
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 21:02, 16 September 2006 by Stefan (talk | contribs) (Added picture, description and an example script)
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Inherits GuiControl.


Guicontrol stretch.png

This control stretches the content (client controls) to the current size of the control. Define clientwidth and clientheight (or clientextent) to say which area should be stretched to the actual size.

Use globalToLocalCoord() and localToGlobalCoord() to translate between real mouse positions and scaled positions inside the control.

GuiStretchCtrl can make it easier to do games inside the GUI since you don't need to care about resizing, you can just use absolut coordinates and the GuiStretchCtrl is automatically stretching the graphics and text and is translation mouse positions to correctly hit the buttons and other controls.


clientwidth - integer, defines the width of the area to stretch

clientheight - integer, defines the height of the area to stretch

clientextent - of format {width,height}, combination of clientwidth and clientheight


new GuiStretchCtrl("Test_Stretch") {
  x = 10;
  y = 10;
  width = 160;
  height = 120;
  clientwidth = 176;
  clientheight = 70;
  new GuiShowImgCtrl("Test_StretchContent1") {
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    image = "2002_sysmsgbg.png";
    width = 176;
    height = 70;
  new GuiButtonCtrl("Test_StretchContent2") {
    profile = GuiButtonProfile;
    x = 38;
    y = 30;
    width = 100;
    height = 30;
    text = "Stretch";