Creation/Dev/Script Functions: Client: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 13:57, 10 January 2006

  $pref::graal::automapping - boolean
  $pref::graal::choosenvoicecodec - integer
  $pref::graal::defaultfontsize - integer
  $pref::graal::dontconnectlevels - boolean
  $pref::graal::dontloadlistheads - boolean
  $pref::graal::dontsavepasswords - boolean
  $pref::graal::fixedport - boolean
  $pref::graal::fixedudpport - integer
  $pref::graal::language - string
  $pref::graal::limitnicknames - boolean
  $pref::graal::microactivatebyvolume - boolean
  $pref::graal::microactivationlevel - integer
  $pref::graal::microinputdevice - integer
  $pref::graal::microon - boolean
  $pref::graal::midivolume - integer
  $pref::graal::mp3volume - integer
  $pref::graal::nicknamelimit - integer
  $pref::graal::nomassmessages - boolean
  $pref::graal::notoalls - boolean
  $pref::graal::noudp - boolean
  $pref::graal::radiovolume - integer
  $pref::graal::reversestereo - boolean
  $pref::graal::sfxvolume - integer
  $pref::graal::voicevolume - integer
  allfeatures - integer (read only)
    the sum of all game features (use with enablefeatures)
  allplayerscount - integer (read only)
    the number of players on the server
  allstats - integer (read only)
    the sum of all pieces of the status (use with showstats)
  canspin - boolean (read only)
    the player has spin attack
  carriesblackstone - boolean (read only)
    the player is carrying a black (level 2) stone
  carriesbush - boolean (read only)
    the player is carrying a bush
  carriesnpc - boolean (read only)
    the player is carrying an NPC
  carriessign - boolean (read only)
    the player is carrying a sign
  carriesstone - boolean (read only)
    the player is carrying a green (level 1) stone
  carriesvase - boolean (read only)
    the player is carrying a vase
  downloadfile - string (read only)
    name of the current file being downloaded
  downloadpos - integer (read only)
    how much of the file has been downloaded in bytes
  downloadsize - integer (read only)
    size of the downloading file is in bytes
  emoticonchar - string (read only)
    the key being held with CTRL to show an emoticon
  focusx - float (read only)
    x value of the screen's focus
  focusy - float (read only)
    y value of the screen's focus
  graalversion - float (read only)
    version of the player's Graal client
  gravity - float
    effects the speed of projectiles (broken in GS2?)
  iscarrying - boolean (read only)
    the player is carrying any object
  isfocused - boolean (read only)
    the player's screen is focused somewhere other than the player
  isgraal3d - boolean (read only)  !DEPRECATED
    the player is using the Graal3 client 
  isleader - boolean (read only)
    the player is the first to have entered the level (ID 0)
  isonmap - boolean (read only)
    the player's level is attached to other levels (i.e. a gmap)
  lastdownloadfile - string (read only)
    name of the last file to be downloaded
  leftmousebutton - boolean (read only)
    the left mouse button is being held
  levelorgx - float (read only)
    the origin of the player's x position (changes when attached to NPCs)
  levelorgy - float (read only)
    the origin of the player's y position (changes when attached to NPCs)
  lighteffectsenabled - boolean (read only)
    light effects are enabled (v2 only)
  middlemousebutton - boolean (read only)
    the middle mouse button is being held
  mousebuttons - integer (read only)
    sum of mouse buttons being held
      1 = left
      2 = middle
      4 = right
  mousescreenx - integer
    position of the mouse on the graal window
  mousescreeny - integer
    position of the mouse on the graal window
  mousewheeldelta - integer (read only)
    the change in the mouse wheel's position in the last .05 seconds
  mousex - float
    position of the mouse on the level
  mousey - float
    position of the mouse on the level
  musiclen - integer (read only)
    length of the currently playing music in seconds
  musicpos - integer (read only)
    how long the music has been played
  rightmousebutton - boolean (read only)
    the right mouse button is being held
  screenheight - integer (read only)
    the height of the Graal window
  screenwidth - integer (read only)
    the width of the Graal window
  scriptedcontrols - boolean (read only)
  scriptedplayerlist - boolean (read only)
  selectedsword - integer
  selectedweapon - integer
    position of the player's currently selected weapon in the 'weapons' array.
  servername - string (read only)
    name of the server the player is connected to
  serverstartconnect - string
  serverstartparams - string
  shotbybaddy - boolean (read only) 
    the NPC was shot by a baddy (DEPRECATED?)
  shotbyplayer - boolean (read only)
    the NPC was shot by a player (DEPRECATED?)
  timevar - integer (read only)
    a global variable that rises by 1 every 5 seconds
  timevar2 - float (read only)
    how long the player's CPU has been running (time since 00:00, January 1, 2000 when used serverside)
  wasshooted - boolean (read only)
    the NPC was shot by anything
  waterheight - float
  weapons - object (read only)
    a list of weapons in the player's possesion (read as an array)
  weaponsenabled - boolean
    the player's weapons are enabled
  addtiledef(image, levelstart, neworder)
    changes the tileset of all levels beginning with 'levelstart' to the specified image
    neworder is whether the type of each tile corresponds to the original pics1.png; use 0 or 1
  addtiledef2(image, levelstart, x, y)
    changes part of the tileset of all levels beginning with 'levelstart' to the specified image, beginning at 'x' and 'y'
  adventure_installgraal(str, bool, bool)
  adventure_openexternaloptions() - returns boolean
  adventure_openexternalpm(obj) - returns boolean
  adventure_selectpath(str) - returns object
  adventure_updateplayerprofile(bool, str, str, int, str, str, str, str, str, str)
  aindexof(float, array) - returns integer  !DEPRECATED
    use obj.index(value)
  attachplayertoobj(type, id)
    attaches the player to the object with the specified id; currently the only type is 0 (NPC)
  callnpc(id, params)
    use npcs[id].trigger(action, params);
  callweapon(id, params)
    use weapons[id].trigger(action, params);
  contains(object, value) - returns boolean
    checks if 'object' contains the specified value in it
    hides the cursor
    shows the cursor
  degtorad(angle) - returns float
    converts an angle in degrees to a radian
    detaches a player from an NPC
    disables default controls of the player's character
    disables the large map
    disables the pause button
    disables the weapon select menu
    disables usage of NPC weapons
    sends 'text' to RC chat
    enables default control of the player's character
    enables all features specified and disables the rest (use allfeatures)
    enables the large map
    enables the pause button
    enables the weapon select menu
    enables usage of NPC weapons
    explodes the bomb with the specified id
  extractfilebase(filepath) - returns string
    returns the base of a file out of the file's path
  extractfileext(filepath) - returns string
    returns the extension of a file out of the file's path
  extractfilename(filepath) - returns string
    returns the name of the file out of the file's path
  extractfilepath(filepath) - returns string
    returns the path of the file
  fileexists(file) - returns boolean
    checks if a file exists
  filesize(file) - returns integer
    gets the size of the specified file in bytes
  fileupdate(file) - returns boolean
    checks if a file has been updated
  findani(gani) - returns object
    creates a reference to the specified gani
  findfiles(str, int) - returns object
  findlevel(level) - returns object
    creates a reference to the specified level
  findplayer(account) - returns object
    creates a reference to the specified player
  findplayerbyid(id) - returns object
    creates a reference to the specified player
  findweapon(weapon) - returns object
    creates a reference to the specified weapon
    freezes the player for the specified amount of time
  getascii(character) - returns integer
    returns the ascii code of the character
  getbasepackage() - returns object    
  getboxcenter(str) - returns string
  getdownloadedupdatepackagesize() - returns integer
  getdownloadingpackage() - returns object
  getdownloadingpackagescount() - returns integer
  getextension(file) - returns string
    returns the extension of a file
  getimgheight(image) - returns integer
    the height of the specified image in pixels
  getimgwidth(image) - returns integer
    the width of the specified image in pixels
  getkeycode(key) - returns integer
    the key code of the specified key
  getmapx(level) - returns integer
    x-position of the level on the gmap
  getmapy(level) - returns integer
