
From Graal Bible


  • July 2nd - Classic (PC) - Scheduled Events

With playercount peaking at 35, and event hosting lasting for over 4 hours, it's fair to say the scheduled event hosting night went well.

A 2nd event hosting night has now been scheduled for Saturday July 14th, the same time of 10 PM GMT/5 PM EST.

Once again, Classic has been redeveloped from scratch over the past 3 years, and is nearing its planned level of completion for going live. It can be visited by typing 'Classic' into the servername box on login.

  • July 1st - Era - DOUBLE POINT WEEK

It's that time again! Double-point week is back on Era, all week!

  • Every gang kill awards you and your gang two gang points, plus twice the normal * money for the kill
  • Every kill you get counts as two kills toward your next health level (say "/hp")
  • Every event you win gives you 2 EC (or RC)
  • Every rock you mine counts as two rocks toward your next mining level (same for recycling and flower picking)