
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 09:40, 1 July 2007 by Stefan (talk | contribs)

Inherits TGraalVar


Name Type Description
compsdead boolean (read only) Returns true if there is no living baddy in the level.
height integer (read only)
isnopkzone boolean (read only) Whether players may kill each other in this level. (noplayerkilling() function used)
issparringzone boolean (read only)
nopkzone boolean (read only) See isnopkzone
tilelayercount integer (read only)


Name Return Type Description
findareanpcs(float x, float y, float width, float height) object Returns an array of all npcs within the specified area.
hitcompu(int id, int power, float fromx, float fromy) Hurts a baddy.
putbomb(int power, float x, float y) Places a bomb on the level. (power of 0 - bomb, 1 - superbomb, 2 - joltbomb)
putcomp(str baddyname, float x, float y) Places a baddy on the level.

Baddy Names:

  • graysoldier
  • bluesoldier
  • redsoldier
  • shootingsoldier
  • swampsoldier
  • frog
  • octopus (spider)
  • goldenwarrior
  • lizardon
  • dragon
putexplosion(int power, float x, float y)
putexplosion2(int power, int radius, float x, float y)
puthorse(str image, float x, float y)
putnewcomp(str baddyname, float x, float y, str imgname, int power)
reflectarrow(int id)
removebomb(int id)
removeexplo(int id)
removehorse(int id)
removeitem(int id)
setz(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float)
shoot(float x, float y, float z, float angle, float zangle, float strength, str ani, str aniparams) shoots a projectile
testbomb(float x, float y) integer
testexplo(float x, float y) integer
testhorse(float x, float y) integer
testitem(float x, float y) integer
testnpc(float x, float y) integer
testsign(float x, float y) integer
tiletype(float x, float y) integer