    y-position of the level on the gmap
  getobjectat(x, y) - returns object
    references the object at the specified x and y
  getobjectatmouse() - returns object
    references the object under the mouse
  getobjectbyray(str, str) - returns object
  getpackagesdownloadcomplete() - returns boolean
  getpackagesdownloaded() - returns boolean
  getplatform() - returns string
    the operating system of the player
  getservername() - returns string
    the server's name
  getstringkeys(prefix) - returns object
    creates a list of all variables beginning with 'prefix'
  gettextheight(zoom, font, style) - returns integer
    height of the text with the specified attributes in pixels
  gettextwidth(zoom, font, style, text) - returns integer
    width of the specified text in pixels
  gettotalupdatepackagesize() - returns integer
  getupdatepackage(str) - returns object
  getz(float, float) - returns float
  hideplayer(time)  !DEPRECATED
    hides all of the player but the shadow for the specified time
    hides the player's sword image for the specified time
  hitnpc(id, halfhearts, fromx, fromy)
    hits the NPC with the specified ID for halfhearts damage
    fromx and fromy are used to calculate hurtx and hurty
  hitobjects(halfhearts, x, y)
    hits anything at the specified x and y for 'halfhearts' damage
  hitplayer(id, halfhearts, fromx, fromy)
    hits the player with the specified ID for 'halfhearts' damage
    fromx and fromy are used to calculate hurtdx and hurtdy
  isadminguild(guild) - returns boolean
    checks if the specified guild appears in the staff list
  iscursoron() - returns boolean
    checks if the cursor is being shown
  isobject(object) - returns boolean
    checks if the caller is the specified object
  keydown(integer) - returns boolean
    checks if a certain key is being held
      0 = up
      1 = left
      2 = down
      3 = right
      4 = D
      5 = S
      6 = A
  keydown2(keycode, ignorecase) - returns boolean
    checks if the key corresponding to 'keycode' is being held
    'ignorecase' is whether it ignores shift/caplocks or not
  keyname(keycode) - returns string
    returns the key correspoding to 'keycode'
  lay2(item, x, y)
    lays an item at the specified x and y
    loads the specified gmap (omit the '.gmap' extension)
  lowercase(text) - returns string
    converts 'text' to all lowercase characters
  matrixcreate(str, str) - returns string
  matrixcreatefromeuler(str) - returns string
  matrixmulpoint(str, str) - returns string
  matrixmultiply(str, str) - returns string
  matrixmulvector(str, str) - returns string
    disables the ability to hurt other players
  onwall(x, y) - returns boolean
    checks if the specified x and y is being blocked
  onwall2(x, y, width, height) - returns boolean
    checks if anywhere in the specified area is being blocked
  onwater(x, y) - returns boolean
    checks if the specified x and y is water
  onwater2(x, y, width, height) - returns boolean
    checks if anywhere in the specified area is water
    opens the specified URL in the default browser (seems to take over the first browser opened)
  openurl2(url, width, height)
    opens the specified URL in a default browser with the specified width and height
    plays a sound file
  play2(sound, x, y, volume)
    plays a sound file at the specified x and y
    1 is normal volume
    plays a sound file in a loop
  putleaps(leap, x, y)
    creates an explosion-like effect at the specified x and y.
      0 = bush
      1 = swamp grass
      2 = rock
      3 = sign
      4 = ball
      5 = water
  radtodeg(angle) - returns float
    converts an angle in radianss to a degree
  randomstring(list) - returns string
    picks a random entry out of the list
    reloads the specified file into memory
    removes any custom tilesets from all levels beginning with 'levelstart'
  replaceani(oldgani, newgani)
    replaces a default gani with a new gani
  requestfilerename(str, str)
  requestfilesmove(str, str)
  requesttext(type, options)
    requests certain text from the server
    calls the function 'onReceiveText(requestedtype, requestedoptions, text)'
      weapon, weaponname
        requests the script of a specified weapon
        requests a list of weapons on the server
      class, classname
        requests the script of a specified class
        requests a list of classes on the server
        requests the server options
        requests the server flags
        requests a list of folders
      folder, folderpath
        requests a list of the contents of a specified folder
    returns screen focus to the player
  savelog(text)  !DEPRECATED
    saves text to log.txt; use savelog2
  say(id)  !DEPRECATED
    shows the text of the sign id in a message box; use say2
    shows the specified text in a message box
  screenx(x, y) - returns integer
    converts level x coordinates to screen x coordinates
  screeny(x, y) - returns integer
    converts level y coordinates to screen y coordinates
    adds the specified text to the RPG log
  sendtext(type, options, params)
    saves anything requestable by 'requesttext' back to the server
      weapon, weaponname
        saves over the specified weapon's script
      class, classname
        saves over the specified class's script
        saves over the server options
        saves over the server flags
        saves over the folder config
    sends a string of text to RC chat, through the NPC-Server
    warps the player to the specified server
  setani(gani, params)
    sets the player's gani
  setbeltcolor(color)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.colors[#]
  setcoatcolor(color)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.colors[#]
  seteffect(red, green, blue, alpha)
    tints the Graal window with the specified colors and transparency
    all values are between 0 and 1
  setfocus(x, y)
    focuses the screen on the specified x and y
    sets the player's gender to either male or female
  sethead(image)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.headimg
    changes the image used by 'say' messages.
  setmap(image, levellist, originx, originy)
    sets the large map to the specified image, using 'originx' and 'orginy' as the origin for head icons
    'levellist' is a .txt file containing a list of levels included in the map
  setminimap(image, levellist, originx, originy)
    sets the minimap to the specified image, using 'originx' and 'orginy' as the origin for head icons
    'levellist' is a .txt file containing a list of levels included in the map
  setmusicvolume(left, right)
    changes the music volume
    values are 0 or 1
  setplayerdir(direction)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.dir
  setshield(image, shieldpower)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.shieldimg & player.shieldpower
  setshoecolor(color)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.colors[#]
    changes the parameters used by all new projectiles
  setskincolor(color)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.colors[#]
  setsleevecolor(color)  !DEPRECATED
    use player.colors[#]
  setsword(image, swordpower)  !!DEPRECATED
    use player.swordimg & player.swordpower
    shows the specified parts of the screen status and hides the rest (use allstats)
  spyfire(power, length)
    creates a single-direction explosion with the specified length
      0 = regular bomb
      2 = jolt bomb
    stops all sound files being played
    stops the specified sound file
  strcmp(str, str) - returns integer
  strequals(string, text) - returns boolean  !DEPRECATED
    use (string == string)
    causes the player to throw it's carried object
    causes the player to get off it's horse
  testplayer(x, y) - returns integer
    returns the id of the player at the specified x and y
  triggeraction(x, y, action, params)
    triggers an action at the specified positions
    catch with onAction<ACTION NAME>(params)
  triggerserver(str, str)
  updateboard(x, y, width, height)
    shows changes to tiles in a rectangle
  uppercase(text) - returns string
    converts the specified text to uppercase characters
  vectoradd(str, str) - returns string
  vectorcross(str, str) - returns string
  vectordist(str, str) - returns float
  vectordot(str, str) - returns float
  vectorlen(str) - returns float
  vectornormalize(str) - returns string
  vectororthobasis(str) - returns string
  vectorscale(str, float) - returns string
  vectorsub(str, str) - returns string
  worldx(x, y) - returns float
    converts screen coordinates to level coordinates
  worldy(x, y) - returns float
    converts screen coordinates to level coordinates
  wraptext(pixels, delimeters, text) - returns object
    splits a text string into an array every so many pixels or when a delimeter comes up
  wraptext2(width, zoom, delimeters, text) - returns object
    splits a text string into an array every so many pixels or when a delimeter comes up

