
From Graal Bible
(Redirected from GuiFrameSetCtrl)

Inherits GuiControl.


Guicontrol frames.png

This control is basicly used for what you have bevels in other GUI systems. You can let the user control how much space each control should get, the user can click on the line between two controls and move the line to the left or right to resize the controls (or up/down depending on the placement).

First specify columncount and rowcount, then set the row offsets and column offsets with setrowoffset(row,offset) and setcolumnoffset(column,offset). Afterwards add the controls. Once you have added the right number of controls (rowcount * columncount), you can also access the frames[row,column] to have some more control about the behaviour of each frame, e.g. setting the minimum size:

 frames[0,0].minextent = {100,100};


autobalance - boolean

bordercolor - {red,green,blue}

borderenable - string

bordermovable - either "alwaysOn", "alwaysOff" or "dynamic"

borderwidth - integer

columncount - integer

frames[x,y] - array of TFrameDetail

fudgefactor - integer

minextent - minimum {width, height}

rowcount - integer


getcolumncount() - returns integer

getcolumnoffset(int) - returns integer

getrowcount() - returns integer

getrowoffset(int) - returns integer


setcolumnoffset(int, int)


setrowoffset(int, int)


 new GuiFrameSetCtrl("Test_Frames") {
   x = 10;
   y = 10;
   width = 160;
   height = 160;
   rowcount = 2;
   columncount = 2;
   bordercolor = {128,128,255,128};
   new GuiScrollCtrl("Test_Frame1") {
     profile = GuiBlueScrollProfile;
     hScrollBar = "dynamic";
     vScrollBar = "dynamic";
   new GuiScrollCtrl("Test_Frame2") {
     profile = GuiBlueScrollProfile;
     hScrollBar = "dynamic";
     vScrollBar = "dynamic";
   new GuiScrollCtrl("Test_Frame3") {
     profile = GuiBlueScrollProfile;
     hScrollBar = "dynamic";
     vScrollBar = "dynamic";
   new GuiScrollCtrl("Test_Frame4") {
     profile = GuiBlueScrollProfile;
     hScrollBar = "dynamic";
     vScrollBar = "dynamic";