
From Graal Bible
Revision as of 13:47, 10 January 2006 by Ibonic (talk | contribs) (PW:Zone moved to Worlds/Zone)

Zone is a futuristic battle server. It is currently a Graal Gold Server.


Zone was previously managed by Angel and Dell


Currently, there are 5 different maps on Zone


No Rules - Gain Experience and money by killing the members of other teams.

Wild Cross

This is a deathmatch map - the last survivor wins. There is a time limit, the game ends drawn when the time runs out and there is still more than one player alife. Members of the Events Team can change the rules, like specifying which weapons are allowed. On this map most events for Event items are hold.

Zone Wars

Inspired by the release of Star Wars, the Zone Wars map was added to Zone.


A classic king-of-the-hill map, up to 4 teams can take part in the battle for the center of the map. If one team has more players standing in the middle than the currently leading team, then it will take over the map. The first team that is protecting the hill for 4 minutes wins the round. The losing teams will get some time bonus in the next round, for balancing the team strength. The Events Team can restrict the koth teams to special guild names, so that it is possible for guilds to fight against each other.


Conquer all bases - take over the 5 bases and your team will win.

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