  initialized - boolean (read only)
    the NPC has already been initialized
  joinedclasses - object (read only)
    list of all classes joined to the NPC
  name - string (read only)
    name of the NPC (DBs)
  scriptlogmissingfunctions - boolean
  timeout - float
    the time left on the timer (use setTimer(time))
    adds two arrays together
  catchevent(object, oldevent, newevent)
    calls 'newevent' when 'oldevent' is called
    copies all variables beginning with the specified prefix
  getdatablockvars() - returns object
  getdynamicvarnames() - returns object
    returns a list of all the object's dynamic variables
  geteditvarnames() - returns object
    returns a list of all the object's edittable variables
  getfunctions() - returns object
    returns a list of all functions usable by the object
  getstaticvarnames() - returns object
    returns a list of all the object's static variables
  getvarnames() - returns object
    returns a list of all the object's variables
  ignoreevent(str, str)
  insertarray(position, array)
    inserts an array into another array, at the specified position
  isinclass(class) - returns float
  loadfolder(folder, subfolders)
    loads the contents of a folder into an array
    subfolders is true or false; if true, the contents of subfolders is loaded
    loads a file, as text, into an array, using each line as a new entry
in 'scriptfiles' in the clientside
    loads the contents of a file into a string
    loads the variables set in a text file into an object
  objecttype() - returns string
    returns the caller's object type
  savelines(file, append)
    saves an array into a text file, using each entry as a new line
  savestring(file, append)
    saves a string into a text file
  savevars(file, append)
    saves an object's variables into a file
  scheduleevent(float, str, params...) - returns object
    sets the timer to the specified time (calls onTimeout() when the timer hits 0)
    sorts an array alphabetically, starting at the beginning
    sorts an array alphabetically, starting from the end
    sets the object's chat text to the time left on it's timer
  trigger(action, params)
    calls on<ACTION> on the specified object

