Pay to Play

From Graal Bible
Revision as of 14:23, 25 July 2005 by (talk) (All subscription prices are shown in US Dollars and do not include local connection/internet and telephone charges that may be applicable to you. Use Yahoo! Finance Currency Conversion to convert USD)

To get full access to Graal, one needs a Pay to Play account.

Freshly registered accounts are known as Trial accounts. To gain access to more features, the account needs to be upgraded to a Gold Account, a VIP Account or both. All first time subscriptions include some Gold account time, and after that time, the account will count as Registered ("Graal Classic membership") without the need for further upgrades.

Only for first time subscribers, the following plan is available on the GraalOnline Website:
Subscription Payment method Price
One week Graal Gold membership Phone ?
These plans are available for all accounts
Subscription Payment method Price
6 months Gold Subscription Paypal $28.00td>
12 months Gold Subscription Paypal $39.00
12 months Gold and VIP Subscription Paypal $44.00
The following plans are only available for Registered accounts
Subscription Payment method Price
3 months Gold Subscription Paypal $19.00td>
12 months VIP Subscription Paypal $19.00

After thorough investigation, we can confirm that the money is really used to keep the Graal servers running and not to pay Angel's hotel suite in Hawaii.