- June 20th - Era - STATUS: NUKED

For once on Era, something's exploded. Log on Era this weekend to experience post-apocalyptic Era, where martial law has all but failed. Participate in events, spar tournaments, and gang raids while you still can. Don't worry—the radiation won't kill you. Probably.

- June 20th - Classic (PC) - Scheduled Events

Steadily but surely, for the past 3 years Graal Classic has been redeveloped from scratch. Since the completion of planned Quest content in January, development has been focussed towards our events. Now that the foundations are in place, as well as a reasonable quantity of single player and team based events, the server is at last closing in on being ready to go live.
We would like to invite players to participate within scheduled event hosting nights, which we hope to hold on a bi-weekly basis throughout the later stages of Classic's development. This shall begin on Saturday 30th June, 10 PM GMT/5 PM EST.
Some of Classic's events can be seen in action by visiting the server's YouTube channel - Graal Classic the Adventure
For those who may not know, the server can be accessed by entering 'Classic' in the server name box on the login screen. First time visitors may be pleasantly surprised by the work that's been put towards the game.

It's that time again. Time for Era's fifth IRONMAN TOURNAMENT.
The ironman tournament is a monthly competition held on Era to pick the best events player. The tournament consists of a series of events, both PK and non-PK, and lasts several hours.
The tournament will begin at 4:00 PM EST on Saturday, June 9th. Participants will rack up a point for each event they win. Don't bother entering if you're not the best of the best.
More details will be available in the coming days in this forum thread.
- June 1st Weekend - Era - Double Point Weekend