
From Graal Bible


  • August 3rd - Zodiac V2 Updates


Zodiac's staff team is still working hard. The version 2 updates are showing excellent progress and the server is continually improving. Not only have the new item system and quest system been completed, but the game formulas have been modified to be easier to understand and the Prestiege classes have been removed. Equipment slots have been added and improvements have been made to Zodiac's core systems. Another notable change is the new image for the HUD, and, of course, the new graphical interfaces for many of the core system scripts, such as Trade, Shops, etc. More information about the Zodiac V2 progress can be found on the forums.

  • August 2nd - Graal Kingdoms Derby - The Final


The final of the 2009 Graal Kingdoms Derby was a success with many of the people taking part having great fun but especially for the three winners. Storm Leonhart blow away the competition racking up 80 points over the 6 races with Craigus close behind gaining 40 points. The third place goes to Felix Lionheart with only 30 points gained.