpha - float
        ani - string
        attachnode - string
        attachoffset - string
        attachtoowner - boolean
        blue - float
        code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text'
        dimension - integer
        dir - integer
        emitter - object [R]
        eulerrotation - string
        flashfile - string
        font - string
        green - float
        image - string
        imageindex - integer [R]
        is3dlight - boolean
        layer - integer
        mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract, 3 - daynight)
        playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing etc.
        polygon - object
        position - string
        red - float
        rotation - float
        shape - string
        shapeobject - object [R]
        spin - float
        stretchx - float
        stretchy - float
        style - string
        text - string
        x - float
        y - float
        z - float
        zoom - float

  TDrawingPanel (TGraalVar):
    height - integer [R]
    isclear - boolean [R]
    parth - integer [R]
    partw - integer [R]
    partx - integer [R]
    party - integer [R]
    width - integer [R]
    clearrectangle(int, int, int, int) - x, y, width and height
    drawimage(int, int, str) - x, y, source image
    drawimagerectangle(int, int, str, int, int, int, int) - destination x and y, source image, source x,y,width and height
    drawimagestretched(int, int, int, int, str, int, int, int, int) - destination x,y,width and height, source image, source x,y,width and height

  Terraformer (TGraalVar):
    loadgrayscale(int, str) - returns boolean
    loadgreyscale(int, str) - returns boolean
    savegreyscale(int, str) - returns boolean
    setterrain(int) - returns boolean

  TFrameDetail (TGraalVar):
    bordercolor - string
    borderenable - string
    bordermovable - string
    borderwidth - integer
    minextent - string

  TGameObjectAttr (TGraalVar):

  TGaniParam (TGraalVar):

  TGraalAni (TGraalVar):
    continuous - boolean
    ganitype - string [R]
    loop - boolean
    movie - boolean
    setbackto - string
    singledirection - boolean
    addsprite(int) - returns object
    addstep() - returns object
    getsprite(int) - returns object
    insertstep(int) - returns object

  TGraalAniPart (TGraalVar):
    attr - integer
    dx - integer
    dy - integer
    param - integer
    sprite - object

  TGraalAniSound (TGraalVar):
    delay - float
    dx - float
    dy - float
    sound - string

  TGraalAniSprite (TGraalVar):
    alpha - float
    blue - float
    description - string
    green - float
    height - integer
    image - string
    imagetype - string [R]
    mode - integer
    red - float
    rotation - float
    spriteindex - integer
    stretchx - float
    stretchy - float
    width - integer
    x - integer
    y - integer
    zoom - float
    addattachment() - returns object
    insertattachment(int) - returns object

  TGraalAniStep (TGraalVar):
    delay - float
    addpos(int) - returns object
    deletepos(int, int)
    insertpos(int, int) - returns object

  TGraalSpriteAttachment (TGraalVar):
    behind - boolean
    dx - integer
    dy - integer
    sprite - object

  THTTPRequest (TGraalVar):
    address - string [R]
    contentlanguage - string [R]
    contentlength - integer [R]
    contenttype - string [R]
    downloadcomplete - boolean [R]
    file - string [R]
    fulldata - string [R]
    lastmodified - string [R]
    port - integer [R]
    returncode - integer [R]
    returnmessage - string [R]
    server - string [R]
    url - string [R]

  TMovementRigid (TGraalVar):
    mass - float

  TParticle (TGraalVar):
    angle - float
    lifetime - float
    movementvector - string
    sound - string
    speed - float
    zangle - float

  TParticleEmitter (TGraalVar):
    attachposition - boolean
    autorotation - boolean
    checkbelowterrain - boolean
    clippingbox - string
    cliptoscreen - boolean
    continueafterdestroy - boolean
    currentparticlecount - integer [R]
    delaymax - float
    delaymin - float
    dropemitter - object [R]
    dropwateremitter - object [R]
    emissionoffset - string
    emitatterrainheight - boolean
    emitautomatically - boolean
    emittedparticles - integer [R]
    firstinfront - boolean
    isfrozen - boolean
    maxparticles - integer
    movementfactor - float
    nrofparticles - integer
    particle - object [R]
    particletypes - integer
    wraptoclippingbox - boolean
    addemitmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object
    addglobalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object
    addlocalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object

  TParticleModifier (TGraalVar):
    addmod(str, str, float, float)

  TScriptFunction (TGraalVar):

  TServerLevel (TGraalVar):
    compsdead - boolean [R]
    height - integer [R]
    isnopkzone - boolean [R]
    issparringzone - boolean [R]
    nopkzone - boolean [R] - same like 'isnopkzone'
    tilelayercount - integer
    width - integer [R]
    findareanpcs(float, float, float, float) - returns object - returns an array of all npcs at the specified rectangle (x,y,width,height)
    getmappartfile(float, float) - returns string
    hitcompu(int, int, float, float)
    putbomb(int, float, float)
    putcomp(str, float, float)
    putexplosion(int, float, float)
    putexplosion2(int, int, float, float)
    puthorse(str, float, float)
    putnewcomp(str, float, float, str, int)
    setz(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float)
    shoot(float, float, float, float, float, float, str, str) - shoots a projectile with x,y,z,angle,zangle,strength,ani,aniparams
    testbomb(float, float) - returns integer
    testexplo(float, float) - returns integer
    testhorse(float, float) - returns integer
    testitem(float, float) - returns integer
    testnpc(float, float) - returns integer
    testsign(float, float) - returns integer
    tiletype(float, float) - returns integer

