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New Rules (12-04-2003 until 01-03-2004) POSTING

If a thread has been closed or deleted by a moderator or admin, it is intended that the topics held therein are to be discontinued. Unless specific, verifiable consent is given, no member is permitted to recreate such threads.

Similarly, it is illegal to recreate a deleted post. If you intend to alter a deleted message such that it is acceptable, contact a moderator to gain permission to post it.

The act of posting two messages to the same thread in quick succession - with no other members posting in between - is known as 'double-posting'. Often, users neglect to mention something in their first post and then make another in order to include it. This is not allowed. If you wish to add something to your previous message, simply use the edit feature to modify the original post. Currently we permit double-posting if each post is in reply to a different message. Users are encouraged to combine their posts into one. Users who choose to use the Linear view should quote anyone they are replying to, so those using other viewing methods will be able to see whom you are replying to.

<Note, because of new forums> Users who use the hybrid view will be allowed the right to post multiple times in a thread to not break the tree structure, but should also remember to quote whom they are talking to as to not create confusion.


The Private Message feature of the Graal Communication Centre allows users to send messages to one another without other members seeing them. If you wish to contact a person, to give them a message or request that they speak with you, always use PMs instead of making a thread purely for that purpose. Furthermore, do not post off-topic messages in a thread with the intention of contacting a person. Again, using PMs is the best approach to such matters.

If you wish to create a thread, please ensure that you select the correct forum for the message. If you do not, the thread may be moved or - in extreme cases - deleted. Also, try to give your threads explicit titles (For example, 'RAM problems' is better than 'Help!'), and avoid irritating short titles like '.' or '!'. Poorly-labeled threads may be renamed by the moderators.

Do not make threads to bash a playerworld. If you have a problem you wish to report please contact a member of the Playerworld Administration. If you have a problem that can be sorted out locally (jails, scams, some bans etc... please contact a staff member on the playerworld first)

Do not post private history.


If any material you bring to the board (including, but not limited to: Text or referenced images in posts or signatures, attached files, text in profiles, links to sites) is deemed excessively offensive or repulsive, it may be forcibly removed or you may be asked to change it. Bringing such material to the board is considered an offense, and severe and/or repeated violations may warrant an official warning or - in extreme cases - an instant ban. When deciding whether or not a piece of material is appropriate, bear in mind that Graal's user base includes young teenagers.

To safeguard against malicious users, all members are forbidden from attaching executable files to their posts, linking directly to executables or linking to a page dedicated to the download of executables.

You are not permitted to use misleading links in order to trick people into giving ratings, either to you or anyone else.

If you wish to reply to a large post (one that covers many lines, possibly including a large image), do not quote it in its entirety. Remove images taller than 200 pixels, and reduce the text to the exact statements to which you wish to respond. Generally the quoted text should not be much larger than your reply.

Harassment of any user is forbidden. Any offenses against another user are treated far more harshly if they are persistent and occur in multiple threads. You may dislike somebody, but you are not permitted to harass them.

Putting defamatory messages about another user in your signature, personal title or profile is considered harassment. Any user has the right to request that any such references to him/herself are removed, even if you do not consider them offensive or intend them to be so.

The Graal Communication Centre utilizes a profanity filter to censor inappropriate words. It is intended that such words are not used by members, so it is illegal to attempt to evade the filter by deliberately using misspelled versions thereof. The same applies to the addition of characters between the letters of the word.

Users are forbidden from posting racist or homophobic messages on the boards. This includes using terms referring to any group as if they were derogatory labels (for example, referring to something as '***' to express the opinion that it is bad). Again, you are not permitted to use alternate spellings in order to post such words.

When in a forum discussion if you provoke another user into an ‘insultive argument’ rarther than a discussion you will be warned/banned for doing so. You can express a disagreement with someone, without attacking them. If you reply to someone provoking you to insult/harass/attack the user who provoked you, then you too will be warned/banned. You shouldn’t return the attack, just report to a mod via forum PM for it to be looked at.

You are not permitted to discuss illegal activities such as game piracy on the board. This extends to discussing the activities or presence of anti-Graal groups. If you feel that you have important information on such people, contact an admin directly instead of posting it to the board.

For the benefit of all users, we forbid members from posting links to sites including code that may cause older browsers to crash (for example, a site that opens the user's CD tray). The same applies to sites designed to irritate viewers, such as those that open endless pop up windows or cause multiple alert messages to appear on screen.

Threads/posts which promote the vast use/consumption of alcohol or drugs, will not be allowed.

Do not discuss MMORPGs other than Graal on the board.


Posting of spam is not allowed. Spam is defined as any irrelevant or inappropriate message. Due to the nature of the forums, what is considered spam varies between threads. In other words: in some threads, small posts such as "..." are perfectly valid responses, whereas in other threads it is inappropriate. The context of the message is very important in this regard. It is the right and responsibility of the administrators or moderators to determine whether or not a message is spam and to take appropriate action if it is.

Only quoting someone, without adding anything from yourself, is considered spam, and is not allowed.


The size of signatures is limited for the benefit of all users. The width and height limits are 550 pixels (width) and 300 pixels (height). The maximum data size is 100KB. Please note that these limits refer to the properties of the entire sig, and not individual elements thereof.

Users are not permitted to set signatures or avatars that mimic those of another member, without his/her explicit permission. The moderators reserve the right to arbitrate on whether or not a signature violates this rule.

You are permitted to include a section in your signature that links directly to the rating system of the board. However, there are two conditions: Firstly, the full range of values must be presented as options. Secondly, they must all be clearly labeled, informing other users of their purpose.


If you are banned, the ban applies to you specifically - not merely your account. If you return to the board with a new account, it is considered evasion of your ban - regardless of how much time has passed since the original banning. If you obtain special permission to post from a high admin, you must make the moderators aware of this by contacting a supermod before you register your account. If you do not, your account may still be banned.

You are not permitted to share your account with other people, regardless of their relationship with you. The owner of the account is considered to be the person for whom the account was purchased - usually the same person as that which bought it. After this point, accounts cannot be transferred to new owners, and the original owner is the only person permitted to make use of it. Furthermore, you are not permitted to post messages on the behalf of non-members.

Accounts that take the form 'Admin-Playerworldxxx' or other local staff accounts (staff accounts rae defined as accounts which only work on the server its name contains, for example: Graal2001_FAQ) are not to be used on the message board. These exist purely for administration of the relevant playerworld. Upgrading them yourself (a bad idea anyway) does not remove this restriction.


The moderation staff reserve the right to apply bans according to their own discretion - you receive warnings by convention, not necessity. Furthermore, they are entitled to arbitrate on any matters within their moderation roles. Moderators of individual forums, for example, can edit or delete your posts if they feel it necessary but cannot demand that you change your signature or other account details.

Discussions of bans are not permissible. If you have a question about a ban or would like to make an appeal, contact the relevant administrator by Forum PM (Private Message) or by e-mail.

If you feel that you have been wronged by a moderator, contact a higher member of staff such as a supermod or admin, and calmly explain the situation. Do not disregard what you have been told, regardless of whether or not you consider it fair or reasonable.