Item Manager

From Graal Bible

This section will go over how to create and add an item (gun, melee, items...) to your character.


In the weapon: 3D/Player/Item/Manager

in the function onCreated() and to the variable this.allItems add your item using this format:

{name Of Item, associated Weapon, icon Prefab for UI}



Create the associated Weapon for the item you want to create.

Check 3D/Player/Item/Weapons/Ranged/Gun/M16 for example.


function onCreated() {
  this.isEquipped = false;
  this.prefabName = "M16";
  this.muzzleScale = 0.56;
  this.firerate = 0.2;
  this.bulletSpread = 1;
  this.bulletPerShot = 1;
  this.maxMagazineAmmo = 30;
  this.reloadSpeed = 2;
  this.maxRange = 14;
  this.isBow = false;
  this.shootCD = 0;

function onUpdate() {
  if (this.shootCD < 0 || !this.isEquipped) return;
  this.shootCD -= Time::deltaTime;

public function onAction() {
  if (!this.isEquipped) {
    RANGEDBASE.equipRanged(this.prefabName, this.muzzleScale, this.firerate, this.bulletSpread, this.bulletPerShot, this.maxMagazineAmmo, this.reloadSpeed, this.maxRange, this.isBow);
    this.isEquipped = true;
  } else if (this.shootCD < 0) {
    this.shootCD = this.firerate;
public function unEquip() {
  if (!this.isEquipped) return;
  this.isEquipped = false;