- November 17th - N-Pulse - Change in Direction
As you may or may not know, Administration has changed. Daisuke, and Akomplice are now our Server Admins. This will help management be more flexible with other things we need to do, so a late congratulations to them.
With a lot of recent decisions, i can assure you guys will see way more changes to the current state of N-Pulse, additions of new and some old systems ect. Since the school year has started again, our staff team has become smaller due to our staff having school, and work priorities, and we are in need of the all development positions, so if you have any interest contact SlikRick or Matt in-game.
We currently have a lot of promising staff opportunities with us, and if your willing to work with us, we can work with you and you'll enjoy the stay. SlikRick and Matt also decided that we will be doing SotM (Staff of the Month) when our team gets larger, and what that means is reward(s) for your hard work. Most development will be directed into fixing up our backups, and a bit into new systems that will benefit our economy (More to come about this later.) Once again for anyone who is not aware, Rebirth has been put on hold so we can concentrate more on our current state so we don't risk being removed from the Classic tab. If you have any questions in regards to applying for a position, please contact SlikRick or myself in-game.
- November 16th - Unholy Nation - Monthly Spar Tournaments
Things are starting to cool down this November, so let's keep ourselves active and warm with a few monthly tournaments. You can spar on your own in the Unholy Tournament of Champions (UTC) on Saturday, November 20th at 6 PM (Eastern Time). If you'd rather huddle up with someone else, fight with a partner in the Tag Team UTC on Sunday, November 21st at 6 PM.
You should be online at least 15 minutes early if you want to participate in either. The winners of these tournaments will each get a statue in the Town Center spar lobby, 25 EP, and a hat ticket--this is probably a good chance to invest in a nice warm hat for winter on UN!
- November 9th - Era - Party Tournament

Era is hosting its first party tournament on Sunday, the 14th of November. The tournament will be a team death match with a maximum team size of five players per team (three or more players must show for the event or the team will be disqualified).
For more information or to sign up for the tournament please click here.