  TServerLevelLink (TGraalVar):
    destlevel - string [R]
    destx - float [R]
    desty - float [R]
    height - float [R]
    width - float [R]
    x - float [R]
    y - float [R]

  TShapeMaterial (TGraalVar):
    specularpower - integer

  TShowImg_Values (TGraalVar):
    alpha - float
    blue - float
    green - float
    mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract, 3 - daynight)
    red - float
    rotation - float
    spin - float
    stretchx - float
    stretchy - float
    zoom - float

    TShowImg_Flash (TShowImg_Values):
      flash - object [R]

    TShowImg_Gani (TShowImg_Values):
      actor - object [R]

    TShowImg_Image (TShowImg_Values):
      height - float
      parth - integer
      partw - integer
      partx - integer
      party - integer
      width - float

    TShowImg_Poly (TShowImg_Values):
      parth - integer
      partw - integer
      partx - integer
      party - integer

    TShowImg_Shape (TShowImg_Values):
      lightcolor - string
      lightdirection - string
      shadowdirection - string

    TShowImg_Text (TShowImg_Values):
      parth - integer
      partw - integer
      partx - integer
      party - integer
      shadowcolor - string
      shadowoffset - string
      textshadow - boolean

  TStaticVar (TGraalVar):

    Array (TStaticVar):

    Color (TStaticVar):

    Date (TStaticVar):

    Math (TStaticVar):
      abs(float) - returns float
      floor(float) - returns integer
      random() - returns float
      sin(float) - returns float
      sqrt(float) - returns float

    Sound (TStaticVar):

    String (TStaticVar):

  TTilesLayer (TGraalVar):
    alpha - float
    blue - float
    green - float
    layerindex - integer [R]
    offset - string
    red - float
    x - float
    y - float
    z - float
    updateboard(int, int, int, int)

  TUpdatePackage (TGraalVar):
    accounts - object [R]
    description - string [R]
    downloadcomplete - boolean [R]
    downloadedsize - integer [R]
    filecount - integer [R]
    filedownloadedsize - integer [R]
    filename - string [R]
    filetotalsize - integer [R]
    isuninstalled - boolean [R]
    lastdownloadfile - string [R]
    localversion - float [R]
    mode - string [R]
    name - string [R]
    parent - object [R]
    platform - string [R]
    protectoverwrite - boolean [R]
    totalsize - integer [R]
    usechecksum - boolean [R]
    version - float [R]
    reinstall() - returns boolean
    uninstall() - returns boolean
    update() - returns boolean

GUI Objects

GUI Objects are currently well documented starting here Creation/Dev/Script/Client/GuiControl.


  $pref::audio::choosenvoicecodec - integer
  $pref::audio::microactivatebyvolume - boolean
  $pref::audio::microactivationlevel - integer
  $pref::audio::microinputdevice - integer
  $pref::audio::microon - boolean
  $pref::audio::microvolumefactor - integer
  $pref::audio::midivolume - integer
  $pref::audio::mp3volume - integer
  $pref::audio::radiovolume - integer
  $pref::audio::reversestereo - boolean
  $pref::audio::sfxvolume - integer
  $pref::audio::voicevolume - integer
  $pref::capture::allowbyscript - boolean [R]
  $pref::capture::area - string
  $pref::capture::audiobitrate - integer
  $pref::capture::disabledaynight - boolean
  $pref::capture::format - string
  $pref::capture::fps - integer
  $pref::capture::hideinterface - boolean
  $pref::capture::recordaudio - boolean
  $pref::capture::showmouse - boolean
  $pref::capture::size - string
  $pref::capture::videobitrate - integer
  $pref::graal::allowglobalpms - boolean
  $pref::graal::automapping - boolean
  $pref::graal::defaultfontname - string
  $pref::graal::defaultfontsize - integer
  $pref::graal::dontconnectlevels - boolean
  $pref::graal::dontloadlistheads - boolean
  $pref::graal::dontsavepasswords - boolean
  $pref::graal::dontsavepms - boolean
  $pref::graal::fixedport - boolean
  $pref::graal::fixedudpport - integer
  $pref::graal::language - string
  $pref::graal::limitnicknames - boolean
  $pref::graal::loadbuddylistfromserver - boolean
  $pref::graal::nicknamelimit - integer
  $pref::graal::nomassmessages - boolean
  $pref::graal::notoalls - boolean
  $pref::graal::noudp - boolean
  $pref::graal::showyourselfonbuddylists - boolean
  $pref::input::mousesensitivity - float
  $pref::interior::lockarrays - boolean
  $pref::video::defaultguistyle - string
  $pref::video::detailfactor - float
  $pref::video::fogdistance - float
  $pref::video::fullscreenmode - string
  $pref::video::resolution - integer
  $pref::video::screenshotformat - string
  $pref::video::visibledistance - float
  $pref::video::windowmode - string