
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 15:15, 25 February 2006 by Stefan (talk | contribs) (→‎Variables)

Inherits GuiArrayCtrl.


Name Type Description
clipcolumntext boolean
columns string Of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
expanded boolean
expandedimage integer
expandedselectedimage integer
expandondoubleclick boolean
fitparentwidth boolean
groupsortorder string
image integer
level integer (read only)
name string
nodes object (read only) array of GuiTreeViewNode
parent object (read only)
selectedimage integer
sortgroup integer
sortmode string
sortorder string
sortvalue integer
visible boolean
x integer (read only)
y integer (read only)


Name Return Type Description
addlines(obj, bool)
addnode(str) object
addnodebypath(str, str) object
addvars(obj, bool)
getfullname(str) string
getnode(str) object
getnodeat(int, int) object
getnodebypath(str, str) object
getselectednode() object
seticonsize(int, int)


onExpand(node,nodeslashpath,nodedotpath) - a node has been expanded

onFold(node,nodeslashpath,nodedotpath) - a node has been folded

onSelect(node,nodeslashpath,nodedotpath) - a node has been selected

onDblClick(node,nodeslashpath,nodedotpath) - is invoked when the mouse is double-clicked while being over a node

onOpenMenu(node,nodeslashpath,nodedotpath) - is invoked when the right mouse button is clicked while the mouse is over a node

onIconResized(newwidth,newheight) - the icon size has been modified (via setIconSize())