  GuiControl (TGraalVar):
    active - boolean
    awake - boolean (read only)
    canmove - boolean
    canresize - boolean
    editing - boolean
    extent - string
    height - integer
    hint - string
    horizsizing - string
    layer - integer (read only)
    minextent - string
    minsize - string - the same like "minExtent"
    parent - object (read only)
    position - string
    profile - object
    resizeheight - boolean
    resizewidth - boolean
    scrolllinex - integer
    scrollliney - integer
    showhint - boolean
    useownprofile - boolean
    vertsizing - string
    visible - boolean
    width - integer
    x - integer
    y - integer
    getparent() - returns object
    globaltolocalcoord(str) - returns string - converts global screen coordinates to a position relative to the controls origin (0,0), can be used to know where exactly the user has clicked inside a control
    isfirstresponder() - returns boolean
    localtoglobalcoord(str) - returns string - converts a position relative to the controls origin (0,0) to global screen coordinates, can be used to know where on the screen a control is displayed in case it is a child of another control (e.g. GuiWindowCtrl or GuiScrollCtrl)
    resize(int, int, int, int)
    showtop() - calls show(), tabfirst() and bringtofront()
    tabfirst() - returns object

    GuiArrayCtrl (GuiControl):
      allowmultipleselections - boolean

      GuiTextListCtrl (GuiArrayCtrl):
        clipcolumntext - boolean
        columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
        enumerate - boolean
        fitparentwidth - boolean
        groupsortorder - string
        iconheight - integer (read only)
        iconwidth - integer (read only)
        resizecell - boolean
        selected - object (read only)
        sortcolumn - integer
        sortmode - string
        sortorder - string
        addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
        findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
        findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
        getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
        getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
        getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
        getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
        getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
        getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
        getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
        getselectedtext() - returns string
        insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
        isidselected(int) - returns boolean
        isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
        rowcount() - returns integer
        seticonsize(int, int)

      GuiTreeViewCtrl (GuiArrayCtrl):
        clipcolumntext - boolean
        columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
        expanded - boolean
        expandedimage - integer
        expandedselectedimage - integer
        expandondoubleclick - boolean
        fitparentwidth - boolean
        groupsortorder - string
        image - integer
        level - integer (read only)
        name - string
        nodes - object (read only)
        parent - object (read only)
        selectedimage - integer
        sortgroup - integer
        sortmode - string
        sortorder - string
        sortvalue - integer
        visible - boolean
        x - integer (read only)
        y - integer (read only)
        addlines(obj, bool)
        addnode(str) - returns object
        addnodebypath(str, str) - returns object
        addvars(obj, bool)
        getfullname(str) - returns string
        getnode(str) - returns object
        getnodeat(int, int) - returns object
        getnodebypath(str, str) - returns object
        getselectednode() - returns object
        seticonsize(int, int)

    GuiBackgroundCtrl (GuiControl):

    GuiBitmapBorderCtrl (GuiControl):
      tile - boolean

    GuiBitmapButtonCtrl (GuiControl):
      mouseoverbitmap - string
      normalbitmap - string
      pressedbitmap - string
      text - string
      setbitmap(str, int)

    GuiBitmapCtrl (GuiControl):
      bitmap - string
      wrap - boolean
      setvalue(int, int)

