Creation/Dev/GScript/Stefan Wisdom
From Graal Bible
Stefan is the only GScript wizard in existence. Sometimes he illuminates his inferiors in a post so wise it can be felt without having a browser running. Following is a list of forum posts in the Official Graal Communication Center.
Stefan announcing new features etc.
- getProcessCPUUsage, getProcessUptime, getMemoryUsage, getMemoryStatsObjects
- Using SQLite
- wordFilterText and stuff
- urlencode and scripthelp wildcards
- Functions objects, anonymous functions
- npcnewstorage
Regular posts
Most of these are Stefan helping people. What a nice guy!
- Preventing GUI controls from stealing focus
- commands.rtf equivalent for GS2
- Detailing when the params array is created
- Socket stuff
- Time formatting
- Observer mode events
- Dynamic variable names
- How to use triggerserver in regular NPCs
- onRemotePlayerChats (Written by a human who was divinely inspired by Stefan, so it's valid for this article)