Inherits GuiControl.
This control can be used to display a regular window menu. Use a different profile to display it either transparent or opaque. With addmenu you can add sub menus, which are of type GuiContextMenuCtrl (the same like right-click menus, except that you can additionally specify an icon).
iconheight - integer (read only)
iconwidth - integer (read only)
menus[] - array of GuiContextMenuCtrl, each submenu also has an icon (TDrawingPanel)
addmenu(str) - returns object
findmenu(str) - returns object
seticonsize(int, int) - sets the width and height of the icons for the entries, maximum size is 64x64
onSelect(menuname,entryid,entrytext,entryindex) - an entry of a submenu has been selected
onCancel() - a submenu has been collapsed without selecting an entry
onIconResized(newwidth,newheight) - the icons size has been modified (via setIconSize())
new GuiMenuCtrl("Test_Menu") { profile = GuiBlueTextEditProfile; x = 10; y = 10; width = 160; height = 20; clearmenus(); with (addmenu("File")) { profile = GuiBluePopUpMenuProfile; textprofile = GuiBlueTextListProfile; addrow(0,"Open"); addrow(-1,"-"); addrow(1,"Close"); } with (addmenu("Edit")) { profile = GuiBluePopUpMenuProfile; textprofile = GuiBlueTextListProfile; addrow(0,"Find"); } }