    GuiButtonBaseCtrl (GuiControl):
      buttontype - string
      checked - boolean
      groupnum - integer
      text - string
      gettext() - returns string

      GuiBorderButtonCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl):

      GuiButtonCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl):
        seticonsize(int, int)

      GuiCheckBoxCtrl (GuiButtonBaseCtrl):

        GuiRadioCtrl (GuiCheckBoxCtrl):

    GuiChunkedBitmapCtrl (GuiControl):
      bitmap - string
      tile - boolean

    GuiContextMenuCtrl (GuiControl):
      clipcolumntext - boolean
      columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
      enumerate - boolean
      fitparentwidth - boolean
      groupsortorder - string
      iconheight - integer (read only)
      iconwidth - integer (read only)
      profile - object
      resizecell - boolean
      rows - object (read only)
      scrollprofile - object
      selected - object (read only)
      sortcolumn - integer
      sortmode - string
      sortorder - string
      textprofile - object
      width - integer
      addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
      findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
      findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
      getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
      getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
      getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
      getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
      getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
      getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
      getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
      getselectedtext() - returns string
      insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
      isidselected(int) - returns boolean
      isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
      open(int, int)
      rowcount() - returns integer
      seticonsize(int, int)

    GuiDrawingPanel (GuiControl):
      parth - integer (read only)
      partw - integer (read only)
      partx - integer (read only)
      party - integer (read only)
      clearrectangle(int, int, int, int)
      drawimage(int, int, str)
      drawimagerectangle(int, int, str, int, int, int, int)
      drawimagestretched(int, int, int, int, str, int, int, int, int)

    GuiFlash (GuiControl):
      backgroundalpha - float
      loopmovie - boolean
      moviename - string
      getflashvariable(str) - returns string
      loadmovie(str, bool, float)
      setflashvariable(str, str)

    GuiFrameSetCtrl (GuiControl):
      autobalance - boolean
      bordercolor - string
      borderenable - string
      bordermovable - string
      borderwidth - integer
      columncount - integer
      fudgefactor - integer
      minextent - string
      rowcount - integer
      getcolumncount() - returns integer
      getcolumnoffset(int) - returns integer
      getrowcount() - returns integer
      getrowoffset(int) - returns integer
      setcolumnoffset(int, int)
      setrowoffset(int, int)

    GuiGraalCtrl (GuiControl):

      GuiGraal3DCtrl (GuiGraalCtrl):

    GuiInputCtrl (GuiControl):

    GuiMenuBar (GuiControl):
      addmenu(str, int)
      addmenuitem(str, str, int, str, int)
      removemenuitem(str, str)
      setmenuitembitmap(str, str, int)
      setmenuitemchecked(str, str, bool)
      setmenuitemenable(str, str, bool)
      setmenuitemtext(str, str, str)
      setmenuitemvisible(str, str, bool)
      setmenutext(str, str)
      setmenuvisible(str, bool)

    GuiMLTextCtrl (GuiControl):
      allowcolorchars - boolean
      allowedtags - string
      alpha - float
      deniedsound - string
      disallowedtags - string
      maxchars - integer
      parsetags - boolean
      syntaxhighlighting - boolean
      text - string
      wordwrap - boolean
      addtext(str, bool)
      getcursorline() - returns integer
      getline(int) - returns string
      getlinecount() - returns integer
      getlines() - returns object - array of lines
      gettext() - returns string

      GuiMLTextEditCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl):

        GuiPMEditCtrl (GuiMLTextEditCtrl):

      GuiPMCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl):

      GuiPMHistoryCtrl (GuiMLTextCtrl):

    GuiMouseEventCtrl (GuiControl):
      lockmouse - boolean

    GuiProgressCtrl (GuiControl):
      progress - float

    GuiScrollCtrl (GuiControl):
      childmargin - string
      constantthumbheight - boolean
      hscrollbar - string
      scrollpos - string
      tile - boolean
      vscrollbar - string
      wheelscrolllines - integer
      willfirstrespond - boolean
      scrolldelta(int, int)
      scrollto(int, int)

    GuiShowImgCtrl (GuiControl):
      alpha - float
      ani - string
      ani - string
      blue - float
      code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text'
      dimension - integer
      dir - integer
      dir - integer
      emitter - object (read only)
      eulerrotation - string
      font - string
      green - float
      image - string
      imageindex - integer (read only)
      layer - integer
      layer - integer
      mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract)
      offsetx - integer
      offsety - integer
      playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing etc.
      polygon - object
      red - float
      rotation - float
      shape - string
      stretchx - float
      stretchy - float
      style - string
      text - string
      x - float
      y - float
      zoom - float

    GuiSliderCtrl (GuiControl):
      range - string
      ticks - integer
      value - float

    GuiTabCtrl (GuiControl):
      iconheight - integer (read only)
      iconwidth - integer (read only)
      leveling - integer
      maxvisibletabs - integer (read only)
      selected - object (read only)
      tabwidth - integer
      addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
      findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
      findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
      getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
      getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
      getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
      getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
      getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
      getselectedtext() - returns string
      insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
      isidselected(int) - returns boolean
      isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
      rowcount() - returns integer
      seticonsize(int, int)

