
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 00:56, 16 February 2010 by Pooper200000 (talk | contribs)
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Inherits GuiTextEditCtrl.


Guicontrol editslider.png

This control basicly displays a number and two arrows where you can click on to increase or decrease the number. With format you can display some text around the number (e.g. format="$%d" to display the number like $1).


allowedit - string

format - string

increment - float

range - string

value - float


new GuiTextEditSliderCtrl("Test_EditSlider") {
  profile = GuiBlueTextEditSliderProfile;
  x = 10;
  y = 10;
  width = 160;
  height = 20;
  format = "Edit %d Slider";
  range = {1,200};
  value = 123;