- December 20th - iZone on Zpp Store

GraalOnline Zone+ is now available on the App Store! It's taking some parts from PC Zone, some from Era iPhone, some from Shangri-La, and also introducing new things like missions and soon Squad PvP. Hope you have fun.
It can be possible to also connect the PC Graal version to this new server sometime, will have to improve the controls before that but the mouse shooting should work fine.
Facebook page: App Store:
- September 10th - New News Page
The new place for news about GraalOnline Playerworlds (and GraalOnline in general) is now located at the [GraalOnline Playerworld Page]!
- August 31st - Classic Launch Date Announcement

As per the video below, the new version of the original Graal Classic is officially launching on Wednesday September 5th.
For more information visit:
- August 30th - Sequel To The Message
- August 24th - The Message
Mysterious announcement:
- August 3rd - Classic - Scheduled Events

An events hosting night has been scheduled for Saturday August 11th, at the same time of 10 PM GMT/5 PM EST !
- July 2nd - Classic (PC) - Scheduled Events

With playercount peaking at 35, and event hosting lasting for over 4 hours, it's fair to say the scheduled event hosting night went well.
A 2nd event hosting night has now been scheduled for Saturday July 14th, the same time of 10 PM GMT/5 PM EST.
Once again, Classic has been redeveloped from scratch over the past 3 years, and is nearing its planned level of completion for going live. It can be visited by typing 'Classic' into the servername box on login.
- July 1st - Era - DOUBLE POINT WEEK

It's that time again! Double-point week is back on Era, all week!
- Every gang kill awards you and your gang two gang points, plus twice the normal * money for the kill
- Every kill you get counts as two kills toward your next health level (say "/hp")
- Every event you win gives you 2 EC (or RC)
- Every rock you mine counts as two rocks toward your next mining level (same for recycling and flower picking)
- June 20th - Era - STATUS: NUKED

For once on Era, something's exploded. Log on Era this weekend to experience post-apocalyptic Era, where martial law has all but failed. Participate in events, spar tournaments, and gang raids while you still can. Don't worry—the radiation won't kill you. Probably.

- June 20th - Classic (PC) - Scheduled Events

Steadily but surely, for the past 3 years Graal Classic has been redeveloped from scratch. Since the completion of planned Quest content in January, development has been focussed towards our events. Now that the foundations are in place, as well as a reasonable quantity of single player and team based events, the server is at last closing in on being ready to go live.
We would like to invite players to participate within scheduled event hosting nights, which we hope to hold on a bi-weekly basis throughout the later stages of Classic's development. This shall begin on Saturday 30th June, 10 PM GMT/5 PM EST.
Some of Classic's events can be seen in action by visiting the server's YouTube channel - Graal Classic the Adventure
For those who may not know, the server can be accessed by entering 'Classic' in the server name box on the login screen. First time visitors may be pleasantly surprised by the work that's been put towards the game.

It's that time again. Time for Era's fifth IRONMAN TOURNAMENT.
The ironman tournament is a monthly competition held on Era to pick the best events player. The tournament consists of a series of events, both PK and non-PK, and lasts several hours.
The tournament will begin at 4:00 PM EST on Saturday, June 9th. Participants will rack up a point for each event they win. Don't bother entering if you're not the best of the best.
More details will be available in the coming days in this forum thread.
- June 1st Weekend - Era - Double Point Weekend

- May 26th - Era - Saturday Events

- May 20th - Era - Sunday Events

- April 16th - Maloria - Weathering the Storm

We, the Maloria team, have been working towards what can only be seen as one last push in an attempt to restore the server into it's former glory. If we will succeed or not is entirely up to the amount of dedication we put into our work, both now and in the future.
We have always had a very small and closed team, but now we're looking to expand upon it. As such, we're looking for people with that little bit extra. We value creative people that can really involve themself with the gameplay and come up with their own ideas on how to improve it. If you are able to recognize yourself in this and want to know more, come have a chat with us on the server!
Not only seasoned developers are welcome, but we are also interested in you rookie developers!
- Ziro, Manager of Maloria
- April 8th - Graal Kingdoms - Easter 2012

- April 2nd - Valikorlia - Finally back in Action

As many of you may know, Valikorlia is primarily a roleplaying server meaning combat is usually conducted using text, but not anymore! With the release of the new combat system players can now fight in open combat to either pass time with friends or enhance the RP experience of all players involved. The new combat system is intended to be fun and doesn't have any penalties for death or rewards for the winner.

In addition the fishing and mining have been re-implemented, get involved in these fun activities to relax from the role-playing experience and earn some coin to spend on new items and gear.

For further information regarding the new updates please use the links below:
- April 1st - Era - COME PLAY ERA!

- March 3rd - Graal Kingdoms - Day of the Sun

Every year the Cult of the Sun performs a ritual to bring warmth and life back to the barren, frozen world. Without performing the required rites, the world will be engulfed in an eternal sheet of ice and snow. Also during this time the Sun’s entity, the Bringer of the Sun transcends to earth from the heavens to lead the ritual. For the first half the ritual was carrying on impeccably with no interruptions. In the final moments of the ritual, the Bringer of the Sun is at its most vulnerable state. Nearly completing, we were ambushed by a powerful unknown force. Most of our priests and initiates were slain in an instant. Amidst the chaos, I laid eyes upon a power figure emitting an aura as powerful as the freezing winter itself. That’s when I knew who we were facing; The Vile Ice King and his legion of forgotten frost. The horrendous figure strikes down the Bringer of the sun in one fell swoop. Before losing consciousness, I see the entity taking something from the Bringer of the sun....
The event will run on Saturday, March 3rd between 0000 - 0300 Server Time. For more information please click here
- February 10th - Era goes Hollywood

A group of Era players have come together to produce a Graal music video specifically for Era players entertainment! However, the project is large and we are looking for willing volunteers to help us in keeping the project on track. If interested please contact Emera, the administrator of the Era sound team at Thank you for all the support given by the Era community and we hope that this project will be a huge success!
- February 8th - The Global News Team is Hiring!
The Global News Team, responsible for management and production of news throughout the GraalOnline platform, is searching for talented writers to fill positions within the team.
For more details click here.
Good luck!
- January 1st - Happy New Year!
A happy new year to all Graalians! Another exciting year just started, and we hope to see a lot of players on Graal - which at the same time is a development platform and a place to play retro-styled online games with a nice community. We hope all your wishes and good resolutions for the new year will come true!