    GuiTextCtrl (GuiControl):
      text - string
      gettext() - returns string

      GuiBubbleTextCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):

      GuiPopUpEditCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
        clipcolumntext - boolean
        columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
        enumerate - boolean
        fitparentwidth - boolean
        groupsortorder - string
        iconheight - integer (read only)
        iconwidth - integer (read only)
        maxpopupheight - integer
        profile - object
        resizecell - boolean
        rows - object (read only)
        scrollprofile - object
        selected - object (read only)
        sortcolumn - integer
        sortmode - string
        sortorder - string
        textprofile - object
        width - integer
        addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
        addtext(str, int) - deprecated, use addRow() instead
        findtext(str) - returns integer
        findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
        findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
        getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
        getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
        getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
        getselected() - returns integer
        getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
        getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
        getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
        getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
        getselectedtext() - returns string
        insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
        isidselected(int) - returns boolean
        isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
        open(int, int)
        rowcount() - returns integer
        rowcount() - returns integer
        seticonsize(int, int)

      GuiPopUpMenuCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
        clipcolumntext - boolean
        columns - string - of format "0 16", offset of the tabulators
        enumerate - boolean
        fitparentwidth - boolean
        groupsortorder - string
        iconheight - integer (read only)
        iconwidth - integer (read only)
        maxpopupheight - integer
        profile - object
        resizecell - boolean
        rows - object (read only)
        scrollprofile - object
        selected - object (read only)
        sortcolumn - integer
        sortmode - string
        sortorder - string
        textprofile - object
        width - integer
        addrow(int, str) - returns object - the added row
        addtext(str, int) - deprecated, use addRow() instead
        findtext(str) - returns integer
        findtext(str) - returns integer - row index
        findtextid(str) - returns integer - row id
        getrowatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row index
        getrowidatpoint(int, int) - returns integer - row id
        getrownumbyid(int) - returns integer
        getselected() - returns integer
        getselectedid() - returns integer - row id
        getselectedids() - returns object - array of row ids
        getselectedrow() - returns integer - row index
        getselectedrows() - returns object - array of row indices
        getselectedtext() - returns string
        insertrow(int, int, str) - returns object - the inserted row
        isidselected(int) - returns boolean
        isrowselected(int) - returns boolean
        open(int, int)
        rowcount() - returns integer
        rowcount() - returns integer
        seticonsize(int, int)

      GuiTextEditCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
        deniedsound - string
        historysize - integer
        password - boolean
        tabcomplete - boolean
        setselection(int, int)

        GuiTextEditSliderCtrl (GuiTextEditCtrl):
          allowedit - string
          format - string
          increment - float
          range - string
          value - float

      GuiWindowCtrl (GuiTextCtrl):
        canclose - boolean
        canmaximize - boolean
        canminimize - boolean
        closequery - boolean
        destroyonhide - boolean
        extent - string
        maximized - boolean
        minimized - boolean
        tile - boolean

  GuiControlProfile (TGraalVar):
    align - string
    autosizeheight - boolean
    autosizewidth - boolean
    bitmap - string
    border - integer
    bordercolor - string
    bordercolorhl - string
    bordercolorna - string
    borderthickness - integer
    cankeyfocus - boolean
    cursorcolor - string
    fillcolor - string
    fillcolorhl - string
    fillcolorna - string
    fontcolor - string
    fontcolorhl - string
    fontcolorlink - string
    fontcolorlinkhl - string
    fontcolorna - string
    fontcolorsel - string
    fontsize - integer
    fontstyle - string
    fonttype - string
    justify - string - the same like "align"
    linespacing - integer
    modal - boolean
    mouseoverselected - boolean
    numbersonly - boolean
    opaque - boolean
    returntab - boolean
    soundbuttondown - string
    soundbuttonover - string
    tab - boolean
    textoffset - string
    transparency - float

  GuiCursor (TGraalVar):

  GuiTabCtrlEntry (TGraalVar):
    hint - string
    id - integer
    text - string
    gettext() - returns string

  GuiTextListEntry (TGraalVar):
    active - boolean
    flickering - boolean
    id - integer
    image - integer
    selectedimage - integer
    sortgroup - integer
    sortvalue - integer
    text - string
    gettext() - returns string

  GuiTreeViewNode (TGraalVar):
    expanded - boolean
    expandedimage - integer
    expandedselectedimage - integer
    image - integer
    level - integer (read only)
    name - string
    parent - object (read only)
    selectedimage - integer
    sortgroup - integer
    sortvalue - integer
    visible - boolean
    x - integer (read only)
    y - integer (read only)
    addlines(obj, bool)
    addnode(str) - returns object
    addnodebypath(str, str) - returns object
    addvars(obj, bool)
    getfullname(str) - returns string
    getnode(str) - returns object
    getnodebypath(str, str) - returns object

  TDrawableObject (TGraalVar):
    layer - integer (read only)

    TBaddy (TDrawableObject):
      dir - integer
      headdir - integer
      mode - integer
      power - integer
      type - integer
      x - float
      y - float

    TLevelObject (TDrawableObject):
      level - object (read only)
      x - float
      y - float
      z - float

      TExplosion (TLevelObject):
        dir - integer (read only)
        power - integer (read only)
        time - float (read only)

      TGaniObject (TLevelObject):
        ani - object (read only)
        anistep - integer (read only)
        attachid - integer (read only)
        attachtype - integer (read only)
        attr - object (read only)
        body - string
        bodyimg - string
        colors - object (read only)
        dir - integer
        head - string
        headimg - string
        shield - string
        sprite - integer
        sword - string
        getimageforsprite(obj) - returns string
        getsprite(str) - returns object
        getspriteforspritepos(obj) - returns object

        TProjectile (TGaniObject):
          angle - float (read only)
          fromplayer - object (read only)
          horiz - boolean (read only)
          params - object (read only)
          speed - float (read only)
          x - float (read only)
          y - float (read only)
          z - float (read only)
          zspeed - float (read only)

        TServerHorse (TGaniObject):
          bombpower - integer
          bombs - integer
          bushes - integer
          dir - integer
          type - integer

        TServerPlayer (TGaniObject):
          account - string (read only)
          ap - integer
          attached - boolean (read only)
          bombs - integer
          chat - string
          darts - integer
          fullhearts - integer (read only)
          glovepower - integer
          gralats - integer
          guild - string (read only)
          headimg - string
          headset - integer
          hearts - float (read only)
          horseimg - string (read only)
          hp - float (read only)
          id - integer (read only)
          isadmin - boolean (read only)
          ischannel - boolean (read only)
          ischannelopen - boolean (read only)
          ischanneluser - boolean (read only)
          isexternal - boolean (read only)
          isfemale - boolean (read only)
          isignoring - boolean (read only)
          isloggedin - boolean (read only)
          ismale - boolean (read only)
          ismuted - boolean (read only)
          ismuting - boolean (read only)
          maxhp - integer (read only)
          messagebubble - integer (read only)
          mp - integer
          nick - string
          rupees - integer - better use 'gralats'
          shieldimg - string
          shieldpower - integer (read only)
          swordimg - string
          swordpower - integer (read only)
          x - float
          y - float
          isguildpm() - returns boolean
          ismasspm() - returns boolean
          pmswaiting() - returns boolean

          TPlayer (TServerPlayer):
            ap - integer
            chat - string
            freezetime - float
            hearts - float
            horseimg - string
            hp - float
            hurt - boolean (read only)
            hurtdx - float (read only)
            hurtdy - float (read only)
            hurted - boolean (read only)
            hurtpower - float (read only)
            isfemale - boolean (read only)
            ismale - boolean (read only)
            letters - string
            map - boolean (read only)
            nick - string (read only)
            onhorse - boolean (read only)
            online - boolean (read only)
            paused - boolean (read only)
            reading - boolean (read only)
            shieldimg - string
            sprite - integer
            swimming - boolean (read only)
            swordimg - string
            transform - string
            weapon - object (read only)
            weapons - object (read only)

          TServerNPC (TServerPlayer):
            actionplayer - integer (read only)
            hearts - float
            height - float (read only)
            horseimg - string
            hp - float
            hurtdx - float
            hurtdy - float
            image - string
            layer - integer
            peltwithblackstone - boolean (read only)
            peltwithbush - boolean (read only)
            peltwithnpc - boolean (read only)
            peltwithsign - boolean (read only)
            peltwithstone - boolean (read only)
            peltwithvase - boolean (read only)
            save - object (read only)
            shieldpower - integer
            sprite - integer
            swordpower - integer
            visible - boolean
            width - float (read only)
            x - float
            y - float
            changeimgcolors(int, float, float, float, float)
            changeimgmode(int, int)
            changeimgpart(int, int, int, int, int)
            changeimgvis(int, int)
            changeimgzoom(int, float)
            findimg(int) - returns object
            hideimgs(int, int)
            move(float, float, float, int)
            setcharani(str, str)
            setcoloreffect(float, float, float, float)
            setimgpart(str, int, int, int, int)
            setshape(int, int, int)
            setshape2(int, int, obj)
            showani(int, float, float, int, str) - returns object
            showani2(int, float, float, float, int, str) - returns object
            showimg(int, str, float, float) - returns object
            showimg2(int, str, float, float, float) - returns object
            showpoly(int, obj) - returns object
            showpoly2(int, obj) - returns object
            showtext(int, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object
            showtext2(int, float, float, float, str, str, str) - returns object

            TServerWeapon (TServerNPC):
              isweapon - boolean (read only)

      TServerBomb (TLevelObject):
        power - integer
        time - float

      TServerCarry (TLevelObject):

      TServerChest (TLevelObject):
        isopen - boolean (read only)
        item - string (read only)

      TServerExtra (TLevelObject):
        time - float (read only)
        type - integer (read only)

      TServerFlying (TLevelObject):
        dir - integer (read only)
        dx - float
        dy - float
        from - integer (read only)
        type - integer (read only)

      TServerLeap (TLevelObject):

      TServerSign (TLevelObject):
        text - string

      TShowImg (TLevelObject):
        alpha - float
        ani - string
        blue - float
        code - string - the old representation as 'font@style@text'
        dimension - integer
        dir - integer
        emitter - object (read only)
        eulerrotation - string
        font - string
        green - float
        image - string
        imageindex - integer (read only)
        layer - integer
        mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract)
        playerlook - boolean - if the animation should take it's head, body, sword, shield and attr[] from the owner (playerlook), set this to false if you want to set the images yourself by changing etc.
        polygon - object
        red - float
        rotation - float
        shape - string
        stretchx - float
        stretchy - float
        style - string
        text - string
        x - float
        y - float
        zoom - float

  TDrawingPanel (TGraalVar):
    height - integer (read only)
    parth - integer (read only)
    partw - integer (read only)
    partx - integer (read only)
    party - integer (read only)
    width - integer (read only)
    clearrectangle(int, int, int, int)
    drawimage(int, int, str)
    drawimagerectangle(int, int, str, int, int, int, int)
    drawimagestretched(int, int, int, int, str, int, int, int, int)

  TFrameDetail (TGraalVar):
    bordercolor - string
    borderenable - string
    bordermovable - string
    borderwidth - integer
    minextent - string

  TGaniParam (TGraalVar):

  TGraalAni (TGraalVar):
    continuous - boolean
    ganitype - string (read only)
    loop - boolean
    movie - boolean
    setbackto - string
    singledirection - boolean
    addsprite(int) - returns object
    addstep() - returns object
    getsprite(int) - returns object
    insertstep(int) - returns object

  TGraalAniPart (TGraalVar):
    attr - integer
    dx - integer
    dy - integer
    param - integer
    sprite - object

  TGraalAniSound (TGraalVar):
    delay - float
    dx - float
    dy - float
    sound - string

  TGraalAniSprite (TGraalVar):
    alpha - float
    blue - float
    description - string
    green - float
    height - integer
    image - string
    imagetype - string (read only)
    mode - integer
    red - float
    spriteindex - integer
    width - integer
    x - integer
    y - integer
    zoom - float
    addattachment() - returns object
    insertattachment(int) - returns object

  TGraalAniStep (TGraalVar):
    delay - float
    addpos(int) - returns object
    deletepos(int, int)
    insertpos(int, int) - returns object

  TGraalSpriteAttachment (TGraalVar):
    behind - boolean
    dx - integer
    dy - integer
    sprite - object

  TParticle (TGraalVar):
    angle - float
    lifetime - float
    movementvector - string
    speed - float
    spin - float
    zangle - float

  TParticleEmitter (TGraalVar):
    attachposition - boolean
    autorotation - boolean
    checkbelowterrain - boolean
    clippingbox - string
    currentparticlecount - integer (read only)
    delaymax - float
    delaymin - float
    emissionoffset - string
    emittedparticles - integer (read only)
    firstinfront - boolean
    maxparticles - integer
    nrofparticles - integer
    particle - object (read only)
    addemitmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object
    addglobalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object
    addlocalmodifier(str, float, float, str, str, float, float) - returns object

  TParticleModifier (TGraalVar):
    addmod(str, str, float, float)

  TServerLevel (TGraalVar):
    compsdead - boolean (read only)
    isnopkzone - boolean (read only)
    issparringzone - boolean (read only)
    nopkzone - boolean (read only) - same like 'isnopkzone'
    hitcompu(int, int, float, float)
    putbomb(int, float, float)
    putcomp(str, float, float)
    putexplosion(int, float, float)
    putexplosion2(int, int, float, float)
    puthorse(str, float, float)
    putnewcomp(str, float, float, str, int)
    setz(int, int, int, int, float, float, float, float)
    shoot(float, float, float, float, float, float, str, str)
    testbomb(float, float) - returns integer
    testexplo(float, float) - returns integer
    testhorse(float, float) - returns integer
    testitem(float, float) - returns integer
    testnpc(float, float) - returns integer
    testsign(float, float) - returns integer
    tiletype(float, float) - returns integer

  TServerLevelLink (TGraalVar):
    destx - float (read only)
    desty - float (read only)
    height - float (read only)
    width - float (read only)
    x - float (read only)
    y - float (read only)

  TShowImg_Values (TGraalVar):
    alpha - float
    blue - float
    green - float
    mode - integer - the image drawing mode (0 - add, 1 - transparent, 2 - subtract)
    red - float
    rotation - float
    stretchx - float
    stretchy - float
    zoom - float

    TShowImg_Gani (TShowImg_Values):
      actor - object (read only)

    TShowImg_Image (TShowImg_Values):
      height - float
      parth - integer
      partw - integer
      partx - integer
      party - integer
      width - float

    TShowImg_Shape (TShowImg_Values):
      mounts - object (read only)
      setshapeanimation(str, float, bool) - returns boolean

  TShowImgMount (TGraalVar):
    node - integer
    shape - string

  TStaticVar (TGraalVar):

  TUpdatePackage (TGraalVar):
    description - string (read only)
    downloadcomplete - boolean (read only)
    downloadedsize - integer (read only)
    filecount - integer (read only)
    filedownloadedsize - integer (read only)
    filename - string (read only)
    filetotalsize - integer (read only)
    isuninstalled - boolean (read only)
    lastdownloadfile - string (read only)
    localversion - float (read only)
    mode - string (read only)
    name - string (read only)
    parent - object (read only)
    platform - string (read only)
    protectoverwrite - boolean (read only)
    totalsize - integer (read only)
    usechecksum - boolean (read only)
    version - float (read only)
    reinstall() - returns boolean
    uninstall() - returns boolean
    update() - returns boolean